Got Wind?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

WOW just got up and it sound like things are going crazy out there. I opened the one sliding door and there is this wild crazy "warm" wind. It's 59 degrees and I can hear things bumping around. Something just hit one of the walls and I'm wondering if I still have all my siding?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well it is too dark to see much but I just got the answer to that question. I went out on the front porch as it is pretty sheltered and while I was standing there I hear a loud thump and a piece of the vinyl siding came crashing down into the yard. I have the weather channel on and they are talking about the rain and possible flooding and never said a word about the wind.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well I was outside and there are only two pieces of missing vinyl siding. No wonder I could hear it while I was sleeping this is the wall the headboard of my bed sits against. Doesn't look too bad yet but as you can see there is another piece flapping in the wind. I got the two missing pieces out of the yard and put them in the garage. Hopefully if this one comes off I can find it too.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Have 69 News for our area on tv right now. Weatherman is talking about heavy rain and wind continuing into the afternoon. Front is moving slowly. The furniture on my deck has been rearranged. Empty garbage pail on my neighbors lawn. However, it is WARM outside for a few days before the chill returns.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I woke up during the night to hear the recycling bin being pushed over the deck by the wind. I also know someone near me has wind chimes, heard those too. The warmth feels good.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, This will precipitate another day of branch collecting in the beds. I could use the exercize after all of that good eating this weekend! The forecast here says the winds will calm down by one pm. Sorry about your siding Holly. I always hate any job that is going to make DSO go up on the roof. None of us recover from falls the way we used to. We also seem to fall more than we ever did before too.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow, crazy.

We've had some serious wind gusts but seems to have calmed down in the past hour.

Knocked over my metal 'welcome' snowman, but that's all I see so far.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Didn't get outside. It's still raining pretty hard. But I can see that one of my benches is upside down.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well it has stopped raining and the wind did settle down that piece of siding is still hanging on. We had a break in the clouds a bit earlier and the sun came streaming through. I told Ric there had to be a rainbow out there somewhere as a fine rain was still comming down. Here I am outside in the rain looking for a rainbow. Yep I found it and you know what the end of the rainbow was in my neighbors yard. Yep, I have never been close to where a rainbow comes down. Here it is a bit hard to see as the rain was stopping. Just look between the side of my house and the electric pole you can see how low it is. I'm going to call my neighbor when she gets home and tell her to take a good look around there might be a pot of gold in her yard. LOL
Sorry it's not a prettier pic but there was no way to get around those wires.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah I see it, neat!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

that's beautiful Holly. The sun was out for about 10 minutes and now it's POURING again, big time.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Stopped raining here too. Beautiful rainbow Holly. I looked around outside for mine, and it's not there.

Just got a package from ebay with anemones. No names, just colors. I guess that I can plant them now, right??

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Sure you can, Teri. Is your ground workable?

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I think so. These bulbs are so tiny that they don't need to go in to deeply. Just have about 9 tiny bulbs and one thing called "china lily pink spider flower" that has a 3 inch slender growth coming out. I don't think I can put this out. Should I pot it?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm not hijacking. Just want you guys to know that I received an e mail offer from Bluestone with a mere 15% off. I did order their extra pretty sea holly and centaurea montana gold. If anyone thinks that there is something worth purchasing for that small discount. I can either purchase it for you or give you this code "A2EUGA638". I don't know if this code is specific to me.

This message was edited Jan 25, 2010 6:23 PM

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Roses! I have to say, every time this thread pops up in my thread watcher, I crack up. Holly, did you really think about that title before starting this thread???? I'm still cracking up.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I'm sure she did. Her mind works like that.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Actually I was thinking about windy talking. Ric and I were talking about a general chat thread for the MA like a Parking Lot thread. When I first posted it I was thinking about something like Got Wind and other topics, but at the time I just couldn't come up with something that sounded right. I never even thought about the other "windy" end till you said that. LOL
R_R_R go ahead and chat all you want as I said originally I was thinking it might be a good way to start off a chat thread.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I was thinking of calling it MidAtlantic Musings. What do you think?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

OK, I did it. Here it is:

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

The wind was not bad here, but we got a lot of rain, the creeks are very swollen, someone tried to drive a VW Beetle through water over the road and rolled it over, he was not hurt but pretty cold and wet from what I heard. Temp started dropping this afternoon and we are looking at some snow tonight. I have to be at the hospital at 9:00am tomorrow for some more tests, Bone and CT scans, hubby always drives but I still hate being out on the roads.

Stormy, I also was laughing about the thread title. Holly, you crack me up. Thanks for the laugh!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Teri, I got a post card from Bluestone yesterday too. The discount code is the same as yours, so I guess anyone can use it. Someone should start a coupon code thread like the ones Hart used to post. Teri, do you want to do it?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well we were without power last night. We had power all day and so did my son Jamie. He lives 3 miles away and is on a different grid than we are. The grid between his house and ours was out all day, good it was so warm yesterday. Then early in the evening both his and our power went out and was off for several hours. It never did come back until after I went upstairs to bed. Sometime around 11:00. Ric and I had snacks and a cribbage game by candle light. He won 2 games out of 3, that's when I decided to go to bed. LOL Then this morning we had power but the phone and computer modem were down for most of the morning.
Ladyg, we have had a lot of flooding in our area. with all the streams and creeks flowing into the Susquehanna River in our area there usually is a good bit. Not us though living on top of a hill has it's advantages. There were a few snow flurries a bit earlier but that was all. I'm headed to the Dr's office tommorrow with my parents. Nothing serious I hope but Dad just hasn't been feeling well and they did a battery of tests on him, get the results tomorrow. Hope both of us get good news at the Doc's.
Stormy I'll check out that thread a bit later.
Hey I heard some banging around up on the roof a bit earlier. Guess the siding isn't a problem any more.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I spent a short while outside picking up some of the debris from the storm. Was thinking about Ric having to go up on that roof. Glad you were out there with him, Holly. Cribbage??? Don't think I've tried to play that since I was a kid. I'll know not to challenge Ric to a game! Hope all is well with your Dad, Holly.

