INCOMING!!! (Hatch alert, hatch alert! Man all stations!)

Lodi, United States

Moxon! Go to the doctor's! Are you up on tetanus? Of course copious bleeding is a good thing....

Really, if it is a bad as it sounds and in the area you describe, you should see a doctor.

Clarkson, KY

Noses aren't known for their cleanliness, after all...

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Omigosh, here I go off to brave a snowstorm and come back to find that you have well and truly done yourself in! Did you break your nose? You really should get it checked!

A broken nose story for your edification whilst you hopefully apply ice and Neosporin...Years ago DH was lifting a pail off the ball on a boat trailer and found it be-inhabited by wasp folk. He being deadly allergic he reacted mightily, the pail flew up in the air, the wasps flew away, and the pail came down thunk on the bridge of his nose. Much blood ensued. The EENT sort said it would just heal itself but alas, it becrooked itself. Deviation of septa et alia. So they had to rebreak it and do plastical surgification on him. The plastical surgifier informed him when he awoke that he had taken away my DH's lovely Italian nose bump that he got from his dear old dad. DH was not at all happy, whilst the surgifier was all proud of self. DH was philosophical about it, though, and noted that one rarely gets a free cosmetic nose bob from an insurance company.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It is seeping a bit but not bleeding any more. I think I shall survive. The neosporin is a good thing. I will try the black pepper later when I change the bandage. I am up on tetanus because I was required to get one as part of my immigration (7.5 years ago) and they said I was "good to go" for 10 years. In addition, the snow has come mightily and it would probably be dangerouser (new Dahlia term for me) to go to the doctor in the car than stay put.

It is on the outside of my nose, up near the bridge but off to one side.

No further hatchings yet. Still 4 pips and going strong.

Clarkson, KY

thanks. ;)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Miserable goat...

Actually, this picture makes it look not that bad. These special waterproof bandaids are sticking well. It's very deep, but I guess not that wide. It was much more exciting when half my nose was covered in blood and we thought it might be broken.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

The loss of a nose bump is a terrible thing, g_g, (stroking my own noble nasal protuberance).

But the acquisition of one later in life can be a bummer--still, I am more worried about infection in Moxie's case.

It is the depth that is worrying...I am glad it bled a lot, but I don't think goats are known for meticulous horn hygiene.

This message was edited Jan 6, 2010 6:20 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I do worry also, a bit, Catsy, since I know infection in there can lead straight into the old grey cells. At the slightest sign of heat of the skin or nasty looking exudates, I shall not tarry in visiting the physician.

Frankly, the plastic surgeon who did that nose job could be sued for malpractice. We did a case last semester in which a surgeon corrected another problem he found in a woman's ear, while he was correcting a first problem. The consent forms did not cover the second problem, only the first problem. She won. A lot of $. Unless your husband consented to the removal of the bump during the reconstruction, the doc did not have legal right to remove it, unless it prevented him from correcting the other problems. Such a litigious society, but I'm just sayin'. It's my legal edumacation coming out.

hmmm would a scare be in the making on this nose from our naughty goat ?
i don't have any cool scars :( my brother has all sorts of cool scars. But then he was hit by lightening and that left many scars ,that wouldn't be fun.
glad to hear their are 4 pips . and going strong

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Moxon, it doesn't look TOO bad, but still there's always the worry of infection, so do keep an eye on it for mercy's sake!

Yeah, we knew we could have sued the guy, but we don't tend to be litigious, personally, and we really deplore the way society tries to garner money at the drop of a hat or a nasal protruberance.

At least the chicks are doing well, but I'd be pretty ticked off at that goat! I'll bet Kelly feels awful about it, too!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

my word Miss Moxon.. i go off to snow proof my chickens, wind chill protect all areas of same coop.. install a nasty nasty brooder lamp & come back to find that you've got babies running about & you've stolen my 9 inches of snow i was waiting on.. please turn on the large fans & blow it back out my direction. I'll gladly take it as there are small creatures (2 footed kind) descending upon my living quarters in a few moments who have declared a snow in for the next 3 days.

