pet gallery 3''totally animals''

townsville, Australia

when I got her, she was 14 months old and her name was Moe, I hated it and changed it to Penny on the first day I had her, she likes her new name much better :-)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

How could you not drop everything to rub a belly like that? Penny is a much better name!

Alstonville, Australia

Shell, Penny is beautiful, I'm not a real cat lover but she has one me over.
May be I could train this little fella.

Thumbnail by hel
Christchurch, New Zealand

Dalmatians were probably hunting dogs before they became famous as coach or firehouse dogs...
not all chase cats, I know someone who got a retired show cat & the dalmatian happily let the cat curl up in front of the fire with him...
the mother of my first dal lived on a rural property & used to catch hares.

townsville, Australia

Teresa, you are so right not all dalmations chase cats, I had one years and years ago who loved my cats she would sleep and play with them, one of the nicest dogs I have ever had.
Hel I do love your little friend but I feel you have just about as much luck training her (I think your frog is too big to be a male) as I have of teaching my cats to play nice together, none and buggar all lol.
these are my little friends that live under my patio mats, there is normally 17, a few were out hunting when I took this photo.

Thumbnail by shelly61
townsville, Australia

they get a bit cranky with me when I lift up thier mat, and jiggle around a bit lol.

Thumbnail by shelly61
Clifton Springs, Australia

All those frog photos are great....but I am going to be very careful when I step on a mat next time I go north..
I can't imagine a dalmation hunting anything, Theresa, they look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.
dalfyre is your christian name with an h or should I spell it as Shell does....I just noticed.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, I love frogs. And they're supposed to be good luck!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Dianne - my name is the Italian spelling - Teresa...
since working in a bar I no longer correct anyone on my name as my regulars are normally 60 years old & over, so I get variations on Teresa, Denise, Trish, Yvonne,
I know who they mean ^_^

Clifton Springs, Australia

Thanks Teresa.

Alstonville, Australia

Shell, wow, what fantastic little fellows you have under your mat, but be careful where you tread.
I'm glad mine is a female.
Don't think I want to try and tame this Lace Monitor.

Thumbnail by hel
Clifton Springs, Australia

He is a beauty hel,
Does he live at your house or is he just passing?

townsville, Australia

Hel he is a beauty, I am asking the same question as Dianne is he just passing by, this one I reckon is too big to be a female lol, I hope you don't have chooks or they may be in trouble lol.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow. Monitors wandering around? Do they leave you alone if you cross paths or are they aggressive?

And Chooks? What are they?

Christchurch, New Zealand

lol - chooks is what Aussies, New Zealanders & some areas of the UK call chickens
can't anwer about the moniter lizard, when I lived in Aussie we only had bearded dragons & blue tongue lizards to contend with.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Great pictures Folks. Shelly, a question for you. When we were in Townsville, we ran across some tiny frogs. My GS was warned not to try and pick them up as their skin was very fragile. They were little brown speckled frogs an inch or less in it was in May, I figured they must be fully grown. Do you by chance know what they are called?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Love the frogs and lizards and all the critters.

Alstonville, Australia

Yeh, he was a regular to our yard when we lived in Middle Boambee.
After finding him in the chook (chicken) coop we would let the chooks out and shut the door then put them back in of a night. We had the coop pretty well wired up to stop snakes as well.
The Monitor's would run away from you, but we did have to keep our gauze doors shut a baby one tried to get in once.

Thumbnail by hel
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow. I can't even imagine. I don't even have as many snakes as I'd like (non-poisonous, of course. I'd like to have more to eat the mice) - it's too wet and cool here for our cold-blooded friends.

Chooks - a new term for me. I love the nicknames you Aussies come up with!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Isn't that a beautiful Monitor??? He looks big enough to go anywhere HE wants.
I love it. I bet those chickens were hollering at the top of their lungs.

townsville, Australia

Hi moon, it could have been a Stony Creek Frog, although most people up north call them Barra Frogs. I have been told that they call them that because they are good Barramundi bait. I really don't know to be honest :-) (is your name Jean?)
This is not a very clear photo, but did yours look anything like these guys.
Hel he is a very handsome monitor.
Katie we will have to give you some more aussie words to splash around lol.

