pet gallery 3''totally animals''

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh my gosh. That's hilarious - for some reason I just love them. Maybe I just appreciate that dogged orneriness . . .

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

they are too smart (the donkeys) for their own good. That big old mule I got, rolled that bale of hay out of the trailer so he could stand in the trailer and not get his feet wet.So the donkeys were up in the trailer too, until Charley runs them out.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

LOL. I think that's why I like them. My dogs are sighthounds - bred to hunt the prey and not look back to the human, so they aren't much inclined to "obey" me, either. I think I'm attracted to animals that thumb their noses at me. I generally don't do well with authority, either, so I'm familiar with that trait. Hee hee.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

i believe A lot of us are like that. I'm rather mule-headed myself.
Believe me these babys are got very special personalities, much like these girl's beautiful Cats.
Aren't these the prettiest cats you have ever seen?? I love them all.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh yes!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Max is not exactly what I would call a pretty Boy, but he is so sweet and gentle that he is beautiful to me....grin. Got that face "only a Mama could love".

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

What wrong with Snagle -tooth cats? He got great ancesters ☺

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Handsome is as handsome does, as my mama used to say to me . . .

Alstonville, Australia

This is my Joey, he's a Latino Cockateel, he is 11 today.
Max looks like he could gobble up my Joey!

Thumbnail by hel
Clifton Springs, Australia

Happy Birthday to Joey, may he have many more....

This Dragonfly was in my garden for a Dragonfly and Praying Mantis convention.
They were everywhere, don't know what they were discussing...
Climate change maybe?
Enlarge him, because he is beautiful.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Alstonville, Australia

What a great Pic Dianne.
This is where all husbands should be kept !! He He !!

Thumbnail by hel
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I love dragnflies - I have lots of them flying around in the summers.

Happy birthday Joey. You're verra handsome!!

Brisbane, Australia

Katie, Gemini has spectacular colouring & looks truely comfortable there between the legs.
Dianne, that a wonderful pic of the dragon fly - it's usually hard to get a shot of them, as they don't stay for long.
Hel, you've got a nice setup there with the mess enclosure attached to the dog house - much better than keeping hubby on a leash ;-)
RidesRedMule - those fuzz balls are so cute & furry.
My Boris wasn't very well today - at 14 he throws up occasionally & that was noise that awoke me this morning. But a bit of a sleep in the warm sun, a little bit of milk & cheese, then some cat food seems to have fixed him up. He's back in the kitchen meowing for more food!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the comments on Gemini. She's a little older than in the picture and is finally settling down to be as sweet as she is cute. She is one of two kittens I adopted a few years ago who have cerebellar hypoplasia (underdeveloped cerebellum) as a result of their mom having a virus when she was pregnant with them. Gemini is clumsy; her brother, Topaz, is much more affected and falls and bangs into things quite a bit. But he's a trooper and normal in every other way.

This is the two of them sleeping together right after I got them . . .

Thumbnail by katie59
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

luv your spirit katie

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Aw, gee whiz, g_whizz.

Thumbnail by katie59
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

is that a mass invasion of friday the 13th

Clifton Springs, Australia

They are lovely Katie, you are a very kind person to take them on...
I bet they give you lots of joy.

Hel, how did you get him to go in there?

Leisa, Maybe Boris was being crafty,he wanted his Mum to get up.
Sounds as though he is very spoilt and very loved.
Katie, whose kittens are those?

This message was edited Jan 30, 2010 7:45 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

katie, those black cats are so gorgeous. I bet they can be fun to watch play.
hel, Happy Birthday to Joey. He is very pretty. Quite spoilt, you think?
Is hubby making cage for the birds to exercise in or is he on restriction?// ☺
Great pictures, everyone.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hel, Joey has nothing to fear from Max....his vision is a bit says poor nutrition in utero and first few months of his life....he was feral and our cat Marley, brought him home....unfortunately Marley met his demise a few weeks later, and it took us a couple months of regular feeding...always at the same time and place, with a bunch of salmon steaks (touch of freezer burn in MIL's freezer) to win him over.

Anyway, Max only catches things...and then lets them go if it is a lizard, bug, bird....if it is a mouse or mole, he catches and brings his catch to Mea (Princess Grouchy Pants) for the kill. It is very strange to watch them....Max will herd and wrangle, and then back off for her to end things.

Joey wouldn't have to worry about Mea either....she "doesn't do birds"....

Beautiful sweet babies everyone.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Several years ago my brother and SIL (who live in the city) were getting overrun by cats. So I bought a trap and we trapped and spayed and released the wildest ones. We went through all the neighbors sheds and outbuildings and caught all the kittens we found. They were all so nice, feeding the cats and sincerely concerned for them, but the cats weren't getting spayed and at the rate they were going, I can't imagine how bad it would have been if we'd left it any longer. I think we estimated that in two summers a single momma cat and each year's kittens had 32 cats.

