Seed Swap & Chat # 55 - sowing and germination

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Poultices are easy. Just collect the leaves (save one or two big ones to wrap it with) and you can put them in a blender or food processor and chop them up to small pieces. They you just apply that to the wound. In the case of comfrey, apply that directly to the skin (no gaping cuts though, just burns, rashes, sprains, etc) and wrap with the leaves you saved to hold it in, change every hour or so.
For other plants I do poultices with, if I don't have a big leaf to secure them, and depending upon the plant and what the condition is, I put the chopped up parts in cheesecloth and wrap the cheesecloth on the skin.
Unfortunately if you don't have leaves yet, there is no much you can do. Dried leaves won't work for this. I use Aloe in the winter months, instead of the comfrey.

The poultice I use the most is the plantain poultice. If you are outside and get stung by a bee (if you are allergic get your epi-pen not this!), pick the leaves of the Plantain (Broadleaf- see plantago major) and chew then up to make a quick on the spot poultice and then put it on your sting. Take it off when you feel better (usually less than 30 minutes) Works like a charm!

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)


I've heard that type of story many times. So glad you had your Aunt!
I'm a firm believer in western medicines. If I had a heart attack I'd be going to the hospital, not eating folxglove!
But herbs do have their place and time. Great for basic day to day first aid and virus care, and in urgent situations where western medicine throws in the towel and you need to give anything a try (as in your case).

Lets just say that my kids go to the Dr for their annual visit and the occasional broken bone, and not much else. Ear infections, cold, flu's, I take care of at home.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Cayolyn soo glad you don't have to go to the hospital and glad you ARE taking it easy mind your peas and Q's and you will be even better in no time :) I care about you girl and don't want anything happening to you :)

Thanks herbsprit and I'll google the Broadleaf-plantago major :) I'd start using more herbs if I just knew how to use them I have a couple of herb books but nothing I can make any sense out of :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone might help me. I am dieing to find some cute bunnies for my girls by easter and I love the ones in a local craigslist ad. My problem is they didn't respond to my first e-mail, so I assumed they weren't available any more. However two days later they posted the same ad again. I e-mailed them again and they still have not responded. I don't know if it is a problem on my part, so I was hoping someone could try to e-mail them to see if they get a response. Here is a link to the listing. Thanks so much to any one that doesn't mind helping me with this : )

This message was edited Apr 2, 2010 11:44 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i'll give it a shot.

**edited to add..... holy cow are those lil buggers CUUUUUUUUTE

This message was edited Apr 2, 2010 12:09 PM

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Finally got my camera & computer working at the same time :) Here is a picture of one kind of Daff I have. Don't know the name of it.


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Here is another one. Don't know the name of it either. The only ones to bloom for me so far are the ones I planted in the ground. None of the ones in pots have bloomed.


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much : ) I posted a listing on craig's list saying attention to adorbale bunnies poster. And asked them to contact me because I wasn't getting through to them and I had someone e-mail me saying they've tried e-mailing them four times and haven't had a response. The ad was just relisted yesterday so i think they may have a spam filter or something. We have a back up plan at least. There is a someone in a neighboring town with 20 and they are only about $10 each. The one sin that picture just stole my heart! : )

Something is up with my m key! I had to add a bunch. : )

This message was edited Apr 2, 2010 10:19 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have not gotten a reply, and it did not bounce.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

This is the one in which the cup fades from orange to pink... Can't remember the name of it.


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I saw what I thought were some pink daphs in town yesterday stopped to look at them and they were plastic! LOL This crazy lady had plastic pink daphs in her yard like they were coming up no joke guys LOL They looked just like those Ants lol

Got my first tick yesterday out in the yard digging Canadian Thisstle :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I did a little experiment with the White trumpet Lily seeds from the swap, and wintersowed them. I haven't really heard of folks wintersowing Lilies, but today they're germinating!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neil -- i can't recall where i read it, but i've seen others say they had good success WS'ing Lilies.
I got some seeds from someone, and i really need to get them going.

Finally getting a lil bit of rain... nothing last night, like they forecasted ... and it seems only light rain today... but enough to keep me in the house working. There is so much i've been meaning to get done - like transplant my tomatoes into bigger pots.

If it stops by afternoon, i can get the big bag of coffee grounds spread onto the bed i dug up yesterday.

oh yea..i have to optimize the pics and posts them.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

THanks tcs, I still haven't heard from them so I am going to have to go with the backup plan! Thanks so much for trying! : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH... remember those WEEDS i posted an image of over here...

well, NOW i remember they have daisy like flowers. as i was flipping thru images looking for Red Flax for Ella, i saw one and the light bulb went off. The image wasn't very good as the harsh light did a number on the white flowers... but it is definitely a weed with daisy like flowers.

