New bees chit chat Come on in!! 2-8-10

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone Huney glad to hear Caleb is improving prayers that he continues to improve. Be sure to take some quiet time for yourself to recharge. And how are the other boys and your DH doing?

Enid I've been quiet cause I'm working on some designs for 2 sweaters and a wall hanging. Got the hard part done now to start the crocheting and knitting to see if my brain knows what the heck it's doing.

Here's pictures of the last hat and scarf I made.

Thumbnail by Mindy03
Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

The scarf which I'm not really happy with but oh well I got tired of fooling with it.

Thumbnail by Mindy03

Morning Everyone!

Both look warm and comfortable Mindy! Hat is cool. Hope everyone has a nice day. Is anyone outside digging in this cold. LOL I need to plant some things while they are still dormant. Need motivation I think. Nine hydrangeas and need to move two climbing roses. Any ideas?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Good morning peeps...

seray - never thought about the Alabama swamp being hot - lol. Humidity I definitely do lack, so will be interested to see what you find out. I will d-mail you my message for mekos in a minute.

Trish - hang in there! Caleb is improving and that is great news. He will definitely need you to be strong and in order to be that you need to take care of yourself too and try to get some rest, as hard as it is. You and your family are in my prayers...

Oh, and I see our talented Mindy is at it again...

Hi flower aka waterbird - lol. I haven't been on the other site as much as I'd like. I have a hard enough time keeping up with Dave's - lol...

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

seray - it's going to be like 76° here today... Are you all still freezing?

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Gees - I'm going to find a hot tub to sit in... until my toes thaw out.


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

oh how I wish it was warm here. Its snowing. BRR

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I sure hope your toes get warm, AL.
Good Morning everyone. Trish , you and Caleb in our prayers.
We supposed to be getting warmer at the end of the week. I hope so.
But it is a beautiful day. Already been to mailbox.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

All envies in my possession filled and returned!!
Thinking of you Hunney.
Mindy I honestly do not know how you start and complete so fast. It seems like I dont get from here to the other site and back again and you have another project completed and you have started a new one. Superwoman I think...
Have a good day everyone...

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

LOL Robin it's like this too cold to garden, no more space in plant room to play in until it warms up, housework doesn't interest me, only go to town for exercise and groceries and to check on the lady who go that set 3 times a week so I have lots of time to play with yarn right now. My family while very larger is good enough not to bug me half to death and it helps I live in another county from all of them. My best friend is stuck at home and busy with her dad so she's not been bugging me much lately either. But boy when she does call she talks and talks and talks.
Today I start the cancer afghan to see how it's going to work out. Wish me luck this is strictly from my own imagination.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Luck Mindy!!!

HI Loca 28º last night. Shouldn't be long now.

Our winter is like everyone else's early spring north of here. Rainy, sunny, breezy, 70 than 40 during the day. It's like 4-5 months of spring! Then it gets hot. The leaves change and fall and then two months later the trees begin to bud. My spring bulbs come up in Dec and Jan. I lived in Fl over 20 years and I'm confused. LOL

I have learned not to start my veggies until the middle of April. The rest is hit and miss. We'll see how it all comes together this year. What will take it what won't etc. May just be a perpetual clean up! Or a really real Goth garden. LOL I bet it was hard to move from Maine to AZ. I would love the southwest I always collected cacti, succulents and rocks. I love the colors!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yeah, Maine to Arizona was like the biggest culture shock of my life - lol. But I love both places and both places you can grow things you can't grow in the other. People outside AZ have zone envy, but please remember so do we - all those high chill hour requirements we can't meet or full sun plants you can grow that we kill in shade. It's nice to garden year round, but the trade off is suffering through the summer - you and your plants!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I know what you mean about culture shock. I moved from year round gardening in Calif. to Kentucky. I couldn't even start getting the yard ready till this spring. With a 1/2 acre that has had nothing done with it, except mowing the pasture grass down, for 10 - 15 years. The soil is clay and sticky as all get out. I'm trying to add compost by collecting leaves around the neighborhood til no more leaves and I'm trying to buy a truck load of sand to turn into the soil. Than I can get the yard planted. Till than most stuff is going into containers.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

