Photos from Seed Swap January 23rd in Mount Bethel PA

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Holly, the rose is Eden :)
I was still full this morning!

Thumbnail by venu209
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Weeze, Is that beautiful bush blooming now?????

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

so pretty Weeze

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

WOW that is beautiful, I had a few hanger-ons until 6 weeks ago, what a difference a Zone makes. I know you like clematis as well would you have a suggestion of a clem that would look nice growing with it?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I want to thank Teri for the incredible effort she put forth to make our day spectacular.Gardadore did a wonderful job of helping keep us all organized and moving the swapping along efficiently. I loved meeting Gardadore, Venu, Jan, Michele and want to extend a special welcome to Ronnie92.

Poor Ronnie was sitting in the wrong seat and had to work for her supper by serving both the soup and Lasagna! Va & MD Dgers, your ears should all be ringing, we were talking about you all a good part of the day. You were all there with us in spirit, and you too Lady, Doc & Mike. Holly shared some of Doc's wonderful Christmas Cactuses with us.

Every room in Teri's house was lovelier than the next and she had decorated it all herself, all with online purchases. That is amazing. The grounds were spectacular and her cooking was superb with a beautiful table setting and great appetizer spread. It was a beautiful ride up there with beautiful views of the Pa countryside.

Carolyn, Lady, BlueSpiral and Ronnie, Everyone helped me to choose some additional seeds for you. I will get them packed and out to you by Tuesday. Thank you all for the seeds that you sent. Ronnie (Luvs) had also enclosed a large package of seeds that she had gotten from another swap, so there were lots of ones that weren't on our lists.

The gift table was full of very nice gifts and we all got to take home some goodies. Everybody donated their left over seeds to be brought along to the Frederick swap, so there is going to be a great selection there. LadyG wins the award for the most beautifully packaged seeds.

The guys all seemed to have a nice time too. Teri & Rob were the perfect host & hostess. It was really great to see all of our friends and to make some new ones. DG ROCKS!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I want to thank you all for thinking of us "via mail swappers". I had fun making the seed packets, and it passes the day when you are snowed in.
It was a wonderful sunny day up in NW Pa, and I even spotted a Bald Eagle circling over head yesterday. The not everyday signs of nature lift my spirits, I was with you all in my heart. Peace and Blessings to all.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Now that every piece of china, crystal, plant life and furniture has been put back into place, my house seems to be saying "where'd everybody go?" :

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

The rose is not in bloom now, how I wish! I just wanted Holly to see a great climbing rose at only 2 years old.

Lady, your seed packets are gorgeous!

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

We can come back ;)

Athens, PA

You were all in my thoughts yesterday - I would love to have been able to have come to the swap!

Thank you to all of those that thought of the 'mail swappers'. Thank you also to those that have posted pictures. I have been having a wonderful time looking at all the photos and putting names and faces together.

A special thank you to you, Stormlya - without your initial emails and your hard work to include those of us that could only attend as 'mail swappers', I would not have been included.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, venu, the pictures of the flowers were the actual ones that bloomed in my yard. I think there were only a few that I did not have a photo .

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I do expect you all back when everything starts blooming. No later than early June. At that time I'll know what has survived and can be swapped.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yes, Chris your seed packets were beautiful!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

oh yes... loved your packets too!!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I will dittttttoooo everything that has been said. ^_^ It whet my appetite for more DG affairs.

It was my pleasure to drive. You girls were great navigators! It made the drive much more enjoyable.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks from me too for the mail swappers!! I can't wait for my seeds to arrive I have been itching to get my WS started!

Looking at the pictures makes me feel like I know all of you already!! I would love to participate in a plant swap but for me would have to be later in son is getting married June 5th. so I may be busy that day!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am so sorry that I missed the outing, but I am glad that everyone had a good time.

I am dying to know what rose bushes are successful for you. So far, my Austin rose Wildeve is thriving, and I have given up on grafted roses. Thanks to Dave's, I learned about own root roses and sources.

It must be wonderful to have roses blooming! My grandmother used to live in Tom's River, New Jersey. She had a lovely garden. Everything bloomed there so much earlier than Northern NJ/NYC. It was always so nice to visit her place.