Now to just recall what they are.... but i have tons of them. I usually let one bloom each year, just cuz they are pretty.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i think it's Fleabane

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh yeah I knew it looked familiar - those grow like crazy in my yard too. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Yep I've got those every where too lol

I have pasque flowers in bloom right now I don't remember them blooming so soon I WS some I hope I can get some plants out of them to put in the side yard bed I can't move the others because of the tap root I guess it says they don't like to be moved I like them too much to even try and move them.

Also my lemon queen is coming up really didn’t think they would but I WS them and they did YES! I want a lot more of those! Lol

Neal my tassel flower that I WS is coming up I should have some seeds next year :)

Sowed more catnip from Critter think I have sown this three years in a row now and it up lol She gave me enough seeds for a few more years I think lol The first year I sowed it I was talked out of all of my plants except for one and it died for some reason when it got about four inches tall in the ground that’s why I hate putting small plants like those in the ground I like them to be a little bigger and nope it wasn’t a cut worm it just keeled over?

My daylily seeds are starting to come up from bluespiral :) And the Lavender Mist
Meadow rue from mygypsyrose :) I got some blue pimpernel from someone last year they didn’t have a name on them but they are coming up too! I got bog sage a couple of years ago from someone and it’s starting to come up now too I love it! This is the best time of year when your WS jugs are starting to sprout :)) I’m so excited!

We had rain last night and I had all of my jugs sitting out to get wet well I’m sitting at my son’s house after I got my roots done he he, and all of a sudden I realized I had my jug with the hellebores sitting in the sun! Guess you know what I did next! I raced home but thank goodness it wasn’t a hot sun today because of it being so cool so they were alright lol

Should I trim my blue mist shrub now seems like someone on here said we could in early spring? I think it was last year we were talking about it so the person that said that might not be on here this year but hoping someone else might know I have time to do it this year :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I did my variegated blue mist shrub already, I'm sure you'll be fine. : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I figured it was warm enough but don't want to hurt them I really like them lol I know someone said not to do it in the fall well I didn't I've never trimmed mine and had a few for a long time I'm trying to do the right thing and do some major trimming this year now that I can stop and smell the roses lol Thanks Meredith :)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

They die back to the ground here, at least the variegated ones do. I tried a new one last year called longwood blue and I haven't cut that one yet. I am waiting to see where the new growth comes from.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I like that, I googled it but am getting mixed information on it :)

One site says it gets 4’ and one says blue flowers in one place then says violet blue flowers in another place on it’s page and says full sun.

Then another site says blue flowers ~1 1/2'~ sunny to partly shaded.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Gotta go out and water her in a few and then it off to church. Rain didnt' come like they said it would for once so now I gotta get out there big time this morning.

Gotta try and get some pics of thing it was called sophisticate That Lime bicolor petunia. It pretty. Leaves sure are different on it.

Was out checking that one back section the other day too. With all the rains and flooding last year couldn't get back out there, but can now. The blood root are busy making seed pods, so soon a s they are ready will gather for those who had asked.

Wanted to wish everybody Happy and Blessed Easter before I forget.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

We had rain Sat. morning and I have transpl ants sitting out from my garden and they are still dry I hope this isn't a preview to the summer I'd really like to have a normal summer with normal rain for one year lol It sure looked like it rained enough to get them wet.

Please do Ella I want to see that petunia I have some getting ready to germinate downstairs haven't checked them this morning yet :)

Happy Easter everyone :)

Critter don't let little bit eat too much candy, hope it's a nice day for you!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

bright and sunny today... the pie is in the oven... **sniff sniff** YUM

our Easter planning was a late one... on Thursday i had to remind DH that it's a holiday and his mother will be alone, as all her friends will likely have plans and many stores many be closed. [she is constantly on the move]
so by Friday we were asking the kids what plans they have.... two have to work by 1-1:30, so it's an early lunch.

calling around, many places were closed, or the usual $25 a head buffet... .I didnt want to drop $200 on lunch... so off to Market Day for fixens. I just love their hams.

so... if all goes well, the dishwasher will be loaded by 1pm and i can get out in the garden. I do have a bag of spent grounds to spread and some stuff for the composter. Have a Rosemary to transplant, too.

think that is about it...

Hope everyone has a great day with family and or friends.

Happy Easter.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Happy Easter everyone!

It was in the 80's yesterday, and will be again today. It's a crying shame that I have to go to my mother in laws instead of work on my garden.
Yesterday I got several hours in raking beds and started re-constructing an existing bed that is overgrown and without 3 season color. I feel like having an "everything must go" sale for that bed. I'm pulling out tons of hardy mums (pink) if anyone wants them. I posted a list of everything over on plant trading -

As you shared so many wonderful seeds with me, you guys get first pick

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I would love....

