Spring Swap at Becky's - who's coming thread

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Bad news y'all - Ric and Holly won't be able to make it here, nor will they be able to bring plants here for any swaps - keep them in your T&P's as they head to FL tonite...

Am I missing someone?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Becky, I have had d-mail exchanges that indicate Devon (happy_macomb) is planning to attend.

Boy am I blind, I looked at the list and didn't see Happy. Guess I was looking for Devon. This getting old is such an embarassment; bad knees, bad eyes, bad brain.

This message was edited May 24, 2010 8:20 PM

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOLOLOLOL - I hear ya!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


In the interests of getting started on treatment asap, i would have had to take a surgery time for this Friday, and then I wouldn't have been able to go to the swap... but they just called to say they couldn't fit me in on Friday, so I am scheduled for next week, and I CAN COME!

Terri, are you still going? Want to ride together?

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Wonderful!! It wouldn't be the same without you!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Jill - fantastic news!!!!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Critter! That's great! I'm kind of winging in on a wing and a prayer. Mom's been pretty sick again but I'm still planning to get there. I haven't had time to pot up anything - hope to get that done this evening.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart hope your Mom is doing better. We got Poppy out of the Hosp late yesterday. Sure are going to miss seeing everyone.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They just started her on antibiotics yesterday. She's getting tired real easy - nods off a lot - but with her sleep problems, I'm glad she's getting some sleep. What has me worried the most is the headaches because we have to watch for minor, seeping brain bleeds aka another stroke and headaches are the first sign. But the doctor thinks the headaches are her sinuses.

I'm sort of veering between being determined to get to the swap and sort of panicking about leaving town when she's not doing well. Keep your fingers crossed that she'll be better by tomorrow. Plus finding time to get things done.

So glad Poppy is home! Get well soon, Poppy! But I sure am going to miss seeing you and Ric.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Prayers for both of them. Diane please ignore my dmail...I hadn't seen your post...I'm sorry...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I am not going to ignore your dmail, you silly thing. :>)

Mom was feeling better tonight. A little stirred up by the thunderboomer storms we had earlier and still tired but feeling perkier.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"feeling perkier"

Hart, that's so good to hear!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yes. It's scary how weak she gets and how fast when she's sick. Of course if this is in her sinuses or ears, it may be messing with her balance, which is already compromised by her vision loss (she sees nothing on the left side in either eye.)

I'm so glad you're going to be able to come tomorrow, Critter! And thank you so much for ordering the plant labels. I'll bring you a check.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Bec... do we need to know anything special about parking? If this question was already answered elsewhere, then my apologies!

Crozet, VA

John and I were wondering if Happy McComb was going to be able to make it. I hadn't seen any posts until now and I am really glad that she plans to come. She too is someone who would be missed if they weren't involved.

Holly - good to hear from you. So glad that Pop in law is being well taken care of. Yep - sounds as though some running up and down the coast is in store for you and Ric over the next little while. Try to plan a stop over here if at all possible some time. If it is the right time later when it is cooler - maybe we can send you home with a car load of plant goodies from here.

Hart - I too hope that your mom has rallied some by tomorrow and you will be able to attend the swap and not have a damper on your mood. I hope that it is as simple as starting an antibiotic and nothing that will require any further measures. We would really miss you.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

SOOO glad to hear she's feelin better Diane!!!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Parking - there are some visitors parking spots right down the street - first come, first serve - we'll just have to figure it out :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy zipped me a note recently and said she hasn't quite given up the idea, but she may not be able to make it.. they are in the midst of a lot of projects right now, involving contractors and stuff, and she may have to stay put tomorrow.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

One of these days we are going TO HER HOUSE with plants. No excuses.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL Maybe we'll make her host the fall swap, since I'll just be finishing up chemo then.. think I can guilt her into it? hee hee

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL! I can't see it happening given the shambles my house is in right now, but you never never know....

It's true, I can't come. I so wanted to, but we are putting in a flagstone patio tomorrow, which I knew was happening but I thought I could sneak out, but now the carpenters who are putting in some new shelves have to work on them tomorrow so I'm doomed. If I had a helicopter I could make it!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Okay, who has a helicopter Happy can borrow? I refuse to believe we don't have one single member with a spare helicopter.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

BTW, what time does it start? I'm going to try to get there by around 1 pm.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

noon, I think, but we might be a bit later because of the basement thing today.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And--don't forget that it is Memorial Day weekend--and the traffic will, probably, be horrendous!

Drive safe, everyone--and don't speed in VA! I hear they are nasty with tickets--especially out-of-State cars....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hopefully the horrendous traffic will be less by late morning tomorrow. I would NOT want to be out there tonight!

Yes, drive safe everybody... see you soon!

