(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

They are 97 cents here & I always put a pack in every box .
& I'm Not trying to make this complicated for anyone Just trying to run a Good Robin for all & so if this is to complicated for you I'm really sorry .

So thank you BS I do hope to get the robins in the air by the 10 So if you want out please say so & I will take you off the mailing list .

thank you all

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Carol : Sorry I missed your post thank you for understanding & Yes This is the type of swapping I Want to keep away from & I'm sorry if that offends a few people But I Do Not Nor will I send my seeds out like that .
I Pay for or work hard collecting my seeds .

So if anyone dose not want to be in the swap & Follow rules then anyone that gets the box & dose not follow the rules will receive a Neg Feed back .

Chris & Rodger I'm sorry if you think this is complicated .

please let me know by SUNDAY THE 7th If you want out . thank you

Warren Center, PA(Zone 5b)

remove me from the mailing list, sorry to be such a bother.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I was going to post the the Robin route But I Think I'm going to wait till SUNDAY EVENING TO POST IT >
This way Others will have time to Decide if They want to stay with us or not .

Thank you to all who understand I'm Not trying to make this hard on anyone .


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm to all well been hard at work on the robin's I've had Both POSSITIVE & Neg Feedback On My Guideline's
for this robin Mostly POSSITIVE Only Because some have been into my robins & They know How much fun it is to go throught them & so many choices to make . The last robin started out with over 200 pks came home with much less but that is fine for had told them to take all they needed or wanted .

I had not planned on this robin :) But it is fine we have plenty to start these off with another big bang & I will tell you
& maybe show you when they get ready to fly :)))

But for now here is what i posted on the other seed thread just this morning .

you can share SEEDS For Trees, Bushes , Flowers , Fruits, VEGGIES , Herbs,
TYPE Or Print on paper the info of the seeds & Put it into the baggies or tape it on the outside is fine .
New packs Unopened can be put into the robin if they have been opened please fold them over & maybe taped shut . or put into a zip baggy .

well back to work on the robins . have a great weekend .

if you might have other type of great seeds i'm not aware of & you know they are not INVASSIVE Please feel free to add then . if they are a tender perennial please try to add that to the pks so that others will know if they can grow in their zone it will help if you can do this .

ANNUALs Like petunia, cockcombs , ect can also be added ,

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gain I just posted this on the other forum & Just wanted to mention here also .

afternoon Well I Have also been ask that you try your best to Remove as much chaff as you can before packing the seeds & also that seeds "should not" be sent in their pods & this is true they need to be laid out to dry so they fall out of the pod then pack them up .

These are good tips For any & all Ready to learn Gardeners & Many I have found do not Join the seed trades
Because of the seeds they get in return , & I'm Just here to say THIS IS A Very Good Time To Put A stop to
Bad Packaging for good seeds . would like to have a nice clean robin for all of you to enjoy .

Hey NOW To admit I do have senior Moments & This is one I received an dmail if i could pick up an extra pk of zip baggies & I have them & now cannot find the dmail of who it was , i feel bad please let me know & I will get them out to you on monday :) .

thank you .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Not sure if I am posting this in the right place, but here is the status of the box of seeds I received in this Robin.
I received the box yesterday, added 8 extra packs to the veggie baggie and 20 extra packs to the flowers baggie and sent it on it's way to Wendy this morning.
DC no. 03091140000212924899

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