Need species IDand what is this appendage?

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi, all.

Can anyone tell me what this is growing from my sansevieria?

This IS a snake plant, right? Its leaves are rounded rather than flat. I just love this guy. He almost takes care of himself. But what is this emerging from the soil--a leaf, a flower, a ?


Thumbnail by timmijo
Yonkers, NY

Hi TJ, your plant looks like Sans Parva. It sends out runners, a baby plant will form on the tip of that runner. I have one just like it. HTH. Jackie

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Yep, Jackie's right. Sans. parva and It's a runner. Mine is huge. My clump is about 30" round and getting bigger all the time. You can take it and curl it back around inside the pot if you want.


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