Oh and moon I am sorry I did not answer you earlier, but I am only on this site work hours, Mon to Fri. So please anyone do not think I am ignoring you on weekends.

have a wonderful day

Thumbnail by shelly61
Alstonville, Australia

We may have to call this thread "Pet's & Critter's"
Here is a good looking CHOOK she's a Rhode Island Red
Had to give her away when we moved, sob..sob..

Thumbnail by hel
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I hear that Chooks make great pets. I do love birds, so I can imagine that.

One of my favorite tape sets is one my parents brought home after a trip to Australia 20 years ago. It has lots of old traditional music, like The Pub with no Beer and Black Crow Flying Backwards. Hmm, what else? Oh yeah, Click go the Shears. When we downsized my folks last year, I made sure to take the tapes with me. That makes me think I need to put these in the car for my commute.. :-)

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good taste in music Katie, lol.
Yes, chooks do make very good pets, my dad had a black chicken, that he found wandering the streets, near his inner city home.
That chook became his garden companion, whenever he did the gardening, she would perch on his mother couldn't stand her.
I think that he loved Blackie best...
She lived to be 9 yrs old.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Shelly...Not to worry, sometimes it takes me a day or two to get all around the forums...grin. Yes, my name is Jean. and yes, the frogs looked kinda like the little brown guys...but, it was night time and we could not touch them. My poor GS discovered the hard way that they are Very fragile....their skin actually sorta peels away if you touch them. I have no idea if these were babies or full grown. They reminded me of the baby Mediterranean Gekkos with their thin skin.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

katie,'theres nothin so lonesome,morbid or drear,than to stand at the counter of a pub with no beer'.

Christchurch, New Zealand

my loony cat really has a death wish...
this morning I shut the sliding door that connects the kitchen to the back of the house, bedrooms etc.
I went out & did poo patrol then let the dogs in to put them away in their room.
Fortunately Copper was playing silly beggers & stayed out, Chita went halfway & circled back out again - I looked across the hall to see Cassie cat leaving the dogs room at high speed!
A handful of dog bikkies convinced the spotty brats that it really was time to come in.
The cat sauntered down from her hiding place once she heard the catch click.
I am not sure which of us got the bigger fright.
Think it was me.

Christchurch, New Zealand

I worked there...
a bar with no beer.
The chiller broke down & hot beer is no fun!
To drink or to pour.
I had to fill the freezer with bottled beer so at least some drinkers were happy.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Scary stuff, dalfyre - I guess the phrase, "Curiosity killed the cat." is really true. I know it gets the better of mine after awhile. Hot day with no beer = no fun.

G_whizz - I listened to that on the way into work today and have been singing it to myself since. And this one really sticks in my head:

Click go the shears boys, click, click, click,
Wide is his blow and his hands are movin' quick,
The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blow,
And curses that old snagger with the bare-bellied joe.

Of course, I've just learned the real words by looking them up online. I will have to unlearn my version of the last line. What on earth is a snagger with a bare-bellied joe?

Alstonville, Australia

She was beautiful and followed me around the yard.

Thumbnail by hel
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

She IS beautiful. I love her color. Isn't it nice to have company like that in the garden?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

ok, not strictly a pet, but I was tempted to take it home and make it one, but figured there would be a license required to keep it. But how cute is this?
It was found on the lawn at a customers house, mintues after it had been mowed, and moments before the owner put her foot down!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

not a clear shot, but it was too small (and very quick for a tortoise) for the viewfinder to focus on. I should have used macro!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Awwwwwwww! look. Its sleeping! Shhhhhhhhh
BTW, I let it go in the garden, where I figured it had the best chance of hiding from birds and water dragons

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Alstonville, Australia

Sue, he's beautiful. Do you know what type he is?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh my goodness. What a cutie pie. I love turtles - good thing you guys rescued him!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

heres cockys impersonation of a battery hen

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Coffs Harbour, Australia

cluck, cluck, plop!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Poor little cocky.
Love the turtle, aren't they cute?

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry I didn't answer your question Hel, I don't know what sort he /she was, but I've done a bit of googling and found there are lots of different types and I probably should have flipped him over to see what his belly looked like. I'm going to do a bit of research now, because I find them soooooo cute! I'm going to look into the idea of keeping one?

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