What's flowering in April

Clifton Springs, Australia

Would you like a cutting, it's supposed to be the time...

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thanks Dianne,as much as I'd like to take you up on the offer,I'll give it a miss. It would just die a slow death here in my climate. Anyway I am going to have to bite the bullet and do a severe cull on a lot of the potted plants I already have...not the brugs or oleanders though :-)

Clifton Springs, Australia

It's hard isn't it, lol
Now that I want more Brugs, I have had to remove a lot of basic things like Pelagoniums and such,
that grow quickly and give a pretty show until other things grow.
Oh well, you know the feeling.

You have a really beautiful collection now judy I was just drooling over the creamy yellow and the creamy apricot too so exotic but like the brugs feared because of urban myths.

Do you suppose I could have some tip cuttings of those next Nov/Dec ? ...we could swap something. Hopefully some beautiful brugs, yet to bloom or some that have already bloomed.
I still cannot believe they grew roots so well in the water.

When I think of all those long pods of ollie seeds I have ignored on street trees, but then they may not have been as lovely as yours.
We have large stands of that pale but bright pink single one everywhere in our area and it puts on such a show. I think they are like the crape myrtles just a staple in an Australian Summer garden.

If only we could still purchase the dwarf ones.
Thanks again I am thrilled with these, I will call it judy's walk when I plant them.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes,you are more than welcome chrissy... just remind me then.

I have a few of the single yellow cuttings I placed in water a few days ago(hoping they will still root in this cooler weather)...they were floppy shoots from down near ground level and I didn't want to waste them...I am going to try and standardize the plant now. I think it will make a great standard,judging by it's growth pattern so far

Another pic for you chrissy...notice the variegation in the bloom on the right?.

Thumbnail by brical1

sorry I could not get back to say yes she is just lovely! judy.

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NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Hi Judy. Your Nerium cvs are stunning! Wonderful to see your great interest and results. These plants are desperately under-rated. All due to bad press regarding toxicity. Much like Brugs, oleanders have been sent to the "sin bin".

Without repeating much I have written in earlier posts, might I just add that my siblings and I grew up in a garden full of poisonous plants. My mother with her vast knowledge of life / lore and growing plants in the South West Pacific, "educated" we children to know better than to"stir the Billy-can with an oleander stick"!

N. oleander for coastal, inland drought, industrial, roadside and home gardens makes a great choice of plant material to include for whatever reason be it for foliage, wind break, screening, bloom or pollution tolerant barrier planting.

"Barrier planting"...
I am not up on what is happening there in discussion regarding road planting along busy danger zones. My interests have moved in another direction. Some years back, a "friend" was investigating the impact damage of cars hitting an oleander hedge as opposed to a solid steal barrier etc. We all know that plants "bounce back"... Cars and silly drivers do not.
Margo's study was brought short by her untimely death to cancer.

Oleanders in my book are great plants! Good for you Judy for bringing these plants up a notch!

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Chrissy, which "dwarf" were you after, if any?
I can "do" a pale pink. I do not know the cv name as it is a hedge installed a few years back by a contractor.
Just email me if you would like some cuttings.

BTW Your Brug. FFA is blooming again. Much similar to all reported. However, it is reaching for the sky. My guess is that this plant will power on once it gets it's head. I hope the FFA will come back to that original colour. Irrespective of that occurrence, your Brugmansia 'Fire Fighter Angel' will remain placed here as long as I am "Head Gardener" at "Flora"! :))) Too many happy memories my friend.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Chrissy,if you are after the Dwarf Salmon I can send you lots of cuttings...
This was how FFA looked yesterday(sorry not the best pic I know,but I was in a hurry)...unfortunately it didn't get to 'colour up'.
But I wouldn't be too disappointed if I were you chrissy...as you have experienced it in all of it's glorious splendour...so I am sure we will all get to see it that way too...just not this time for me. It has also been a very robust plant for me...not one sign of broadmite infestation..when the others beside it were affected...so all in all I think it will prove itself...just needs more time....
And lets not forget how it seems you have really 'Hit the Jackpot' with Twilight Time...can't better that!

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thanks wayne, for your kind words but I can't take all the credit...I would not have these beauties to grow/show and later share without the very kind generousity of Kyle. If I am fortunate enough to find a new outstanding cultivar I will name it after him :-)

Here is another yellow seedling which bloomed for me yesterday. It's corolla is lighter and has smaller filaments.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Look...I'm not the only one who likes Oleanders :-)

Thumbnail by brical1
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I love looking at this thread! Beautiful pics and flowers everyone.This one is really for wayne, (but you can all have a peek too) its Coelogyne fimbriata, and doesn't seem to have a scent, but such a cute flower. i can see that it will look fantastic once it has clumped up and over the sides of the pot. It appears to grow pretty fast.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Sue how many flowers does it have on it now?
Yes ...it makes a great specimen plant.

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thank you Sue, Coelogyne fimbriata is lovely!

