So. Calif. Spring RU 2010

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Bring the Epi kit girl. We will not laugh if you come in a respirator mask with goggles. We will only laugh and point when you are not looking.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

I carry my oxygen in the car and don't use it much these days. You are welcome to use it, but hopefully won't need it!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Gosh, guys, it's not THAT bad - just very, very uncomfortable. See, this is why I try not to complain much - I must come across like an invalid! :-)
Of course, there was that one time when I had to stick tissues up my nose while we were driving down the highway - DH and DSS were mortified! LOL

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

You could always get a glove and a mask like Michael Jackson wore when he went out in public ! We won't laugh, promise.

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ok Kathleen if you come to the swap with a glove and a mask I promise I will laugh!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

That is so like a kid, we mortify them with our very presence.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

KC - It was just the Brit in them. I have seen friends and family who suffer greatly from allergies or asthma brought on by foods or vegetation. My sister had her son's inhaler on a chord over the bed, so if he was having a bad event, he would pull on it to use it and that set an alarm down in the Master Bdrm and they would rush up to administer the oxygen and see if further treatment was needed. No, not sounding like an invalid, just being cautious. Some people just hole up and we are glad you are coming - even with tissues stuffed up your nose.


(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

OMG as I'm reading about alergies, which I know I do have some, I started sneezing and can't seem to stop. I always thought I was alergic to DH ^_^. but I think the problem goes deeper than that.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

It is Psychosomatic we see now Sami. lol

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

quiltygirl......... A pile is all you need+ I have not counted the pile, we are always adding to it as we love our wine in the evening. We could certainly bring you 24 or 48. Which color do you prefer "amber" or green or mixed. Just let me know and you got it.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I know my allergies are acting up right now, and haven't decided what out there is making me stuff tissues up my nose. I usually ignore it, but I get headaches too.
You know, KC, I've never paid attention to when the oaks pollinate. Probably because I seem to be allergic to most everything we grow on purpose and part of the stuff we don't. Also it seems to vary depending upon the rainfall. I love the oaks but don't get as bad of a headache as you do, KC.
How about this, we bring up the picnic tables and portapotty and put them in the yard under the walnut tree or in my patio breezeway (not the portapotty, just the tables). The Wisteria will be blooming or leafing out, this warm weather is confusing the poor dears. The Wisteria provides a lot of shade. Then we can have DH take those who'd like to on a hay ride down to visit Grandmother Oak, and for those who are up to it, well we can take a couple of short hikes. We've even been known to drive up to the saddle up on Red Hawk Hill. Not often, but sometimes. DH has taken the tractor up there again and smoothed out the fire break road. So it's not really four wheeling, but it's dirt! : - )
I'm still laughing over you guys and gals. I know we're gonna have a blast!
A British friend of mine asked me if I'd ever seen the Queen of England with a cold. I said that I didn't think so, having hardly ever seen her except for infrequently on TV. He told me that she never catches colds because she always wears gloves in public.
Michael Jackson may have been eccentric, but it doesn't mean that there wasn't some validity to MJ's mask and glove (although, I've always wondered why only one glove?)
KC, I promise not to laugh or even chuckle if you wear gloves. As far as the mask thing goes, I'm a germophobe, and I wouldn't mind people laughing at me for wearing a respirator or a mask. (Except that they tend to fog up my glasses in cold temperatures). I don't care what I look like as long as I am warm and comfortable, and can breathe!
I almost hate to go to public places with large crowds because of all the people who sneeze and don't cover their mouth/nose while doing so, or seeing them touch stuff afterwards. Maybe I'll start wearing gloves! : - )
Samigal, I always thought it was my kids that brought on my allergies, maybe it was DH? LOL!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

My eyes are dry and they feel like my eye balls are swelling every day, especially if the heat or air is on this time of year, the vents bring some horrid pollen in. I have Elms and Fruitless Mullberry trees all over, and I know I am allergic to both, they kill me in the spring and fall.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 8b)

I'm supposed to wear a mask and gloves whenever I got out in public (out of the bubble). But, the mask makes me claustrophobic and the gloves make me feel like Michael Jackson, lol. I do not have a functional immune system, so groups are definitely dangerous - but hey, I'll live life on the edge for the day :-)


Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I will have Purell on hand (no pun intended), for my fellow germophobes. My immune system isn't so good either, but I know that I can handle smaller groups and open air situations better than enclosed spaces full of people!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

What have I done???? Everybody's coming out in allergies. LOL I agree, SW, we're going to have a ball!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Funny, how we all took off on these issues. It is the season that we all suffer through, in the hopes of a beautiful growing season. Yet we are all gardeners, so we will all be there, oxygen tanks, dust masks, steroids and the lot.

It will be fun and nice to meet some new people. Amarantha is probably the closest to me, nobody comes from the North East or North West.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

You know over the years I have seen many people arriving here at the farm. Sometimes parents have to drag their kids kicking and screaming out of their cars. By the time they are ready to leave, they have to drag their kids kicking and screaming into their cars. Having fun is mandatory! : - )
You will have a good time. There will be lots of great food, plant/seed trades, the company of other gardeners. You never know, I might just have a surprise or two planned too. ; - )

On another note, unbeknownst (is that a word?) to me, DH has decided that we are going up to Monterey for the CA Christmas Tree Convention. I may or may not have computer access. If I do, I'll try to touch base. If I don't we'll be back late Monday (I'm going to insist on taking the Coast Hwy home so I can take photos), and will try to play catch up again on Tuesday.

Anyone who lives up by Monterey, and wants to get together with me, drop me a dmail. We'll see if we can make it happen.
As Always,
Walk In Beauty!