California to Kentucky - that is definitely a culture shock - lol. You must get cabin fever really bad when you're used to being able to work outside all year. What stinks here is we don't have a lot of trees that drop leaves, so hard to come by for the compost pile or lasagna beds sometimes. Maine there were trees everywhere! Here I have to snag some from a park or ask on freecycle. My BIL is a landscaper and he will sometimes bring me leaves, but if they've used chemicals on them they can't go into the compost since my veggies are organic. In that case I'll use them in a lasagna bed or as mulch on ornamentals.


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I guess I'm lucky here. LOTS! LOTS of trees. People in the neighborhood were very happy to let me have their leaves. I got over 50 large trash bags full of leaves. I'm also doing some lasagna beds for the first time. I've collected newspapers and cardboard for my lasagna beds.

Because of a back injury and bad knees, I can't do much digging or geting down on the ground to plant, so raised beds are the answer. I also want to try some strawbale gardening. I found a place to get wheat straw and am wondering how that will work, plus next year I can turn the straw into the soil. It will take me a couple of years, but I'll get this ground really ready for some serious gardening.


Pearland, TX

Robin, that's great! I can't wait to get my seeds! I was just wondering about them earlier today. :) I wish our weather would make up its mind. 30, then 70, and back to 30 again. I lost a bunch of seedlings to damping off with all the bloody rain in my wintersowing containers. :( I have to restart them this week. I'll probably stop and get another roll of duct tape this afternoon since mine seems to have developed legs! I'll bet its in the kiddo's favorite hiding spot.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sounds like you have a good plan in place Marti. It just takes time. My yard has hardly anything in it and sometimes when you look at something like that you get overwhelmed. I just try to take it little areas at a time. Plus all my great peeps have sent me plants and seeds, so that helps. By the time I'm done maybe I'll have a little area dedicated to all my friends from Dave's.

sapphire - duct tape disappears in my house of 3 boys as well - lol. Always looking for that dang stuff...

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes, most people at DG have been very thoughtful in their gifts of seeds to me and in the swaps. I've made arrangements to get 40 daylilies at $1.00 each plus postage. There will be named and unnamed lilies. I don't care, I just want daylilies.


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

That's a great deal Marti! Hope you get some beauties!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Great Marti!! Good find!!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Marti, where did you find a great deal like that!?

Pearland, TX

So I was in Walmart last night after the aforementioned roll of duct tape. I walked through the garden department (in my defense, it was on the way to hardware) and saw a rack of 20-cent seeds. Not a lot of selection or variety, nor were there a ton of seeds in the packet, but for someone who just wanted to try something out without investing in an entire packet, the price was right. I got acorn squash, butternut squash, jalepenos, and I forget right now what else.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Nice score on the seeds, sapphire!

At that price you can afford to try some new varieties.


P.S. Did you get the duct tape? LOL

Enid, OK

Hi all! Seray, goes to show you how little I know - I thought the hen and chicks were in the same category as the sedums I have. I thought they were sedums but didn't know what semps were. Now I know!

I have decided I am gonna start teaching the one yr old all about plants. That way when gma forgets what she is doing, little guy can fill her in. LOL I figure if I start now by explaining what plant he is eating the dirt out of, by the time he is five he will know more than me. If I start him young, when he is my age, he won't have to try to figure all this out!! I have been looking for hen and chick starts, is there a good, reasonable source out there somewhere? Everything I have found is $6.00 for just the little start then there is shipping - makes one little hen pretty expensive!! Maybe I should scout the town and go steal starts at night - then I could go to jail with Mekos. Think they would let us share a cell??

