INCOMING!!! (Hatch alert, hatch alert! Man all stations!)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Breaking news out of deepest, darkest Iowa. We have a hatch impending. 15 eggs in the 'bator. 3 pips. Repeat, 3 pips. All stations ready. Don your protective gear. TWT team at the ready. We are on full alert!

History of hatch occupants including relevant intelligence:
- approximate arrival in State on December 12, 2009
- standard to small-ish size egg forms
- all brown to tinted in colour
The following information obtained from vendor by careful intelligence management:
- Free range "surprise" eggs
- Chicks hatched from these eggs could be pure or mixed breed
- very likely you will get mostly Silkies because I have several Silkie roosters and only one cream colored Brabanter and one Americana rooster running with the hens
- full free range flock at the moment consists of Silkies(Partridge hens & rooster, White hens and rooster, Buff hens and rooster, and a Blue hen), Americana bantams (two red breasted hens and one white rooster), Cream Brabanters (6 hens and 1 rooster).

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Three pips! Three pips! Remain calm! Attend your stations!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Richmond, TX

How eggciting! Keep us informed.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Agent Porkpal! Have you a teeny weeny towel ready? Fluffing duties may be required? Where is the Officer of Cupcakes and Other Baked Goods? I haven't seen the Supreme General Catscan yet, or Secret Ninja Dahlianut. Oh dear oh dear, everybody's gone AWOL!

Richmond, TX

Towels ready - small and fluffy. Cupcakes? Support definitely needed.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well I tell you, those troops are going to get a talking to when they come skulking in here all quiet and sneaky-like.

Lodi, United States

No Cupcakes! Repeat, No Cupcakes! Please refer to the Standards of Hatching Protocols, 5th edition.

Remote monitoring by the Lodi Command Centre initiated. General Catscan at the controls. Officer ZZ absent without leave...

It is going to be a long night.

Richmond, TX

Yes, a long night - are you sure about the cupcakes?

Lodi, United States

Quite sure. Donuts, muffins, bear claws, scones, brioche...all fine. But cupcakes were banned after the 2008 Great Iowa Hatching Riots.

According to the BIG BOOK OF HATCHING, decorum went all to heck and emerging alien life forms and hatching technicians were imperiled by dollops of frosting that broke loose from cupcake projectiles.

Discipline must be maintained for the good of all.

The ban extends to fairy cakes. Just in case Moxon tries to subvert the law.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Dang, she caught the cupcake reference. Always thwarting me...

Good to see you General. Reminder that Officer ZZ has been dispatched on highly secret and classified MISSION JANE! Submission Henrietta. Leave is authorized.

Re-check on eggs indicates 3 eggs pipped at exact same stage as previously noted. Accordingly, chicken troops may stand down TEMPORARILY until recommencement of silliness. CPO Moxon requires her beauty sleep (still not working).

Porkpal, please investigate re-writing of rules to permit cupcakes and consider all possible security breaches so invited as a result.

Richmond, TX

Well, okay, bring on the muffins then! All is in readiness here.

Re the rewrite: I fear the wrath of Carscan... Will jelly donuts do?

This message was edited Jan 5, 2010 10:03 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Bulk order for petit-fours dispatched.

Lodi, United States

Petit-fours approved.

Jelly donuts approved with certain, raspberry and lemon curd are cleared without restrictions. Other flavours will be judged on an as come basis.

Porkpal--I am sorry to disallow the cupcakes...and I am sure you would conduct yourself with perfect decorum...but certain parties {{{{CM}}}} are very susceptible to cupcake frenzies and cannot be trusted with them in any form....

Those of us who were present during the horrifying 2008 cupcake incident cannot, in good conscience, risk a recurrence.

Clarkson, KY

Oof. How about truffles? The sugary version...

Lodi, United States

Truffles (sugary) are one of the five sacred hatching foods.

Lodi, United States

Does anyone know if Commander Moxon initiated the pom pom display and synchronized cheering before she retired? Because I don't see it in her last report.

There is always danger of pipping stasis when standard procedures are not followed.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

oh how exciting. Love that incubator

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Reporting for duty and standing by. Will croissants or pain au chocolat be permitted? There are no French hens, I presume?

And what about muffins, which are but denuded cupcakes, after all, but according to legend 'twas the frosting that frosted things.

Brookville, PA(Zone 5a)

Reporting for duty and ready to fluff tiny about apple, and cherry pies! i wont do cupcakes, dont want a frenzie!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

All commence synchronized pom pom waving and cheering displays!!! The proper hatching has commenced! We have 3 emerged life forms! We have 6 new pips! We are celebrating with a frenzy here!