Do small bags of homemade chocolate covered toffee count as the correct food for hatching times?

Lodi, United States

Only if distributed among the hatching forces...:0)

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

hmm... i'll need addresses & a complete understanding that if they melt during shipping i am not responsible. :) ALL instructions upon receiving the toffee must be followed before sampling. Will even send the recipe along.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear me Grey, sorry about the 2-footeds. See, I haven't got any of those because I'd probably tolerate that for about 10 minutes and then take myself to a hotel somewhere. I will try to blow the snow your way but it might hurt my nose to blow too hard because it hurts to sneeze.

Right, here are some hatch statistics:
7 of 14 hen fruits hatched
4 hen fruits hatched a pale yellow downy being
3 hen fruits hatched apparent partridge beings

1 partridge being has pink feet and skin
1 pale yellow downy being has pink feet and skin
All remaining beings have grey/black feet and skin

2 pale yellow downy beings have 4 toes, but not the pink-footed one.
1 pale yellow downy being has a potential buff spot between its shoulder blades (wing blades?)

4 modules remain pipped
2 of the remaining 3 modules show signs of movement
1 module, with air cell on side, is quiet.

In celebration of these exciting statistics, I shall now cut into the chocolate fudge I made earlier when I was in despair over my nose possibly needing to be removed.

Lodi, United States

Entropy! Entropy! Entropy!

Commander Moxon is caught in the midst of a cosmic hatching disequilibrium storm....

Fudge sounds nice though....

Clarkson, KY

Only Catsy can make entropy sound so wild and invigorating...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh No Catscan! What will happen to me? Will i come out alright on the other side of the entropy? Or will my molecules be reordered and foreign?

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

oo.. i didn't read far enough Miss Moxon to read about your poor nose. I'm so very very sorry. I'm sure that is of teh untmost discomfort. Having had a broken nose several times I can sympathize to a point. A large fan would do to blow snow.. you def don't want to use your nose & blow a blood clot out. It tends to make a nasty icky mess with bleeding after that. Please watch very carefully for infection. We need you around here Miss Moxon. An infection would most certainly not be healthy for you & would hender your abilities to be on here with your friends who love you so very much.

I'm so happy you have small fuzzy babies. I can't wait for Pictures. My two footed creatures are running a bit late due to the wind chill warning & freezing fog. Miss Moxon you would surely find a hotel with these two. They are 4 yrs old & 8 yrs old. They will both be sharing my bed tonight along with the cats. They are exceptionally well behaved creatures but a bit excited about getting to make hot chocolate from scratch tonight.

Richmond, TX

OOOH, a nose injury, the very worst kind! {{{sympathy}}} Actually injuries to the head usually heal well due to the excellent blood circulation that you have already witnessed. But don't do any extensive snow-blowing or any other type, we value your continued presence here - and remember the hatch needs you. (A cupcake frenzy would also be bad so everyone hold the cupcakes!)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

oh my, I just had a white showgirl hatch. I think it's a showgirl anyway. I haven't had one before. Actually I think I had one for a very short time but it didn't make it as a chick, but that was a long time ago. This batch should not have had any showgirls, at least according to the listing. But look at this...doesn't this look like a showgirl?

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think I might call her "Whirl" since she seems to like to be one.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

What a precious little face!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Richmond, TX

Did the showgirl appear as a sport at some point in its history? If so maybe yours is one too. It certainly looks to be a showgirl - and the roosters, are they show"girls" too?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I went to the vendor's website and it looks like he has a single showgirl hen (white) so it must be hers. He didn't mention it in the egg description (which were Farmyard surprise mix) probably because there is only the 1, so he didn't want people thinking they'd get a bunch of showgirls out of it.

Richmond, TX

Is the naked neck a dominant trait?

Lodi, United States

I think it must be--I have a naked necked Nankin/Turken (NN) cross. She looks just like a big Nankin but with Naked Neck feathering. She just started laying.

