Morning Glories 2010 #01

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Never dreamed I'd need to start a 2010 thread this early .lol
Our previous thread

Thumbnail by patootie
szarvas, Hungary

Beautiful YELLOW bloom !

PS : Your Comte Dracula on another place is beautiful too and not like my Dracula ( hope you have some seeds )


Pretty yellow in the I. ochracea, Jackie!

Here is a delicate pink I. purpurea I have growing under lights in the basement.


Thumbnail by
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I can't believe this is 2010! Wow! I still remember 2000! LOL! This is a whole 10 years later! (shaking head in disbelief ...)

Jackie - Nice I. ochracea! I have yet to grow a yellow MG! ;-) Hopefully this year will change that! :-)

Joseph - Nice I. purpurea. Looks pretty good under artificial lighting. :-)

(Zone 7a)

Joseph, your delicate pink here - - looks like it has diamonds shining in it - perhaps you should call it I. purpurea 'Lucyintheskywithdiamonds-iensis'? Those white speckles make the pink sparkle very nicely.

Jackie, your bright yellow morning glories are always a winter treat on this forum - is this one of those from below the equator that typically blooms in our northern hemispheric winter?

Becky, wishing you good luck with your ankle. I broke my leg close to an ankle running to a phone once - fortunately it was at a campus security office - seemed like those angels had ice on it before I landed on the floor. Those sprains/breaks at a joint are nothing to fool around with, so I hope you get that x-ray as hard as it is financially. Movement is essential at a joint during healing, but without an x-ray you'd be guessing when to use it. (Once the cast came off, a physical therapist's advice to make letters of the alphabet with my feet in a tub of warm water helped)


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Love that yellow, Jackie, it is awsome. I am glad you posted it.
The pink you have Joseph, Looks alot like mine downstairs. I love it! I love all your blooms.
it is minus 12 right now, but suppose to get up to 18 today!.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Karen, so good to see you... hope you are staying warm!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Karen. $2000 for a sprained ankle is not something I am willing to spend on xrays and a doctor to tell me what I already suspect unless it doesn't heal and might actually be broken. I don't think it is, just a bad sprain. I'm already putting a little weight on it and shuffling around. ;-) Just a stupid fall.

Debra - Minus 12!!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

(Zone 7a)

Becky, that is an outrageous price, and I would probably do the same as you at this point in my life, too. It's just that a break isn't always obvious - once, crossing a pedestrian walkway during a rain storm at dusk, DH was mowed down by a car - he is such an incredible sweety that he let the driver's son talk him out of reporting the incident to the insurance company. He walked around on that broken leg for a few days before seeing a doc - was very surprised to hear it was broken.

Becky, I know how you feel about selling mg seeds, but maybe you'll reconsider this spring and sell some seedlings? I germinated a few and mailed them around the country as trades a couple of springs ago with about 4 or 5 sets of true leaves, and from what I heard back, they did well. The local hardware store has also sold plants from my garden (volunteer hybrid Helleborus seedlings, etc., not mgs), and now that I think about it, I'm thinking there might be a niche for JMG seedlings on our local Main Street.

Something to think about.

Waving back atcha, Debra. We're at 14*F (windchill) - bet I could rent out our iced/snowy hill out to kamikaze skate boarders with those parachutes that would carry them on to the river. I do envy Becky her flat land at times like this.

Well, so much for my *business senseNOT* lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Karen - I am able to ever so lightly walk on my foot right now and it is feeling so much better. Like I said before, I am prone to sprains because of my weak ankles. I'm more worried about my son, than myself right now. Foolish young man! Out and about in Olando. At least the freezing cold will keep the swelling down on his foot! LOL!

I really have no desire to sell plants or seeds. I was once told I should become a professional photographer (years ago), but the more I thought about it, the more I realized my joy of photography would diminish if I did it for payment. I enjoy passing along seeds to folks who have never grown some of these amazing vines. Especially the Japanese I. nils! :-) Which are still my favorite MGs of all! :-) But thanks anyway for the suggestion...

Y'all stay warm! This winter is going to set record lows! Brrrrrr ...

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone. Dany will send you some of my Count Drac sds
so you can have them for this spring.
Pretty Pink Purpurea Joseph
Karen, yes ochracea does prefer to bloom in cooler temps.
I think she has a seed pod or two forming.
So neat that the local hardware store sold some of your seedlings.
Great news that your ankle is not broken Becky. Try to rest it
as much as you can this weekend. Hope you're not on your feet
all day at school..

Lav Chiffon, must be a cross. This is the same one I sent pics of this summer, still making the darker blooms. The parent vine made
blooms similiar to Lavender Mist

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Pretty bloom! What the heck is the foliage from? Really wild foliage on whatever that plant is! :-)

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

interesting MG varieties with good pictures.

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

I indica blue dawn
pic from web

This message was edited Jan 9, 2010 1:29 PM

Thumbnail by ApopkaJohn
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, Just posed in front of an angel wing Begonia for the dark green background. Begonia Sophie Cecile

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

just put this on my trade list

Alamo Vine
Merremia dissecta

Thumbnail by ApopkaJohn
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Wow... The seed head on that MG look likes it's exploding!;)

Here is an assortment of I. albas, in all stages of bloom>>>

Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

3(bud stage)>

Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

4(isn't this a fun combo? Swiss chard, Nasturtium, zinnias, and I. alba. The only problem is that I. alba eats everthing!)>

Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)



Patootie, fastastic yellow in "head" pic!!