My doctor wants me to get some lab tests done since I am running a fever. I'll have to hop the Pocono Pony in the morning. I am going to make copies of the results and the bills to send to the restaurant and the health department. I have lived and worked all over the world including the Caribbean and never had food poisoning until I dined in the Poconos. I never lived anywhere with frequent "boil water" notices either. (Although I knew in advance not to drink the water in certain places.)

Better get my pukey, crabby self back to bed.

I had to post that it looks like you people had an excellent time! Jan is attending our PNW seed swap in absentia so I thought I better come check out this thread to make sure we can live up to her expectations. I can see we have a hard act to follow! Such good food and so many seeds!
Be sure to check out our thread as we'll have photos of our tinfoil hat competition. You won't want to miss it!
Here is a link for you:

Isn't it great to get together and talk gardening? No one else understands us so it's a good thing we have each other.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

hope you take lots of photos of the hats.. too funny

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I'm glad you made it over here pixydish. Am anxious to see the foil headgear pics. Somebody better make one besides me. ^_^

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Pixy, Nice of you to drop by!! We will certainly be on the lookout for your hats.

Oh, I think you will be in good company, Jan. LOL!

East Stroudsburg, PA

Hi Everyone,
Of course I'm late but I'd like to say how much I enjoyed the day and the company of all. What a great group of garden people! Everything was beautiful- the setting and the people. I'm looking forward to another get -together sometime. And now I know alot of the faces that go with the threads while I'm lurking! This experience was much better than some of the local garden clubs I have been attending. I wish all of you the best with your seeds.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

The same to you Ronnie! Please don't be shy about joining in on any of our conversations.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Ronni. You, too. I have been raving about this to everyone.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Rave on, Jan!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Pixiedish, A tinfoil hat competition, can't miss that. Thanks for the invite I will be over to see. You are so right about how great it is to get together and talk gardening

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hee-hee, Holly. I can't wait to see the foil headgear competition. I'm secretly hoping mine wins. Shameless aren't I?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Stormy just reminded me. I passed out a couple of winter blooming pussywillows. I haven't tried looking them up yet but this is what I can tell you.
They didn't come from my yard. They were part of a flower arrangement that I got from the HGHA raffle table. The man that did the arrangement, a retired professional florist, said that they are winter blooming pussy willows. He had gone out in his garden and cut some that morning (second week in Jan) and put them in the arrangement. At the time they had their catkins. I would keep the cuttings in water till you have some good root growth and then pot it up till you can plant it outside in spring. He said they were easy to root and that was an understatement as the roots you see grew in two weeks while they were stuck in oasis in the arrangement. I think every piece has some growth some more than others. There is one very short piece that I think he used to stake the two pieces of oasis together as it was stuck though both pieces and cut off with only an inch sticking out, that is growing too.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

every time I cut some to force them open inside.. they grow roots and I pot them up

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

RRR, sorry I missed all the fun but looks like everyone had a great time! Not sure what I would miss most - seeing old friends, getting to know all the new faces, seeing your beautiful home or devouring a piece of Ric's cake :)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

that cake was rockin!!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Ric's gonna post the recipe for the cake soon........right Ric? I already told my grandsons all about and they are due here all together in a couple of weeks for their winter break.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

would be nice... RRR... I wouldn't give that one up though.. that is a reason to get an invite to a party!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Just had to tell you all the I got my seed package from Stormy with the seeds from the swap. I am so delighted with everyones offerings. Thank you Stormy, you are such a dear!
Some I will be starting soon as I think they will need some growing time before I can set them out to harden off in May.
My garden this year will truely be a Friendship garden.

Athens, PA

I received my seed packet from Stormyla yesterday. I am so thrilled with everything and anxious to get started planting seeds and maybe even do some wintersowing. I was not going to do the WS this year, I am definitely thinking more in that direction.

Ladygardener - I love your seed packets - they are adorable.

Happy gardening to all!


Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

aren't they the best???

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I received mine too!! Thanks so much Stormy and all the participants for such great seeds!! I can't wait for won't get here too soon for me!

I've been asked to post a photo of our tinfoil hat competition at the PNW seed swap. So here we are in all of our tinfoil glory!

From the left:

For explanations of the workings of these hats, go to this thread. Some of these are very creative!

Thumbnail by
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the hats are too funny.. you guys did good!!

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