Photos from Seed Swap January 23rd in Mount Bethel PA

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

what a wonderful day we had... Teri you out did yourself!!!.. thank you so much for the lovely day!!!

edit -- correct me if I am wrong with the names

Gardadore, Stormy & Jan

This message was edited Jan 23, 2010 11:38 PM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


This message was edited Jan 23, 2010 11:38 PM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Roses_R_Red & Ronnie92

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 8:27 AM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 8:31 AM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Venu, Jen & Michele

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 8:31 AM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Jen, Michele and Jan

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 8:31 AM

Thumbnail by onewish1
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by onewish1
Saddle Brook, NJ

Teri - I had a wonderful time. Thank you for being such a gracious hostess. The food was awesome and the company was outstanding. Don't think you'll find a nicer group of women anywhere. - Michele

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am sorry I missed the gathering. I have been too sick to even get downstairs.

I was really looking forward to going. I have regretted moving to this area in general and this townhome complex in particular. I moved here to recover from a serious auto accident. The recovery has proved longer and more difficult than expected. I was looking forward to getting out and meeting people with interests other than beer and television. (The only subjects of conversation in my neighborhood.)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

so sorry GQ.. hope you are feeling better... just dmail me your address and I will send your seeds.. I didn't realize you had a pick up and didn't bring them with me

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I just added the Mid Atlantic forum to my favorites! What a wonderful day with great people, great food (and plenty of it) all set in beautiful countryside. Even Mother Nature co-operated with lots of sunshine. Thank you Teri!!

GQ, I hope you are feeling better very quickly, sorry to have missed you.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am not concerned about the seeds, I really wanted to get out and meet people. I went out for a drink and appetizers with friends and we are all feverish and vomiting.

I am getting all of the seeds that people requested in envelops. I will walk up to the post office with them when I am able to do so.

I didn't realize that I had a "pick up" either. I am more interested in the networking than the seeds.

At this point, I am wintersowing seeds in the hopes of bringing them with me when I move to another place in the spring. I am one certified letter away from putting my rent in escrow and breaking my lease.

Anyone who wants to know where not to rent in the Poconos is free to dmail me for details.

Athens, PA

CQ - I hope you are feeling better. I had sent all my items for you to Stormyla. We will work something out, I am sure.

How far is the Fredericksburg MD swap from you next month? Perhaps all is not lost.....

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I think a wonderful time was had by all. Special Thanks to Rob and Terri for an exquisite job of hosting in their beautiful home, and the great food. Thanks to all who contributed and attended to make the day such a sucess.
Terri, I hope you got to put your feet up, sip a glass of wine after we all left, and tell Rob, "I think we got it right", because you most certainly did! Thanks Again! Ric

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes they did Ric!!!.. way more than I ever expected

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

What an AWESOME day!!! Great food, fellowship, and weather. I so enjoyed meeting everyone. Now, that I've gotten this first one under my belt, I will try to make more. I am stuffed with some tasty food.

GQ, hope you feel better quickly.

Yes, two pats on the back for you and your DH, Teri. I think I would have jumped in bed as soon as everyone left. You've got to be exhausted.

Thanks for the pics, Allison.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Allison, thanks for the pictures. I was thinking about you all today.

Venu, welcome to the Mid-Atlantic, there is always room for one more at our virtual table,. Hope I get to meet you and GQ in person someday.

GQ does sound like food poisoning if everyone is sick, what did you all eat in common, I would call the eating establishment, they my need to do some serious food tossing out.

Teri, you home is lovely. Sorry I could not attend.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thinking about me all day??? should I be frightened?


the home was breath taking for sure!!!.. Teri set the bar too high.. I could never host a swap now!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Yes, I was thinking about you and everyone there and all the fun I was missing.

Now, I want to hear about the food and the seeds. I see there was some of Ric's cake left... or did everyone go back for seconds LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

too full from all the other food... lots of great pickins for starters...I didn't even taste everything.. great bean & escarole soup (could eat that everyday).. salad... lasagna.. Hawaiian chicken (didn't have enough room for that).. and all the desserts were great.. Ric's cake was a cure PMS good!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Over 1/2 of the cake was left, everyone feared death by desert.:-} LOL Rob said everyone could leave, if we left the cake. He was left with a nice piece. Jim supposedly came because of the cake, and had to leave early. Since he left before desert, he was forced, (HA HA) to take a piece along, (I hope you enjoyed it Jim!). About 2 slices came home, which was more than enough! Chris, everything was so good, I'm not sure anone could fit seconds of anything. Ric

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

What a wonderful day. Thanks to our gracious hosts., beautiful house and great food. Great seeing all of you and meeting some DGr's I've never met before.
Thanks again to Jan for driving.
GQ, sorry you're sick, I'd def report the restaurant also.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Wow looks like everyone had a great time!! Pics are good...I need names to go with them! Teri your house looks so pretty! And the!

