Alcohol against spidermites?

Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Several of my plants have the dreaded spidermites. I have read that a 1:1 rubbing alcohol/water solution is effective.
Any drawbacks? I have a pachira that is just loaded with it safe to try this?

Thanks in advance.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

It's great against mites. To be safe, try it on a small area and wait a coup[le of days before commiting.

You can make an excellent insecticide preparation:

In a 1 qt spritz bottle, add 1 tsp of cold-pressed neem oil (see Dyna-Gro Neem Oil) to a pint of hot water with a few drops of Murphy's Oil or dishsoap in it. Shake well & add a pint of (70%) rubbing alcohol. You end up with a 50/50 water/alcohol mix with a little neem and natural soap in it. Shake frequently as you spritz. Make sure you cover the plant thoroughly, hitting the underside of leaves & leaf axils, too.

The alcohol provides immediate knockdown and the neem is an anti-feedant and chemosterilizer (stops them from reproducing). It also short circuits the development process.


Hometown, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Al! I was ready to chuck the Pachira that was infested, because the insecticidal soap did nothing on other plants I had fall prey to these wicked monsters!
It's working, but I have the plant isolated until I'm sure it's OK.

Once again, thanks for your help!


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