BTW, I left messages for Aspen (Terri) tonight but haven't heard from her... not sure if she's still planning to come or not. We were going to carpool. I know she gets on DG infrequently these days.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ALL: I told Bec I had a 2nd cooler...which appears to be MIA...if anyone has a spare they can "fit" it would be helpful - please and thank you

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I can bring one.. will stick plants in it for the trip down. :-)

We will try to get the canopy into the van, but I think it's at the back of the basement, and if it got buried behind stuff we had to move away from the flood then it won't be coming along.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Only IF you're able Jill...no worries if not

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Got an early morning Dmail from Terri (Aspenhill), and she won't be joining us. :-(

The car is all packed, but I need a shower, and Little Bit needs a bottle before we head out. I'm guessing we'll be on the road in half an hour or so... which I guess will get us there by 1:30-ish?

Can't wait to see everybody!

I hope I didn't forget requests... didn't manage to go back through Dmails, but if you asked on the "plants?" thread I should have you covered.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Got an early morning Dmail from Terri (Aspenhill), and she won't be joining us. :-(

The car is all packed, but I need a shower, and Little Bit needs a bottle before we head out. I'm guessing we'll be on the road in half an hour or so... which I guess will get us there by 1:30-ish?

Canopy & cooler are both in the car... thanks, Jim! :-)

Can't wait to see everybody!

I hope I didn't forget requests... didn't manage to go back through Dmails, but if you asked on the "plants?" thread I should have you covered.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Same here. I finally have everything ready to go and now have to figure out how to fit them all into a pickup cab. And clean up and get dressed. See y'all in a bit.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Have fun take lots of pictures. We will miss you all.
Ric and I spent the morning doing a little light gardening in his Dad's back yard.
Here is Ric doing a bit of light pruning. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Shenandoah Valley, VA

You allow him access to saws after what happened before? LOLOL

I just got home. Took a bunch of photos and I'll get those downloaded and posted tomorrow.

WE MISSED YOU Holly and Ric. How is his dad feeling? Hugs to all of you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


We sure missed the people who couldn't make it.. but I admit, we had a wonderful time anyway!

Jim & Joyanna & I got a bit of a late start so she could get in a good nap on the drive down (you know Party Girl wasn't going to sleep once we were there, LOL). I'm not certain, but I think Joyanna may have had the best time of anybody at the swap. She was sure taking full advantage off all the people willing to hold and cuddle her!

Thank you, Becky, for a spectacular job as hostess... setting up canopies, tables, food... wowzer. And of course it was especially fun to see Greg and to meet Samson the Wonder Dog. :-)

I can't believe the greedy load of PLANTS I brought back, after promising myself I'd be "restrained." As if! LOL You know how that goes. Bellflowers, climbing hydrangeas, etc. were just too tempting! I do think we had a smaller volume of plants going back... and I brought maybe half as much as usual... but there was still a lot of great swapping going on at my table! Thank you all!!

And the FOOD, oh my. Becky, I think our "photo" thread needs to be for "photos and recipes." Once again, I got too distracted and managed to leave my camera in the car for the duration... but I know there were some cameras clicking away! Somebody got a great photo of Joyanna walking around with her hands in the air... whoever that was, please please I need a copy! I think there also may be more photos for Joyanna's album of "all the people who loved on me the first year of my life." :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Hart he stuck that in his leg yesterday. It wasn't running at the time but still....... Put a nice hole in his leg.
Better today walked twice as far as yesterday and is generally better.
I know you all had a great time. Looking for pictures, tomorrow.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Bec, and everyone-it was a great time at the plant swap-thanks to all who worked so hard to get everything organized. Jill, I do have some great pics of Joyanna for you (see preview pic), and also lots of everyone else. I'll post them once the picture thread is up. RIght now I'm thinking of a really relaxing bubble bath. :-}

Thumbnail by Froggy3125
Shenandoah Valley, VA

You're kidding, Holly! Ric, put that darned saw down before somebody (ahem not naming any names) gets hurt again.

I got several shots of Joyanna too, Critter. I'll be sure you get printable copies. Can you d-mail me your email addy?

BTW, Joyanna is not only an absolutely gorgeous child, she's about the sweetest tempered and best baby I've seen. What a smile she has and she smiles all the time.

Thank you so much for a terrific day, Bec. You are the hostest with the mostest. And the other baby there, Bec's big sweetie pie of a baby mastiff, is adorable too. Not to mention the other Bandit.

It was so good to see everybody - all the old timers and the new timers. Really, I feel like I've had my batteries recharged just from seeing all of you.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Great, Great day!!!!! Thank you Becky--and Greg--for being so helpful....Nice to see everyone-----

Had to bring a bunch of plants back--couldn't palm them off on everyone.....Will take them to work....

Now--I will have to see where i can plant what.....Won't happen until Monday--and then Thursday, fri., and sat.
I work Tuesday and Wednesday......Watered them all down for the night anf tomorrow....

Will post my pictures maybe tomorrow night......Hope someone starts the Thread.....

Tired! Gotta hit the sack! Gita

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