What's flowering in April

Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

And beautiful triffids they are chrissy...that bougie is spectacular!

No,not peaches & cream,Peach Blow.

Thumbnail by brical1
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Odontonema strictum

Purchased this about nine months ago.

It is flowering now.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Quote from cestrum_SEQ :
It was certainly cute as a chick--perhaps you should have caught it then LOL Now, it might be tempted to bring its new bride home to this wonderful little oasis--no wonder it didn't go any further when it found your garden!

Kind question to you "Cestrum" please.

Do you speak English as a second language?

Kind thoughs.

Happy Easter!

West of Brisbane, Australia

Nope; it's my first. The rest is due to typos :-)
Judy, is that a pink shrimp plant (growing with the yellow one), or something else entirely?

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Oh Cestrum! :)))))

Judy very pretty. Thank you.

Those six points on 'Butter Bomb' are "delicious"...
As in "raindrops on roses" etc... :)

Meanwhile here, "The Hills are alive" with the fine aroma of Easter baking! :))
We have my parents here today with "the family" for lunch... ... ...

No, not the Mafia! :)))))))))))))


"Easter Eggs" to one and all now... ... ...
OMG, I was up all night making these for you! :)

And special big hugs if allowed in this forum!
Ha!!! :)
To Chrissy & Alistair (mind the ribs there!:), Judy, Helen, "Cestrum", June and Colleen, Ann and Sue.:)))))

Happy Easter to all!

Wayne. xxx

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

Happy Easter wayne and all the gang!

() () () () () () () () () ()

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Please show your mum and dad wayne. I will be sending you and them bits in the Spring.

Brugmansia * Twilight Time*
She has started to colour up in her third flush!!!!! even after the cold winds last night. I think she is amazing.

I hope you all have a wonderful day ^_^
A time for reflection and new life.

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NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Thanks Chrissy, just did! :)

Took a break from the table. Catching Easter emails from family & friends. Played "Twilight Time" so a "shuffle" here for M&D and we other "ancients" around the lounge room!!! The children; nieces and nephew and other brats inc are "enjoying" embarrassment from their seniors and betters! :))

In good Oz trad, "pav" is about to to be served! :))

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

these are really beautiful,name starts with a 'v'.the pot broke away around them,so i seized the moment to go'lock,stock and barrel into a double sized new pot.

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Merino, Australia

Anthony, they look like Valotta lilies ( scarborough lilies). Mine are just finishing and breed like crazy with tiny bulblets all over the pot.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

thats it,i wasnt sure of the name and yes,there were bulbs everywhere.these look to be still flowering,its just that the 'old' pot was kstuffered.,.,can you use ground tree bark as orchid mix? if so,what sort of bark,..,i will be asking quite a few dumb orchid questions soon,so please excuse my lack of knowledge.i have a book coming on sunday week.i will also have a lot of un-named plants[lilies,not liliums]for you all to help me name[i've inherited a lot of plants and sentimental value is priority-not to mention that they all look magnifico,when in flower]thanks everyone,anthony

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I know this is going to be my 'Special' favourite.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

I love this clear bright yellow

Thumbnail by brical1
Merino, Australia

Anthony, for cymbidium orchids or similar, you can use bark but it is best to use only composted bark ( which I find good but difficult to buy ) or any good orchid mix. I wouldn't be using ground bark unless it is chunky and well aged. Too fine and it will just clog.
I find buying a good orchid mix is the best unless you have large numbers of plants . I have mixed my own at times using the composted bark with peat ( those bricks you find in the cheap shops ) and some propagating sand. You can use potting mix but it doesn't work well for me. Gets too wet and stays wet in the winter. For the cymbidiums, I have used just plain scoria and my son has used blue metal . Ask away, any questions always help me as I look for the answer .
It's how we learn.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Pink Caesalpinia pulcherrima. I had two or three flowerheads in total on all my shrubs (I have five or six of the pink ones) late last year, but it's only now that they're coming into full bloom this season. (The yellow ones have been flowering nonstop since Nov.) Ironical that the ferny looking leaves are actually thorny--not something to plant along paths. But visually luscious.

In the bottom right corner you can see a bit of the Michelia figo cultivar too--either Coco or Lady of the Night (labels were mixed up).

This message was edited Apr 5, 2010 12:08 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes cestrum I agree it is visually luscious!

