Seed Swap & Chat # 55 - sowing and germination

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

You can always WS them Terese and about now would be a good time. I don't like to grow them in the house had a really bad experience with them the first time I sowed them downstairs with them getting way too leggy and all intertwined it was a mess! The next year I started them on the picknic table while it was still cool out and they did really well they like this cold weather I've got some outside that keep wanting to grow now lol I think it's the Black Prince ones.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Each time, 2 yrs i think - I WS'ed them. Zip, nadda, nothing. so i gave up.

Gonna WS some Zinns today. it's a tad cool today, but the sun is shining brightly... so i'm spending most of it outside.
Dug up some volunteer Blue Flax, have 2 pots now for our Round Up in June... I still have to do that with Early Sunrise Coreopsis; I did get one request for those.

The ground is very dry... so hard to work with. So much for the rain we were supposed to get yesterday.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Our ground is so wet from all the rain we have had in the last few days Robin is suppose to come and dig some plants but wondering if she will be able to hoping by tomorrow when she is suppose to come this time it's dry enough. It's kind of cool today the sun is just now trying to come out so don't think I'm going to get out there today beside I'm trying to transplant some things, those pots sure are taking their sweet time soaking up the water lol

I pitched some blue flax seeds out last fall and they started coming up so now they are multiiplying very nicely out there last year there were just two stems now there are several I'm happy, just wish my red would reseed tired of trying to grow it every year I have four jugs going of it lol

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is that weed I was talking about that is driving me nuts there is an article about it today!:

Mr. Harry Bittercress LOL

This message was edited Mar 29, 2010 3:18 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep, it a weed alright. A pretty weed though when it is blooming. In areas where ya have a jungle of weeds or nothing growing it does look pretty when it is blooming. LOL

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes! That's what I've got, but had misidentified it! They're everywhere right now!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea, I had an area of that, couldn't get rid of it. It was on the north side of house in the lawn. So I finally dug out the lawn and put in a shade garden. ☺

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Do you have them Ella? Sounds like you do lol You know that area I was talking about I was cleaning out for my orange garden that I didn't get planted last year well it's full of them! I could pull them out for days around here and still never get them all and they are in the yard too, I just cleaned them all out of my mini shade garden the last time I worked outside and now it's full of them again grrrrr! They are not THAT pretty! lol

toofew, `Did you read the part of about cleaning up about 6" of soil on top where they are they will be back lol Are you having any pop up this year? I think it was 6". Sounds like you dug your lawn up a while back then?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep, I have them oodles of them, especially in my daylily bed isles, but i leave them there because I have some sort of butterfly that like s them and the butterfly populations are so low I gotta help them all I can. Now I do try and get out and pick some of the seed heads when I can.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea, I did have a couple pop up the year after I dug the bed, but I was Very intent on getting rid of them. so now they are gone totally from that garden. I dug the bed out 9 - 12" deep.
But they do pop up every year in some of my other beds and I go crazy the moment I see them ... I totally stop what I'm doing and begin weeding intently till I've gotten all I can see. I only see maybe 20 plants a year, but I know what they can be ......

I've had the bed for ... 5 years?
Here it is

Thumbnail by toofewanimals
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Got 'em here too... along with every other weed known to mankind. Had a lawn guy that was in college studying horticulture that used to joke that he should just do a case study of our yard for his class on weeds! Grr.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

that is one weed I DONT have.

Lea - just came in from out back... i can only be on my hands and knees so long or the back acts up.... but as i was pulling weeds and ditch lilies..i was digging the single stalks of Blue Flax and putting them all together. I just love the blooms, so i dont care if they run rampant. plus, short roots, so they did out easily.

Sown a bunch of Zinnas today, plus the Summer Berries Scabiosa. I still have those huge grape containers from Sams that I can sow something in. Came in to get Charlie and he's sleeping like a bear. All that fresh air just knocks the lil guy out.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I have a nice jug of blue flax wintersown, and am thinking about planting it out soon. Any suggestions as to placement? From what I've read it sounds a little spindly? Should I group them close together or give space to bush out... never grown it before but love the pictures I see!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Terese I have Max outside so he will calm down the outside does wonders for the critters :) I'm sure momma cat will go out when it warms up more this week and I still don't have all of the canadian thisstle dug up not good.