ZZ--remember Golly? (We thought she was a he for a long time--she was a very sickly singleton hatch and I gave her to ZZ to raise with her Serama? chicks. If it hadn't been for ZZ cleaning her pasty butt and wiping the goop out of her eyes every 10 minutes she would never have made it.)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

CRUDDLES I am late and Billy is asleep.. I will show him this thread first thing tomorrow... I do have a supply of chocolate truffles, sorry to say I cant eat them right now, but am willing to share...
They are adorable Claire, and your nose is ok?

I do have a question.... Why when you were describing the eggs you called them Free Range suprise eggs? I understand the suprise part but the free range? Is that because they are not in a caged in coop?

Lodi, United States

Stand down, Hatcher Support Team.

I suspect Commander Moxon has turned over control for the night to her second in command, First Lieutenant Kelly....Moxon, wounded in mighty conflict, is badly in need of restorative rest and recuperation...RRR.

I think your understanding of the free range surprise concept is correct, MissJestr. The chickens are free to range and interbreed at whatever hatches is a SURPRISE!

Commander Moxon seems to excel in attracting such unorthodox alien life forms, which despite her best efforts, invariably escape and join their free-ranging comrades in an unholy mission to repopulate Iowa with a new outpost in the far flung Gallina Empire.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thank you Catscan, for properly releasing the hatcher support crew for the evening. I have survived the night despite my nasal disfigurement, and am pleased to report a further 3 hatcherees during the night. All 3 are of a light colour, although I believe two to be more in the buff department than white. All three are silkie-looking with five toes, but two with pink feet and one with grey/black feet.

MissJ - the person I bought the eggs from is a silkie breeder so he has several pens of exclusively one-coloured silkies, so for example, a white silkie pen, a buff silkie pen, a partridge silkie pen. He then has a separate "free range" group who are not in a specific pen including multiple colours of silkies as well as brabanters and a couple of other banty hens. Since they interbreed freely, they are free ranging surprise eggs, because he has no way to know what will come out! I had hoped for some brabanter crosses but I don't think that's going to happen. Still, they are a cute little bunch that I have!

Lodi, United States

Status report required.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Cmoxon for the info, now I understand...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Status: Last egg hatched, another white showgirl.

3 eggs duds.

All little ones placed under momma silkie, who immediately took to them as if she had hatched them. I was surprised. She is being a very nice momma. This is Rosebud and "her" babies, although most of them are under her.

Must go to work and interview potential new secretaries. Last one got promoted, dang it. I had her for 8 years. The new one has big shoes to fill.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

that is just to cool!!!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Billy wants to know why you took it the chick out of the bath tub naked

This message was edited Jan 8, 2010 6:57 PM

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOL! He's got the funniest questions!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Reporting WAY LATE for duty! Caught in the AZ/NV/CA flybackwardness warp into snowfullness. It was a covert powdery job Sirs. Latefully patrolling the perimeter. Is anyone still in egg? Should I throw myself on the shells? I am greatly distressed about the goatling mishap! Could it be a plot in which the innocent goatling was led astray? A twist on the ole 'you can lead a goatling to grain but you can't make him kick' gone awry?!?!?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh my Ninja Dahlianut, the shells are all complete. No more chickiedoodles to come. Sorry to hear about the covert powdery job. Hopefully all the donuts are now ready for eating (the powdered ones). Where is Catscan? We could have donuts while she isn't looking.

I am steadily recovering from the goatling mishap. Today my nose is less painful and almost no swelling any more. Never did get the goat feetsas done, so have to do them this weekend.

So total was 11 hatchlings and that includes 3 brown, 2 buff and 6 white or close to white. Several mixed breeds and some pure silkies by the looks of it. Also includes the 2 showgirls. Very nice hatching and very happy chicklettes.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Happy chicklettes make me happy. As all is quiet on the perimeter doing a dance of joy ^_^ So happy that the goatling incident was a happenmiss hoof rather than a plot and that it's less painfull. shhhh I stashed powdery donuts neath a rock on Mount IA. Seek the sign of the winged coot. shhhh Cousin Catscan will never know shhhh

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooohhhh, found them! Thank you Dahlianut! The winged coot was very pretty too!!

Lookie here! My two little showgirl chicks, both with bowties (fluffs on the front part of the neck).

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz

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