GQ I hope you are feeling better...

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

oops I missed a desert pic.. I will finish all the rest of the names tomorrow.. too pooped out

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

My friend called the restaurant and the health department, they offered us free dinners I am going to go there again.

The guilty culprit was the crab rangoon. Luckily, we left after one drink and appetizer, because we were being harassed by the men at the next table.

My friends talked me into going out and "meeting some people." Next time I want to "meet some people" I'll hop the bus to the city.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I went to a Garden Party and had myself some fun!
R_R_R sure knows how to throw a party what a fabulous Hostess. Here is the dining room all set for our 5 course dinner. Yep we ate all day. Don't know how I ate that much but everything was so good I couldn't help myself. Started off with wine and appetizers. That carried us through the meeting and greeting and the swapping. You can see into her wonderful sun room where she set up the gift table. It was a wonderful sunny spot to sit, talk and enjoy the view.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is our lovely hostess R_R_R wearing her cooks apron, co-hostess Gardadore with her back to the camera, Ronni92 to the left and me. It was very nice meeting new people like Ronni. This is the kitchen table where the seed swapping was set up. You can see the large windows in this room. R_R_R's house has windows across the entire back of the house and she has quite a collection of house plants. She sent home some cuttings of her Jasmine. Hopefully I can get them to root.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is a better pic of the seed laden table. Gee wonder who's wine glass that is.......hehe

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

The Jersey Girls came in force and brought the party with them. What a fun group we had. onewish1 and venu209 with Flowerjen, R_R_R and Ric in the background

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gardadore in the pink finally a pic from the front. I would have loved to talk to you more about your travels, hopefully another time we will. Jan23 (another of the Jersey Girls) in the green. It was so nice talking to you Jan. Ronnie92 in the doorway we had some nice conservation,too. She has a shade garden and I would love to see some pics of that. Stormy has been talking about starting a shade garden thread so I am hoping to see some pics posted there. I always come away from these get togethers feeling that I didn't get to talk to everyone near as much as I had wanted.
Venu was it you or Jan that was talking to me about Roses? Pretty sure the name of that rose was Envy? or maybe Eden?

This message was edited Jan 24, 2010 7:48 AM

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I am really enjoying these pictures!! Makes me relive the whole experience which absolutely delighted me.

I fell asleep about 8:30 last night after relaxing for a while. By 3am I had had enough sleep, so I had a party with all the leftover desserts and goodies while I cleaned up. Worked out very well because I'm all cleaned up and all filled up.

It's amazing to add so many new friends in ones life in the span of one day. This is such a unique experience and probably wouldn't happen without DG. Now I need to read all your posts so that I can continue to feel our connection.

Your company was WELL WORTH my effort and that always leaves me with a wonderful afterglow.

I hope we will be seeing each other soon.

Much Love


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

View from the back deck. I would love to go back in the summer and see her 50 or so rose bushes. Many are planted around the deck edge.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

here is the 2nd desert photo I forgot to post

Thumbnail by onewish1
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

By the time we were done with the meal we hardly put a dent in the deserts. But I brought a bag of treats home and they are providing me with a fine breakfast. LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yes me too.. the cranberry cake / bread.. made for a great breakfast

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Well when we were finished with the appetizers and and the swapping we all moved over to the dining room for the start of a wonderful meal. I don't think any of the guys minded coming along to the garden party when they got to eat like this. There was chicken with bean & escarole soup, that fantastic salad that R_R_R made for our plant swap last summer, lasagna, Hawaiian chicken and a delicious chicken salad that barely got touched sorry I didn't bring some of that home boy was it good.
Here is Ronnie serving the soup, Stormy standing up with her SO Larry sitting at the table. We toasted our hostess and started to eat.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Another shot of the group relaxing and talking after the meal. That's R_R_R's husband Rob talking to Larry and Gardadore's husband Jim talking to Ric. He said he only came to have some of Ric's cake. LOL They had to leave before we started the deserts so he took some home hope he enjoyed it. LOL

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Some more after meal talking and relaxing. Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. I think I got pics of everyone and the names all right but please speak up if I have anyone confused or you don't see your picture.
Onewish, Michele and R_R_R

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am so happy to have that photo.. I think I only have one other with the two of us

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