Klstuart, I looked on a old pack and they said to plant them about 8" apart that sounds about right. Gotta tell ya I loved your comment on this post send that guy here he would have plenty to study here too!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks! Looking for everything I can do before leaving for a vacation. The less I leave in shallow containers to be watched by a high schooler the better. Have decided to pay him a daily rate plus bonus if everything is alive when I come back... seems fair.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Maybe that's what Terese should have done bet the money works lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh Lea -- I found the victoria blue... filed under Agastache not Salvia... so i just sow'ed them today along with some Agastache Rugosa.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi y'all!
Been a while, since I've been by, but not because I didn't want to, but because spring hit early, and we had the flood in January. So I've been as busy as all get out trying to get things planted, to take advantage of the seasonal rains. We had more than we expected so far, but it's been dry the last few weeks. We hope to get more rain like tomorrow!
Say does anyone know if the Guppy plant will self sow? I was really attached to the Guppy, and it went and dried up on me, now it's just a stick in a pot. Should I keep watering it? Do I need to find more Guppy seed? That will teach me to collect the seed next time.
You will all be pleased to hear that the 4 edible hibiscus are bug free and survived the winter. They were just transplanted into larger pots, and I'll be keeping them in the gh, so the bugs don't eat more than I do! LOL!
I miss you all, and the lively chatter.
Hope everyone is doing well. It's so hard to keep up!

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Hi Singing Wolf!
I just sowed the last of the Indian corn and gourds that you gave me in last year's Piggy Swap. None of the gourds germinated last year, but the corn grew and grew! I am watching my seeds more closely this year, so I feel confident that the gourds will do fine.
Do you need any seeds? I have a bunch of things that I can send to you.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Finally got some pictures taken. This is what I look forward to every spring, my "Snowbird" daffs.

Thumbnail by klstuart
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I have a few, if anyone is wanting any, contact me in June and we'll work out a trade... they always need dividing!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Here are a few of my WS containers.. the Flax is so cute!

Thumbnail by klstuart
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

KL your Dafs are sooo impressive!! Love them! If you need to get rid of some, I could find a home here for them! : )

This message was edited Mar 30, 2010 5:50 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

KL Them Snowbirds are scrumptious.

Hey SW... Howdy!!!!!!! Glad ya found time to stop buy and visit. Had seen all them storms and stuff out your way. Always glad to know your safe.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Klstuart, those ‘snowbird’ daphs are gorgeous! They would be my favorite and I’m not a fan of white much! I really like them! Why would you want to divide them they look beautiful there lol You must have some nice dirt there.

SW, glad to see you welcome back hope you are with us for a while now lol Sorry about the floods hope everything survived for you. Don’t know anything about guppy plants sorry :)

Well Robin came today and I didn’t have a wire she needed for my camera guess I’ve had it so long I’ve lost it lol She took some plants home with her she’s off tomorrow so I gave her something to work on LOL

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

KL, stunning picture of the daffs! What grows there when they are done blooming?

edited to change the plant type to daffodils ... duh!

This message was edited Mar 31, 2010 8:04 PM

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

I would love some of the Snowbird daffs but will probably forget to contact you in June.
Would you want more daffs or something else in trade? I have some "fancy" ones but don't remember the names.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I took pictures of my daff's but now my keyboard & mouse are not working & having to use this phone again. Hopefully will be able to post them later today. Hope everyone is enjoying some spring weather.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

they are beautiful have different kinds but my great grand don't leave on long enough to get a picture . My grandmother had loads of them down the side of her yard and I was able to get some along with her 7 sister's roses . Have added different daff's since my daughter loves a vase of them also. Now watching my old fashioned iris present thereselves lol. Just maybe spring coming!
Trying to explain to my daughter-in-law what you can't cut down since am to sick right now to do.She almost got the clematis vine that looks like it is wanting to bloom. And was looking at my over weeded lily bed told her no way stay out .
Just got to get well so can supervise here.
I did have a white daff come up and it was very pretty didn't seem to be as ruffled the snow one but still pretty .
Hope we all get to enjoy the beauty's our garden's bring!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've spent 90% of the day, so far, outside. I just finished washing the outside of my sunroom... now i'm gonna do the interior windows. already swiffered and mopped the floor ... maybe i'll sleep out there tonight.

I've done zero garden stuff today... 'cept for watering my WS jugs. ... had to move them all too... My original place for them is where the grill belongs... and we dragged that back out too... the kid wants to grill for dinner... good, cuz then i dont have to.