Phoenix roebelenii seeds

Thumbnail by brical1
Barmera, Australia

This is flowering at present Stapelia hirsuta I think.

This message was edited Apr 5, 2010 4:18 PM

Thumbnail by Stake
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Solanum wendlandii

Thumbnail by brical1

Common as muck but I like them you get hundreds of blooms for months this one is up to the roof and I hack it down every Autumn.
Love all the pictures! it's quite cold here now. Cold Southerly blowing.

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Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yes chrissy it may be common but that doesn't deflect from it's simple beauty.

Thumbnail by brical1
Mackay, Australia(Zone 11)

This is my favourite flower in my garden at the moment. It has the nicest fragrance too, kind of sweet and delicate.

Thumbnail by Nannon
West of Brisbane, Australia

I didn't know lotus flowers (?) were scented--I'm guessing it drifts in the air? I'm not a pond person, but yours looks very pretty .

Mackay, Australia(Zone 11)

They are both waterlilies (blue one is a tropical, pink one is a temperate). I didn't realise they were scented until last weekend when I picked one that was about to go underwater and brought it inside. It didn't stay open for long but it was beautiful. The scent was divine, more delicate than a rose but just as beautiful.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Those waterlilies are magnificent!

West of Brisbane, Australia

Waterlilies, of course! You can see how little I know about aquatic plants :-)

cestrum you must be younger than me because in the late 60's one of my favourite perfumes was Lotus ...delicious.
Beautiful lotus blooms there Nannon
The Egyptians didn't worship them for just their beauty.
Speaking of perfume ...shove your nose into this the perfume still lingering after sun up at 8.30 ^_^

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Oh ok water lillies are different?
Must be related since they both smell wonderful ...it's something to do with blooms held above the water and those floating isn't it? I vaguely remember that I think now we are talking about it.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Love the blue Nannon, there is a type of tropical that grows in Victoria,
I am going to try it this winter, it's called Blue Stellata, a light blue,
if it grows as well as yours ,I will be very happy.
Here is my favourite Barbara Dobbins

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

She stands up tall too....not scented though.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Very pretty waterlilies. We have the beautiful blue one that is native to the creeks around here and most of Queensland.

This is another new seedling Oleander to bloom for me . It is very hard to capture it's true colour which I would describe as a dark salmon /carmine..but this is pretty close to the real thing,it has a lovely contrasting rich yellow eye. I will be watching it closely.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Another Oleander. This is one I took cuttings of back in late 2008...It has been a non stop bloomer and in the lightest shade of Ice pink. I still don't know it's true name but just refer to it now after the street I found it in.I have never seen this particular Oleander anywhere else.It is so pretty.

Thumbnail by brical1
Clifton Springs, Australia

As I said once before Judy, your garden must look lovely.
How many colours do you have now?

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thankyou Dianne. I haven't checked lately ..will have to do a head count :-)

Here is the same beauty today...It so reminds me of a big frangipani bloom

Thumbnail by brical1

you must be thrilled with your seedlings judy ...they are beautiful.
So are the water lilies and all the lovely pics.
The cuttings you sent me were of a pretty pink one but of course I can't remember what it looked like, would you still have a picture of that one somewhere so I can save it in my pictures.
sorry I know I am a nuisance but I can't remember what pink it was do you remember?
of coarse all of yours are beautiful so it really does not matter if you can't find that one.
I have dozens of orchid tree seedlings (amongst other different exotics (from cestrum) and am just trying to figure what to plant where.
I have been so busy with my preoccupation with brugs that I haven't set out my plan yet.

Have you noticed any fragrances in your oleanders? many have a nice fragrance but you must not get any pollens up your nose or in your eyes while sniffing around.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Here you go Chrissy.. just took these pics. I had to cut them down as the bush itself is now too high for me to take closeup pics.The neighbours get to see all it's beauty now. And it still has that amazing scent.

I haven't noticed any scent yet in the seedlings.

Thumbnail by brical1
Inland S.E QLD , Australia


Thumbnail by brical1
Clifton Springs, Australia

Here is a lovely big head of Vireya flowers.
not scented this one, but very floriferous.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

They are a glorious pink, Judy.
They look like carnations.
Scented as well...wow

Have you tried to cross that one?

This message was edited Apr 7, 2010 4:18 PM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

That is gorgeous Dianne...I'd sacrifice scent anytime for that beauty.

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