Judy and wayne I would love some dwarf cuttings ...I have seen the most stunning hedge of it and it (the dwarf salmon) that quite literally glows in the sunshine, it was impressively dense right down to the ground too.

I haven't seen a dwarf pink one wayne but would love a cutting next Oct/Nov ...when it will hopefully root in the water like the ones I got from judy. I actually had some planted in our rented villas but the last tenants liked them too and they went when the tenants went, so did 15 cycad plants I had grown from seed. Oh well so long as they love them I guess.

Look cestrum ...I will be making a butterfly garden out front since every piece of butterfly bush took ...here are some ^_^ many thanks!

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NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Chrissy, I think what I referred to as "pink", is what Judy has called "salmon". Probably the same. I don't grow it here, the plants are up at the hospital. Easy to get cuttings.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Sue, is the beard on your Coelogyne as whiskery as it looks? it's well named isn't it.
Such a cute thing, it will look great when it's a large plant.

Judy, I find myself sniffing every Oleander, that I come across now...
How does that beautiful,scented, double pink of yours compare in size with the average double?

Here is Mine No Yuki, always the first of the Sasanquas to flower.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, Marlene, the Coelogyne has a few flowers on it now. It should look great by next year, if I can resisit giving bits away!
Dianne, it is quite whiskery!
Here it is today, looking lovely

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Look after it Sue and your display next year will be magnificent.

Don't take bits off it!!!!!!!!

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Cattleya Narooma is a very reliable flowerer and an easy grower.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i started reading my 1st orchid book today''orchids-by-jw blowers.,..with my knowledge 'thus far' marleanne,i can tell you that 'cattleya' is an orchid..,.,i have a mass of orchids on hand[mixed] and no knowledge,so i've gotto keep reading.,.,,.anthony

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Oleanders,beautiful pictures Judy and the colours are divine....

my unnamed cacti......flowers only last one day but are magnificent........

Thumbnail by MyaC
Barmera, Australia

G'Day MyaC
Your cactus is a Cereus probably C. repandus.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Thanks Brian,I found a great specimen,it's called a Cereus Hildmannianus.......I sent a few cuttings to Colleen a while back,wonder how they are doing?

Thumbnail by MyaC

Mya how are your desert roses going? I would love to see how they are doing ...I got one bloom only this year they don't like the night temps here.
Lovely cactus blooms.

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Barmera, Australia

G'Day MyaC
There has been some confusion over these varieties and because yours has a blue/green colour and C. hildmannianus and its subspecies are grey/green I still think yours is C. repandus. The 2 pieces you sent Colleen are both going OK the piece I got from Colleen rotted on the top. I cut that off and now have 2 new branches and growing well.
Photo is C. hildmannianus growing on the roadside between Barmera & Glossop.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

This is my Cereus hildmannianus ssp uruguayensis both plants were positively IDed by Xenomorph last year.

Thumbnail by Stake
Barmera, Australia

This is C repandus that was growing just down the street from Colleen. It was recently bulldozed and carted off to the dump. What a waste and crying shame. This also IDed by Xenomorf.

Thumbnail by Stake
Clifton Springs, Australia

What a tragedy....fancy killing something as grand as that..
It had such healthy new growth on it too.
How old would you estimate it to have been, Brian?

Barmera, Australia

I don't really know but probably 40 yrs at least. We see this all the time in Australia big old trees cut down because they drop leaves onto paths or into swimming pools or as you here appreciate grubbed out because they are poisonous.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

yes brian,if you read my post from the friday,the beautiful,animal alive bushland is being killed over our back fence,scoop by scoop..,,.the black cockatoos circled their old landing spots over the weekend,[nothing there]...,.the wind in our backyard is worse[no tall trees],..,.as they say on survivor,to losing contestants,''its time to go''.,.,

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Mya how are your desert roses going?I would love to see how they are doing

Chrissy my Desert Roses are doing really well.They are thriving on the wet and humidity we have had over the summer.Some have doubled in size....some I have allowed their seed pods to open and allow the baby fat bottoms to grow underneath,I will have to dig these up and place in their own pots....look underneath this big mama, at all her babies.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Black Fire......

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

The last of my Frangi flowers for the season.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

My podranea(sp) from Judy.....

Thumbnail by MyaC
West of Brisbane, Australia

Look at those baby Adeniums, self-germinating under big mama: people in colder climates would kill to be able to have them grow like that! Just shows what happens when you grow plants perfectly suited to your climate--must make up for those plants that sulk in the heat and humidity. Swings and roundabouts, as always ...

Wow mya look at that! self seeding desert roses ...ha ha ha oh my goodness.
Mine look lush but give me nothing much in the way of blooms ...something we southerners must just admire in the warmer gardens ...as cestrum says win some lose some, can't help but push the botanical envelope though.
The stricodardia has gone nuts but perhaps it will be too cold to see a bloom, the leaves sure are impressive.
Your desert roses are just beautiful.

Sydney, Australia

Pentas lanceolata flowering

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney
Sydney, Australia

and another

Thumbnail by tropicalsydney

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