This thread title still cracks me up. I think Holly & Ric should get the award for the most colorful Thread title!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We had some minor flooding and river should crest by this evening without a lot of damage. We were fortunate that it finally stopped when it did. Ric

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Whew--that wind kept us up almost all night, and when it wasn't that, it was some silly teen girls having an after-semester exams sleepover at our house. I was really tired yesterday-- At dinner, DS had just said he was going out a bit later--then we heard this pounding, DH said rain and I said Hail. It was--pea size hail. We went to bed by 9 pm last night, fell asleep right away, and woke in much better shape today.
Glad there are no major problems from the wind. I passed several downed trees, driving today, but no one hurt that I know of. Lots of twigs and dead branches to pick up.
Hope the tests give 'good ' results Holly.

OK, now we need a Mid Atlantic Cribbage Tournament. I learned from my dad.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Seems like it's been forever since I checked all the new threads and I've got to say Holly's title grabbed my attention! LOL Sounds like everyone east and north of us had more problems with the wind than we did. We thought we were safe until Rick came home mid afternoon and frantically grabbed me to help tack down the plastic on one of our hoop houses that had let go - avoided a major disaster! The flooding worried us more than anything - water had come up over the bridge at the end of the nursery driveway where we store our soil bales. Fortunately we lucked out - back in the 80's when there was major flooding here 600 bales of soil that had been delivered the week before were washed down the stream!

Talk of cribbage brings back fond memories of my Dad :) I remember all the cribbage battles when he and friends or relatives would get together - never understood all their enthusiasm "15-2, 15-4, and a pair is 6!" when I was younger but when he finally taught me how to play I got hooked! Rick had never played so I taught him when I moved here but he always accused me of cheating because he could never beat me :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Our son-in-law taught us all how to play a couple of years ago. I remember the first couple of games I just couldn't quite get it. Probably would have given up but Josh picked it up right from the start and loved to play. Back then Josh was living at home and Ric was working night shift. So in the evenings Josh would harass me into trying to play after a few forced games the little light bulb went on. I just love it now. We are a family of game players. Jamie came over on Sunday to play cards. Josh was here getting his taxes done so the three of us sat at the table playing Phase1 while Ric sat at the computer and did Josh's taxes.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

15-2 15-4 and a double run of three...12...Wheee and now for my about excitement

By the way, I did make a big pot of bean soup last Friday.....

I cooled it in the fridge, 'stead of the deck, hope that was OK and didn't break an MA code of conduct

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Let's see the subject is wind... We have wind that will keep you up all night, snort! Our aging beagle/basset was found to have Lyme's disease. The treatment is a serious, long course of antibiotics. The result, a healthier dog with all the good bacteria and enzymes gone from their gut, and flatulence, excessive odorous flatulence. He came bring tears to your eyes, and not tears of endearment. I've tried giving him beano and pro-biotic yogurt but these efforts are alas, just gone with the wind. Sorry I got so long winded. LOL Ric

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL - I cracked up at the title as well - Samson has terrible flatulence and not of the silent & deadly kind either! Loud and deadly is a better description - my beloved, knuckleheaded, incredibly fast growing, snoring, farting and drooling mama's boy!

Rick, try canned pumpkin ^_^

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

My Mary Chris is the one for stomach problems, gas and gurgling, her tummy would gurgle so loud at night it would wake me up. My groomer told me to get Infant's Mylicon, it's over the counter, for gas. One drop on top of her food seems to be doing the trick.

Now back to the weather wind, I heard you guys in MA will be getting a big storm again. Hope it is just a roomer.

This message was edited Jan 27, 2010 12:11 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I will try it Bec, Thanks. Chris, I'll keep that in mind. Hopefully something will work, the clothes pins hurt after a while. LOL Ric

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

You guys are too funny!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Ric, the active ingredient in Mylicon is Simethicone 20mg. Is that in Beano ? No since buying the same thing under a different trade name. My dogs are little, so that is why we go with the baby and infants OTC meds.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

ROFL !!!!
Beano is an enzyme--Simethicone just doesn't sound like an enzyme to me. The enzyme helps break down certain carbs or something we don't digest well, so that may not apply with the antibiotic induced gas. What a lovely subject! I've rarely had this nice a lunch topic since I quit the health department and you could chow down and discuss sewage and rats...and there were certain restaurants we would NOT go to. Even if they managed to clean up for that last inspection.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No beano is a digestive enzyme and for me works as well as ginger. When I make my baked beans I add a fair amount of ginger, gives them some added zing also. The last time we had a family meal I forgot it,and actually was later ask why were my beans so gassy. LOL
I heard somewhere a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far OOPS wrong thread, adding ginger degases beans and if you're soaking them overnight adding some to the water also works. Ric
Sally we crossed post!

This message was edited Jan 27, 2010 1:20 PM

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

An all natural gas reliever is fennel seed.
I give Wall-e 'Gas X' with his food

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Everything you wanted to know about Simethicone LOL

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