Temp thing in my task bar is reading 77°

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Has anyone grow Asarina Scandens successfully? I have a couple of healthy looking seedlings, maybe 6" tall so far. I'm afraid to put them out! Last year I put them in a hanging basket with eastern exposure and they just withered up and died! They read like they need full sun, but I wonder. Full sun here means burning hot heat most of the day in the summer, already pretty miserable in the middle of the day here. Supposed to get up in the 80s this week, but feels even hotter! So, where do they go?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Those are pretty klstuart, this one says full sun or part shade maybe you need part shade for yours isn't that morning sun.

Carolyn was getting ready to ask about you hadn't seen you post for a while I hope you get to feeling better soon! This is no time to be down :)

It says 70 outside here but it feels more like 80. I've done nothing but water plants and transplanted a few then my son called and he burnt his hand took him some stuff in for it and he has blisters that are so big on two fingers it's really awful looking I told him to take care of it burns are nothing to fool with! Went and got him a bag of ice that helped a lot when he put his hand in some ice water.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hmm, says cool greenhouse, that gives me a clue already, summers here are definitely more like a hot greenhouse! Maybe it just didn't like the basket last year. I'll try morning sun again, but in the ground I guess. Also says sandy soil... calls for some amending around here!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

What do piggy's think of this idea?

I just got a shipment of lilies in from Bleek. They were sprouting, so I potted them up in containers. Now they won't be up for a little while yet, so I was thinking I could plant something in the pot with them.

I'm hoping you will agree with me that a couple of radishes would be friendly companions. What do you think, worth a try?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

sure! lettuce would be fun, too... I got some pretty kinds of lettuce seed this year, need to sprinkle it around!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug.. Sorry to hear about your son. I spent many many years in the restaurant field and always had burns on hands and arms and legs. Heck even had hand and arm laid out flat on a hot flat grill from slipping on somebody onion part the dropped with a tray ful of hot pies. If you keepneosporin and it bandages so air doesn't get to it, wil heal and not scar . The open air if what make s them burns sting liek the devil.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I tried to get him to wrap them up but he just kept them in the ice water yesterday maybe today haven't talked to him yet today he's a late sleeper :) Last night I talked to him and he said the pain was gone but he took a couple of pain pills right after he did it took them a while to kick in so not sure if it was the ice water or the pills that stopped the pain.

I've got a lot of little burn scars from restaurants too did my time in those lol I kept burning my arms on the fajita skillets thank goodness I was never on the grill those people never would have come back lol

I have Dahlberg Daisies about two inches high and they are getting ready to bloom! Tiny little thangs lol

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

LeBug- If you had that Comfrey up now, you could wrap his burns in a poultice. Comfrey works wonders for that! (as does Aloe and Calendula blossoms).

Good news! Got my first set of WS sprouts this week, under our flood rains. Not sure how they made it, but they did. So excited!!

It will be in the 80's here this weekend I will be digging up the comfrey roots this weekend and sending on Monday. Expect them this week.

Also- before I post on the plant trading site, I have several Lady's Mantle babies (alchemilla mollis) for trade if anyone is interested.
Also I have Rue -
They both reseeded extras from last year.
Send me a dmail if interested.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

herbsprit my comfrey is only up about an inch just checked on it the other day. What would I do or how would I go about making a poultice for burns this might happen again you never know with them! Is there a web site I can go in to check on what to do with comfrey? I've googled but haven't found a lot thought you might know a good site :)

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I have learned here if says full sun have to put in part morning sun afternoon shade it just gets to hot and they bake . But can be done , not such a thing here as full sun are all those babies be gone.
Herbspirit , you really need to posy all the natural healing stuff for us lol and we need to print out , I would not be alive today if wasn't for my Indian background , they came by as my mom held me when doctor told her he would be back in theafternoon to pronounce me gone but my Aunt came by and went back home to the woods and brought back her cure from the land and doctor was totaly amazed I was alive. I did not even know I had problems for over 30 years and my mom sat and told the doctor about it , When my son was born and had so many problems my mom said lord why didn't I get Aunt Bells reciept,
We just don't think till someone is in troubleand wish we could remenber.
been putting my few plants outside,
Am taking it easy thank the lord didn't end up in hospital, so going very slow here and doing my breathing treatments like they said gonna do the best I can cause it spring and i want to play.

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