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Or you can just dmail me and when spring lets mine show through I will trade you a handful for something.....

Hi Enid, Good plan with the kids. The sooner they can dig the better. ;)

I just got a bunch of hens and chickens (semps) from mamajacks coop. It's closed now and they'll deliver in April. I may have left overs. They were a $1 apiece. If I use them all I'll share when they have babies. Normally they are about $4 - $6. Check the coop here they may have one going. That's the only way to get a variety with reasonable prices that I've found. I'll see if I can find another one for you.

They might let you share cells for a night but that's all. Maybe you could break her out! LOL

Couldn't find a coop here for you Enid. Looks like they are restructuring them a little. We'll just have to bag it around town. Just kidding. There'd be witch revival trials if you, Mekos and I were in the same jail cell.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Trials they wouldn't dare!!

LOL You mean they'd just hunt up the wood.

Pearland, TX

loca, I did make it out with the duct tape. I needed it for wintersowing containers, so I was motivated. LOL. I am so like that though...go in the store for one thing, get distracted, and go home without what I came for.

Tonight, since hubby is at school instead of hogging the kitchen table, I will be making more wintersowing containers. :D He also gave me my potting bench back, so now I have a better place to put them.

Erin, I am totally teaching my son, who is almost three. He loves to pull carrots. Can't get him to eat them yet, but we'll get there. Right now he likes to dig in my veggie gardens LOL. But he is always excited to check the wintersown containers to see if there are new plants in there.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Glad you made it out alive, and with your duct tape to boot! I can't count the # of times I went to the store for something and found this fabulous deal and left without what I went for in the first place... Grrrrrrr! Happened the other day. Went for birdseed and now can't even remember what distracted me, but I left without the dang birdseed.

Good to teach your babies when they are young. My little boys (well if you call 8 & 10 little - lol) love to pick peas and carrots and broccoli and eat it straight out in the garden. It's nice that they know where food comes from (and it's not the grocery store...).

Some of you know this, some of you don't, but I work for a very large beef production facility, so I can tell you all that your meat definitely does not come from the grocery story either, contrary to popular belief...

Pearland, TX

My family is a ranching family, so I know my meat does not come from the grocery store...but I prefer not to think about that. I've always said I'd probably be a vegetarian if I had to see the process.

Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

HI Everyone LOL at the forget what you went to the store for stories DH just went through a spell of forgetting to get sugar 3 times in a row. What was funny was he would tell me ahead of time to get it and I'd remind him at the store but he still forgot it. I ended up writing it on my grocery list and he was able to remember everything I wrote down then.

Pretty weather here today sunshine melted most of the snow so may go for a short walk with the dogs in a bit. Half way on the wall hanging background doing it first then going to make the cancer ribbons and attach somehow or other. Bought the yarn for the girls sweathers today so that will be ready to go soon also.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)


We got a heat wave going on 43 degrees and sun shine.
maybe spring is just around the corner!!!


Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Quote from sapphirestar19 :
I've always said I'd probably be a vegetarian if I had to see the process.

It's not that bad, though personally I try not to think about it either. I grew up in farm country and we hunted and all that, so guess it's pretty normal to me - lol.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow! 43°? That is for sure a KY heat wave - lol. Hopefully it melts any snow you all have.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Snows just about gone. I've been out gun hunting. I'm going to buy a rifle and go deer hunting this year. I need meat in the freezer and can not eat beef. I get really sick if I try to eat anything with beef in it. Makes me mad also. Before 1990, I could eat beef once a week and I loved medium rare steak smothered in onions and mushroom. Since 1990, I have not been able to eat any at all. The smell of cooking beef will send me running for a trash can. Very embrassing!!

I get my fishing license the end of this month and than its off to catch dinner. Yum!!


Pearland, TX

My dad never hunted. My husband hunts and fishes, but has yet to be successful since we have gotten married. I grew up in suburbia, but we went up to the ranch in North Dakota any summer we could.

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