Thumbnail by DMgardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

One of my favorite MGs - Moonflowers! Beautiful photos, Daniel! :-)

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Becky!
This is my favorite MG too. The only problem is that even when I start indoors (4 weeks before last frost), they never start flowering until Late September. But they look nice thru-out October, and November, if the first frost can stay away that long;)
And the fragrance is unparalled!!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Daniel - I agree wholeheartedly! I, too, think the fragrance is divine! I think they are warm weather vines which may be why they bloom so late. Mine seem to take forever to bloom too. But once they do ... what a show!!! Thanks for sharing those great photos of one of my faves!

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

Today this heavenly blue
seed pod is saying,
We'll Be Back!

Thumbnail by ApopkaJohn
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Daniel.

Apopka, FL(Zone 10a)

Available at Walmart

Thumbnail by ApopkaJohn
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


I just got the seed pods off the vine from this one..

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I just found these seeds in my stash.. jaimie lynn

Thumbnail by joeswife
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

xiongs chinese, I had forgot about this one, too and found a few pods in a bag.. I played all night re-doing the downstairs garden, so I went ahead and planted a few seeds, just for fun..

Thumbnail by joeswife

Debra, the colors in that purple/red-rayed purpurea are fantastic. You must be doing things right for temperature and lighting for your plants in your downstairs garden. My few plants are plagued now by some little green leafhopper that came in on one of the plants I grew during the summer that I brought in to grow out over the winter so the leaves don't look so hot anymore.


I bought a new camera on eBay, in various steps…I can’t afford the new ones and so bought each part separately in used condition. It is a Nikon D70, and have a vibration reduction zoom lens on it at present. I hope to someday get a prime macro lens for better photos this summer (either a 85mm VR or 105mm VR lens). Here is a photo of Ron_CONVOLVULACEA’s Ipomoea purpurea Azul-Zapotec flower I took yesterday. I love the colors on this plant’s flowers. The camera is complicated, but I wanted one where I could be in more control of the photo quality.


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The reverse side of the flower is a treat for the eyes, too. It appears more white with less reddish tones in real life

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(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Love all the photos! I miss seeing blooms here in my yard or on my window sill. None of the few seeds I planted in cups is sprouting on the window sill. It's just too cold here! Y'all know me and my love for I. nils. ;-)

I had to laugh out loud. I hobbled outside to fill the bird feeder and take the hummer feeders out to hang up. When I went to add birdseed to the hanging feeder and the ground dishes ... they were frozen solid. We had a drizzling rain yesterday and all the seeds still left in the feeders/dishes were frozen to the dishes/baskets! LOL! So I had to beat them against the bird feeder post to break the ice free. Can you believe it??? The squirrels have been hogging the feeders all morning including the hanging one. I have to go out every now and again and scare the squirrel out of the hanging feeder! It's just that one squirrel that knows how to leap from the picket fence to the feeder. When he's in the feeder, none of the birds dare come around. Grrrr ...

Hummers have been out there all morning! The wind keeps blowing them all around. It is COLD!!! Our temps are normally in the low 70's this time of year. Today's high is supposed to be in the high 40's! LOL!

Get ready to pay more for citrus fruit and strawberries this year! (sigh) One more reason I need to grow strawberries. :-) All my veggie and fruit containers are in the garage with no damage. Just growing much slower because of the cold.

I managed to get my sneakers on BOTH feet and have been practicing walking in them, even taking a trip outside to fill the feeders this morning. I hope to be able to return to work tomorrow. If not, I have a substitute lined up already. Being immobile is the pits!!!

Stay warm and safe everyone!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Joseph, that I. Purp is awsome, and I think it takes pictures very well.. I have been fighting aphids, the lady bugs seem to help, but my fingers do alot of work in the bug squishing category.
I had to trim all the i. batatas to the stems since they were covered with aphids.. bleah!

Becky, you better be careful when you go out to take care of your critters.. I almost fell on a patch of ice on the patio, covered up with snow so didn't know it was there..
I have five feeders, three for squirrells, cardinals, and jays, and two for finches, sparrells and the other smaller birds.
I use a removeable bottom on three of them and water drains thru. I can't seem to keep flowing water out there for them, but have seen the chipping away at the birdbath, so I knw they are getting some water. Joe told me that birds and animals have been surviving freezing temps for eternity, and I shouldn't worry so much. I can't help it. They start calling each other when they see me coming out the door and it is like they expect me to show up . It was so cold the other day I just threw the feed out into the garden plot instead of walking all the way out. LOL
I cut down four I. carneas, and stuck the tops in the same pot to root, so here is hoping..

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I was at Wal Mart the other day and they had the seeds out but still covered with the cardboard. I "volunteered" to help the workers that day and uncovered the seeds to see if anything was interesting. lol! Karen

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Debra - Sorry to hear about the aphids! I hope between your squishing them and the ladybugs doing chomping down ... that you get them under control quickly! I wonder if such pests help to make the plants stronger? You know ... what doesn't kill ya ... makes ya stronger! :-)

I managed to get my shoes on BOTH feet today. I even managed to move the potted plants out of the garage right outside the garage door onto the driveway. (Which is what I have been doing for several weeks since we started getting cold weather.) I just can't stand being laid up!!!! And I watered the window plants. Everything seems to be doing well despite the cold. Still not sure whether I want to attempt to go to work tomorrow or not. We shall see how I feel tonight.

Karen - Seeds have been on display here for the past 2 months. That's pretty funny that you "helped" set up the display at Wally World! LOL! That's one way to get first pick! ;-)

(Zone 7a)

There's something about growing seeds of anything collected from on or near their ancestral home. Do I detect ghosts of long-gone Zapotecs and ceremonial headdresses they may have made from colorful jungle flowers and feathers in Ron's living room?

lol - thanks for humoring me, y'all

Becky - what Debra said - pay vewwwwwy close attention to those tootsies

Joseph - thanks for those great pictures of the Azul-Zapotec purp flowers that Ron is growing. Wish my winter mgs would bloom as well as those.


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