pet gallery 3''totally animals''

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They must be changing things again.
Oh, dear...

Clifton Springs, Australia

Helen, I clicked on Charlie this afternoon and he is still there, so it must have just been a glitch in the system..
Doesn't he love the water.....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

probably just giving the site a tune up-they may have thought we were totally animal

western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi ,
My little mate is not well he has been in the Veterinay hospital 2 days now he is being very brave
just lays and watching every thing thate is going on lifts his leg I 'm sure he is asking me to take the drip away Its heartbreaking when our pets are not well.-----------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Elanine,so sorry to hear about your mate,I know exactly what you are going through.

Ollie has had to have an artificial tendon and a pin put in his knee, as he had an accident whilst running on the beach.

He has to be "caged" for 6 weeks........not a happy little camper!!!!!

Thumbnail by MyaC
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Here he is quite relaxed after I lathered some cream on him, to try and stop him licking near his bandage....I don't want to have to put the Elizabethan collar on him,it's tough enough as it is...........

Thumbnail by MyaC
western sydney nsw, Australia

Poor little Ollie must be hard for him watching every time you go out the door with out him .
My Rocky is not hurt thank god Just cannot keep his food and water down This has happened before so he is having a few tests done he is 10 years old he is a dog thate hates to be closed in when he sees a door closed he will just sit looking at it till I open .
The good part his Vet. knows him from other times he has stayed and they bring him out for bathroom breaks if they dont he has a loud cry and howel a little dog but he sure has a loud voice .

Clifton Springs, Australia

We had 2 sickies amongst the humans now we have 2 sickies in the dog family.
Poor Ollie, he looks so hard done by, Mya
I hope you don't have to put the collar on him, pups seem to be ok with them,
but older dogs dislike them.
Let's hope Rocky gets a good report from the vet, Elaine.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Poor babies!! They are so good at looking pitiful. Look like Ollie is taking full advantage of the extra attention. That's a good sign. LOL

Elaine, is Rocky part Jack Russell Terrier? Sometimes they have Cushings Disease. Did they rule that out?

Also, I have a friend whose sister's JRT turned out to have megaesophagus. They feed her blended food several times a day and feed her with her front legs on a stool to help the food go down. It's more work for them, but it seems to be working for her to help keep her food down.

I worked on a computer problem yesterday for several hours with a young guy from Microsoft. He came to the U.S. from Melbourne in 2005. I was "impressing" him with my new-found vocabulary, which now includes chooks, mozzies, and brumbies.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hello all,the thread is getting long,hope all pets are o/k or getting better.will fire up,'pet gallery 4'shortly,anthony

western sydney nsw, Australia

Rocky is a mixer part JRT part Mini Foxey He was a rescued dog I have had him 4 yrs it took 1 yr before he would come near me if I had a broom in my hand now he thinks its a great game to pull a broom around I will be speaking to the Vet in about a hr. 12 PM at 8 he said Rocky still had a sore tummy and still on the drip I will ask about both cushings and megaesophagus , thanks for your input
could be a big help.-----------elaine.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

PET GALLERY 4-- is up.elaine,hope all is ok

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Sounds like you have a lotta dog there. Terriers have such big dog intentions. LOL

Fingers crossed here that it's something basic (like worms) with a quick fix. Keep us posted.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Anthony, I took the liberty of adding a link. Hope that's okay with you. Pet Gallery 4 is here:

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

my knowledge in that area is poor-.-..thank you katie!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

No problem. Are you on a PC? Here's how to do it:

Select the entire url in the address line using your mouse (everything that's up there)
Then press 'Ctrl' and 'C' at the same time
Then go to the new post/message
THen press 'Ctrl' and 'V' at the same time

I usually have two copies of my browser or two tabs open so I can see where I've come from or where I'm going to.

In general Ctrl-C (tells the machine to copy whatever text you've selected) and Ctrl-V (tells the machine to paste whatever you last copied) work in almost all Microsoft applications.

Hope this was helpful.
They come in really handy for me . . .

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It snowed.
"Think I can get me a bit of this fluffy white stuff" Yea-uck Don't taste like sugar!"
Charley and the Longear gang.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Lovely photo,Charleen.
The boys look nice and warm though with their winter coats.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Their fur is so thick and soft. When you pat them a soft bit of dust floats into the air. Even when it snows they find time to Roll. Then they get a nice Terra Cotta patina to their fur from the Georgia Red Mud. Because , Thankfully it is melting away.
We wish you a very wonderful Valentine's Day.
Charleen and the Longear Tribe.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Aw - how cute are they!!

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