Lemon Balm
and the Red Monarda... though I did read in PF that they are sterile or do not come true.
Have you grown these by seeds? I dont care if they are not true to "red" just as long as they are viable.

Do you want postage??

I do not have any of the plants you are looking for.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i'm spending the evening deleting old and duplicate files...

i came across my old Daffs. I had tons of htem at my old house... didnt bring any with me when we moved.

My guess is my mom planted these in the late 70's into the mid-80's
I bought the house in 89 and they were already there in abundance.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Terese, I think those weeds are Daisy Fleabane. I've got them all over the place too, and what a pain!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Herbsprit, do you have solomon seal I have some in the shade garden that I'm moving to a new bed still trying to find something that I can trade you for the comfrey lol

I moved plants all day yesterday out of that bed and had to dig so many violets up from under my holly didn't get much done I hate those wild violets! lol So tired of dealing with them! I just hope it rains today like it is suppose to so they will get watered in really good a good shot of rain water is what they need!

Terese my daphs look like that except the center is orange :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I caught one of those blooming yesterday and mine is pink lol They aren't white here I thought they were.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neil... i've been diggin them up like a mad-women.

we had a very nice long rain last evening. ground it nice and wet / not soak... perfect for puling weeds/grass. I know what i'll be doing today.

Plus pot up some volunteers -- I have some Early Sunrise and Fennel I can get rid of.

btw -- i did not know Bronze Fennel was a Bi-Annual... learn something new every day.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Terese where you you get that Bronze Fennel is a bi-annual mine comes up every year :) That reminds me I need to dig a few volunteers to put in my side yard :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i've got a lot of volunteers... but they are still nice and small.

welp -- out in the yard for me.... catch'ya this afternoon....

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I absolutely adore the little wild violets! I'm always delighted
to see them come up. I'm actually planting different varieties
of them this year. They smell so good wafting through my
screen doors :)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Here are my Ice Plant 'Sprinkles' (from Starlight). When should I plant them outside? Aren't just adorable?

Thumbnail by LynnPhillips
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Lynn, are those 'sprinkles' a perennial? I googled them and if they are here is a paragraph about them but it doesn't say a particular name on them:

"It can be cultivated in a wide range of areas with a Mediterranean climate. While intense and prolonged frost can cause damage to this plant, it will recover vigorously in the spring. Due to the low need for maintenance, it is suitable for urban environments and high temperature regions. It can often be found in large, extensive patches. The trailing stems also make it suitable for flowerpots and terraces."

Here's the article about it just had to look them up I have some annual ones going I can't wait until they bloom:

I want some perennial ones, I hope the annuals reseed for me :)

Cris, you wouldn't like those little wild violets if they took over your yard, they crowd everything out that they touch and they even seed under ground I have found that out while trying to dig them out of my middle bed for two years and I'm talking about all summer and fall off and on and still my middle bed is full of them this year! I didn't get to them last year because I was so busy and still can't find my Inula and Amber Wheels and a few other plants that they took over believe me you do not want a yard full of them :) I have the biggest patch of them in my yard where there is no grass close to my middle bed is why I can't get rid of them they are taking over the whole back yard to kill them I have to spray with weed killer with dish liquid in it so it will stick to the leaves of it and sometimes it won't even kill them! Not fun or pleasant in my book at all...I can try and dig each plant out and if you leave one tiny piece of root/tuber what ever that thing is called it will make more violets! Just beware before you get a yard full of them!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lol I thought she meant she sowed them in sprinkles! That's actually a plant?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh and the violets sound enticing, but I think I like not having to fight them more than I would like the fragrance. Does any body know if there is a type that isn't invasive and still fragrant? Etain says fragrant on a nursery website but I find some claims of fragrance to be hype. I have some little purple Violas I got at Hd that have managed to stick around by seeding themselves lightly, so I figure Etain would be more like that except the seedlings wouldn't be true I thinking right?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I haven't figgured violets out yet as far as them coming true but I have them all mixed together too. This one I was trying to stay true was yesterday today and tomorrow I think they are called but I keep getting different flowers from them like solid purple and solid w hite ones too so guess they are all going to be mixed now lol I've never notice them smelling but I do have a lot of good smells out there so maybe the smells are mixed in too I have all kinds of them blooming right now too :)

Meredith I WS some milkweeds and have some Red Prairie coming up :)

I soaked some hibiscus seeds night before last and planted them yesterday and some are coming up now :) I planted seven kinds in one big flat lol I had all of the seeds in seven shot glasses and kept knocking them over until I got the H202 in there so I hope all the seeds ended up where they were suppose to!

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