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Have a great time. I am jealous. I know we will enjoy your photos.

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

Ditto, I am jealous too. I am in a horrid mood today and the sound of the ocean, along with the smell and beauty of it, calm me so much. I better get out of this before I go to work tomorrow with the disabled, who can try the patience of a Saint, which I am not.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

hellnzn = I'm with you. The ocean is so relaxing and is my favorite place to be. Don't need to swim or walk on the sand even, just staring out at it and smelling it, felling the breezes. Heaven. When I was moving from my place in Lomita to San Pedro (LA/South Bay) I was so stressed with the movers and how long it was taking them, I was beside myself. Then I drove down to my new place, stood in my living room and almost instantly was mesmerized looking at the ocean and Catalina Island! And where do I live now?


Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

You could always get one of those cd's of ocean sounds...(white that what they call it ?)

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Not even close Mike :o)

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Oh, I don't know, Marie. We have one of the rainforest that is pretty good - and the birds love it. Sure, it's not the real thing, but...

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Have one o those, you gave me the idea to play it now. Nope, not the same. No mist, no smell. And this one has music! Not right with music.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm back, and their is no substitute for the real thing! I'll be posting photos when I can, and I got some beauties. Not just of the coast, but also of this charming little hotel we stayed at. Wow! I am so jealous of what they have in bloom right now on the central coast. The wildflowers are springing into bloom. I saw a lot of poppies, and (sigh) Lupine, and the wild onions which have been pretty much wiped out around here. Also saw a lot of fruit trees in bloom and aside from having a sore tailbone, I weathered the trip pretty well.
Will post photos on the daily walk thread.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

There are poppies up around here....

Tolleson, AZ(Zone 9a)

Jules I am glad to hear you had a great time!!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Looking forward to seeing your pictures, Jules.

Sending a picture of my sweet peas on the iron gate I got from JasperDale. At least I now know I can grow them.

Thumbnail by Samigal
Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)


Love your photo of sweet peas. I'm so impressed you know how to post them. I'm scared to even try......panic sets in. How's your DH?
God Bless,

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

It's easy to post photos Sylvia, once you get the hang of it. We'll talk as soon as I get a phone that will keep a charge. Sigh!
I saw a lot of poppies on our trip, and lupine and even (more rare) Indian Paintbrush, along the sides of our road.
I remember seeing that iron gate in one of your photos before, Samigal. Found art is awesome. JD did a good job spotting the potential in the gate, and you've done a lovely job showing it off! I keep forgetting to plant my sweet peas in Oct-Nov. On the infrequent occasions I did remember, they grew up until June. Then it got too hot for them. They do reseed if they are happy.
See what you can pick up at a RU?

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

If they've been in your fridge, go ahead and plant them anyway. You'll still get some blooms from them. : - )

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Yes, I have some sweet peas I planned on planting. And just read how I am too late for out here. I suppose that's why I found the packets for them and a few others in the 2nd fridge. Guess I was supposed to find them last Oct!

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I love them but it gets hot so fast here and they fry, about the time they should bloom, so I gave up on Sweet Peas. I should try them on my shady side. They probably need more light to bloom though. A bunch of my plants froze last night, my hollyhocks looked like spinach on the ground this morning. rrrrr!

I had three brugs sent to me, yesterday and last night it froze, so they too looked like they aspire to be spinach. I brought them in though so if I take off the leaves maybe they will resprout them. They are not going to go out until I can pot them in a safe time. They should not do well here so it was an expensive experiment to a dear dg friend who spent like $$$$ to over night them to me. Isn't that so sweet. I don't know her well, she just did a seed trade with me and told me she would send me some. She is so cute, she calls them Burgs.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Still up in the air as to whether we are coming or not. Saw the doctor today about DH's shoulder. Seems surgery will be the option, but when is another question. He has to see a medical doctor about the risks, etc. Our primary doctor doesn't like to hear that he needs another surgery as he has gone through so many. That could be another 3 weeks and then another month for a surgery date. I moaned the fact that we want to go to Menifee on the 24th of April, but they will probably set up surgery date for that time. I hope not, as I am so looking forward to coming. I'm watching the food thread so I know what everyone is bringing, don't want to say I'll bring a certain thing then not able to come.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I hope things will work out, but your DH's health is way more important than our little RU. There will be other RU's. This is not to say that you won't be missed, but we all know your heart will be with us.
Your Primary Dr. is right to be worried, surgery can be traumatic, and there are a lot of risks to think about before making such a serious decision.
I personally hope that your DH's health improves and surgery becomes unnecessary, because I'd love to have you visit too!
I don't like to make promises I can't keep either. We're good!
You keep us posted SG, and I'll be praying for you all!
Walk In Beauty!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well, I want to come. My DH is having back surgery on the 7th, two days in hospital, 4 days home, another surgery, two to three more days and then home. I think that takes me to the 19th. I think that is just cutting it to close. But I will keep it on the back burner. He is very fit so this might be a piece of cake. Probably be a last minute I am coming or I am not.

Big time high winds right now, that is why I am up in the middle of the night.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Love those winds, but not crazy about what it does TO everything. Horses were all stirred up yesterday when winds were high. Don't know if it was related as they don't always do that.

WLS - DH might be ready for a change of scenery by then, but since it is back surgery, I am guessing a long car trip would not be on the list of doctor approved ventures. Now, if you have a motorhome, that might work! Take care of him!

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Wildflower sales start today at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden:

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Oh no, I was not bringing him. He does not garden and would think you are all as crazy as me. I just need to make sure he can take care of himself. Now why would I think that because he cannot do that know before surgery...LOL.

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)


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