The pregnant cats/kittens ones we kept until they had their kittens and got them spayed. I have more room, so I kept most of them out here.

Anyway, I adopted out a bunch of them and the rest live with me. One of those kittens went missing (a boy named Vivace, who was the friendliest cat right out of the whelping box), which broke my heart, so I made them indoor cats from then on. I now have 12 cats - I'm officially one of those cat ladies, I think.

The kittens here are the ones that didn't get adopted from two litters. Their mommas were sisters and were pure white - one with a tail and one without. Their momma is pure black. The white sister with no tail had 4 kittens - black and black and white spotted. The girl with a tail (who was scary feral) had 4 kittens - black, tuxedo, siamese, and pure white. The blacks and black and whites are the ones who don't get adopted, so they hold a special place in my heart.

This is Bug with the little tuxedo kittens.

Thumbnail by katie59
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

you tell a familiar tale katie,[from one of those'officially named' cat men]20 years of it,and birds too.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bug is precious, looking after the kitty.
I love the pic.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

As my friend says, "They animals see you [me] coming for a mile . . ."

Anyway, enough of me hogging the thread. Do you have any more pictures, G?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Thank you. Bug is so great with little creatures. Not much prey drive, so he didn't really make it as a racing dog . . .

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

He has a very loving nature, you can see it in his eyes. He is beautiful.
He is where he should be, in a great, loving home.

Christchurch, New Zealand

This is Cassie, she loves the cushion but not sure she realises that it is a spotty dog on there.
She spies on my dals & loves to get as close as she can but they have really high prey drive & gave her a working over when they caught her in their yard one time.
Although the vet said they must only have been playing with her as they could easily have torn her to pieces had they been trying...
she spent a night at the emergency clinic & took a few weeks to recover so it was a pretty rough game!
She still pushes her luck with them tho.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Awww. Glad she's okay. That must have been traumatic for you. Love those black kitties.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It's sad when the kitty just wants to be loved and the dogs don't know how rough they are.
I am glad Cassie made it. she is so pretty. Classy Cassie....

townsville, Australia

Good morning all, Katie you sound like me, cats walk into my house see 'sucker' written across my forehead and stay lol.
I do not have a lot of room, so I find homes for those I can not keep, or that Jack will not allow to stay. Jack is my big mean mother of cat he can be very nasty to cats he does not like. He will tollerate females and so I have Penny and Molly. I would love to get a photo of the 3 of them together but alas I have tried and I just can not manage it, they all tollerate each other but will not be seen together lol.
I went into the facebook site, very cute, thankyou for that, it bought a smile to me on a monday morning at work. (not much can do that on mondays lol)
Although in saying that this site always makes me smile, when ever I am having a bad day at work I just look at all the beautifull babies and it cheers me up :-)
Speaking of which I had better get back to it.
have a great day all

this is Jack

Thumbnail by shelly61
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Those boys!! Jack is a handsome man.

townsville, Australia

Thankyou Katie, he thinks so to lol!!!

Molly loves to play and eat and play and sleep and play and climb and play and attack but most of all PLAY :-)

Thumbnail by shelly61
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh my gosh. Could anything be cuter than that?

Clifton Springs, Australia

Theresa, I didn't know that Dalmations had that instinct....I thought that they just rode on Fire trucks and looked cute...
poor Cassie...she probably sticks her claws into that cushion when you're not looking.
Shelly, I just love big,black tom cats, they are so sleek and beautiful.
Molly is growing fast now, does she annoy Penny?
Here is Matilda, she has been gardening...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Pretty funny!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I bet she can dig, with those little paws.
My dogs love to dig.

townsville, Australia

Good morning fellow animal aholics, yes Dianne she tries to play with Penny constantly, but Penn just thinks she is an annoying child and ignores her. Moll has learnt to avoid Jack and just leave him be, it only took a couple of backhanders from him to teach her to leave him alone. Jack is 10, stubborn and pig headed and not very tolerant of kittens lol.

have a wonderful day all

Thumbnail by shelly61
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

She is such a Supreme girl.
So pretty.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

That tail is pretty amazing. She looks like she's pretty sure that she's descended from royalty. :-)

townsville, Australia

You are both right she does indeed think that she is a princess well she acts like it anyway lol. She is truly a lovely cat, has a little attitude but what cat doesn't lol.
I have had her for 18months she was a giveaway, her owner was 18 and did not like her once she was not a kitten any more, her loss my major gain :-)

Thumbnail by shelly61

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