All new life forms showing dark skin tone and 5 toes, indicating strong silkie genetics!

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Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

G_G - croissants highly desirable. Excellent choice! The more butter, the better!!

Experience indicates this member to be a partridge silkie, methinks. Very glinty eye. Possible troublemaker. Must be carefully watched.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Note how life forms are *pretending* to be uncoordinated and flopsy, but I know better. I can tell that they are already plotting. I believe they have a direct line already established with the coop.

Is the front one carrying some frog genetics? I do work in biotech, I hope I didn't accidentally....nah....

Officer Porkpal! Teeny weeny towel required for white life form, who appears to need some considerable fluffering.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I"M HERE!!! Reporting for duty!!! Sorry I am late as it is freezing down here and us southern types are not use to freezing weather. I will have to check the supplies to see what I have stashed away for special times.

Wait I see some special nuts. Well pthumps be allowed???

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Pethuds (or pethumps) are one of the 5 sacred hatching foods, along with truffles as mentioned by Catscan earlier. I'm not sure what the other 3 are. You'll have to check with her. She is the keeper of all sacred information regarding hatches.

Do you have any teeny weeny towels ready? We do need some fluffling!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes have teeny weeny towels ready and if they need extra warmth they can snuggle in the brat's fur!!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ugh....9 inches snow expected today and overnight. Bad sign. Probably not going to be able to make it to work tomorrow. Must stay home and tend hatchlings...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


I have to desert my duties for a little well. Must go and have an Chinese doctor stick needles in my.

Will be back later. Andre will hold down the fort will I am gone.

Reporting for duty ! i have a list
1. itsy bitsy white fluffling towles
2. fruit cake with rum in it.
3. cupcakes
4.brownies and 5.very strong coffee .
i just hope i can stay true to my duties. *bows head *
hmm 9 inches of the white stuff can be a hazordous material for alien life . Glad to see nothing can slow you down Cmoxon .

Richmond, TX

Oh, no, Taynors. Cupcakes are banned! I'll handle the towel fluffing while you disappear the contraband items.

oh oh sorry. i saw the word cupcake and got excited . "my bad"

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I make a mean cheesecake! My co-workers have voted the peanut butter cup one the best so far.

cheese cake is always welcome at my house !

Richmond, TX

If a cupcake frenzy was bad, what would a cheesecake frenzy be like? I would like to volunteer for a trial run.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm back. Did the hairy one, do his duty will I was gone???

Please send me a piece of the cheese cake>> pretty please.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Right, getting back on target here. We had an emergency of the most nasty sort. I was outside with the goats and I wanted to do some hoof trimming. I asked Kelly to bring me the hoof trimmers and a bucket of grain. He brought the grain, putting it over the fence while I was holding a goat (sitting with my back to him). I had intended for him to hand me the hoof trimmers first. The goat saw the grain bucket and leaped out of my arms with great glee, in the process impacting my nose with her horn to the point that blood was gushing and there was much wailing and carrying on. I am OK, but I have a huge gash in my nose that nearly goes all the way through. It is quite distressful.

Anyway, getting back to the point, we are pleased to announce 3 further life form arrivals in white.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh cute babies!!!!

So sorry for your injury. That must really hurt

Clarkson, KY

Claire, dearest, I do NOT think that is on the list of sanctioned you have it staunched and shuttered and benumbed and betended?? yarrow, burdock leaf, neosporin and black pepper

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It hurts a great deal. It is one of those throbbing sorts of injuries. Grumble. It is neosporined and bandaged at the moment. At least it has stopped bleeding for the most part. The surrounding area begins to take on a purplish tone. Not terribly ladylike.

One of the white babies is not full silkie....because she has pink feet! Must come from one of the other pairings...

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz

if you can manage raw honey , that is a great healing treatment. i use it all the time due to i m allergic to neosporin . yeah weird huh ? i m sorry Comander that an accident was transpired. Please accept my big((())) .
ok sorry i got off track.
i m getting very excited for silkies ! my little DD is going to get some .
i learn so much from you all

Clarkson, KY

try putting black pepper in it...makes a thicker paste...and I've heard in several different locations, including from a vet (la!!) that the ¿pungent? quality of black or red pepper powder encourages healing from within, drawing somehow, and that it diminishes chance of scar tissue. Being as we are talking noses in Iowa in winter...that mightn't be at all a bad thing...

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