Spring Swap at Becky's - who's coming thread

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks to everyone who came (and brought me some fabulous plants!!)! It was a great day, good people, great plants, excellent foods :) AND the weather cooperated!

I put up the 3 canopies in case of rain, they were excellent for shade! Greg really, really enjoyed himself, and thinks my " gardening buds" are the best! We decided around 7.30 that 8 hrs of outside and sun was enough and retreated inside - the "kids" are relaxed, and now were just chillin' and watching TV - tomorrow I'll try to get as many plants in the ground as I can :-)

Thanx again everyone!

Add on - I second Hart's comment about Joy - she has got to be the sweetest baby girl I have ever met! ^_^

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What a fun day, getting to visit with all of you. Becky had such a great setup and a nice spot to hang out. Thanks for all your efforts!

We came home with lots to plant and quite full from all the goodies. Can't wait to see the pictures. Sorry Terri couldn't make it. If we host the next one, she'll be able to walk over!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, do I hear a volunteer? I'd been planning to do a fall plant swap here, but since I'll probably be finishing up chemo about mid-September, I suspect I might not be quite zippy enough to manage it. I'll help, though! :-)

I'm glad other folks got some fun photos -- especially of Garden Party Girl! I got distracted (as usual at these events), and my camera never made it out of the car. Thanks for sharing them! (and yes, I'd love high-res copies... no problem sharing my email, just ask, or look in the address exchange)

What a day!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I too had a wonderful time, even though I couldn't stay long! I so enjoyed seeing all my gardening friends again! Bec... you are a great hostess! Thanks so much for putting this together! I was glad to meet Greg too and I enjoyed chatting with him! The food was great and my only regret was that I forgot my camera!

Thanks again!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - I already "put them on the spot" - I want one of them "flying pigs", but, have no real reason to drive there - SO, if they have a fall swap... I get my pig! LOLOLOLOLOL Selfish, I know....^_^

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

All: I started (yeah go figure) a plant swap question thread....fyi http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1102654/

Crozet, VA

After sleeping longer than normal and taking longer than usual to wake up fully - I am now ready to hear all about the great time that everyone had yesterday at the swap. I for one had another great time. Never been to a swap I didn't love.

Met some great new people this time and enjoyed seeing some of the faces I have been seeing for years now. Each and every one of you people are so special. John and I both thanked each other for going yesterday. I believe that he would have come without me had I decided not to come. The swaps are always highlights of our year.

What fond memories I will have of each of you as we get the beauties we came home with in the ground. Most all of our gardens are from swaps we have made or someone giving us something out right with nothing in return. It is always lots of fun to walk through the gardens and recall the friendly donor or said plant.

After it cools off some later in the day I plan to go out and begin tending to the plants that need the most attention. I have not stepped out of the house on these 90 plus in temperatures this week. Yesterdays temps were nice though a tad bit on the warm side. Seems when a person is having as much fun as we did we can tolerate some unpleasantness. Thank goodnes for cold drinks and ice.

Anyway...just wanted to say thank you to Becky and Chantell who once again did a great job on getting things arranged for our pleasure. Thanks for the comfy chair Becky...you are such a sweetie.

Also wanted to thank everyone for being so gracious to the friends we brought along with us. Toni is a Master Gardener and she and Steve have recently moved in to a new home which needs flower gardens. I am sure they went home happy campers thanks to each of you.

Have a good week and happy gardening. I know that we all have a lot of work facing us now. To wrap up the day in one word I would have to say it was truly glorious. Thank you everyone!!!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Ruby - thank you for the wonderful words! I think you summed it all up perfectly - I gave up staying awake around 12ish last nite, I was bushed and I'm still bushed - the temps are too much for me today and I'll wait to venture outside until it cools down a little - I will water everything here in a little bit thou ^_^ Greg had such a great time and he realized that "gardeners are truly great people" - he got to put a name and a face to everyone I've been talking about for years now and he really did enjoy himself! Even Silly Samson and his distrust in people did pretty good - he needed the experience ^_^

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Steve is also a great cook--and I promised to send him all kinds of recipes to have "adventures" with.
Including my "Sauerkraut Soup"-----ahem.....


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Greg is a great guy! We liked him instantly. So glad some of the guys braved it! I was beat last night but woke up at 5 with the dawn wild bird chorus. Snuck out at 6 to start previewing todays jobs. WHEW Thank heavens half the pile was going along to coleup!
I have picked a spot for most everything, and got a good way into planting. My yard was pretty pretty already this spring, now its another step closer to awesome! Thanks everybody!

Crozet, VA

I want to see some pictures of you yard sometime Sally. We haven't yet taken many pictures. When my Gladiolus come in is when I will be searching for the camera.

Have a great week everyone.


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