INCOMING!!! (Hatch alert, hatch alert! Man all stations!)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Billy wants to know who will pet them?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

They are in with the Momma Silkie. Her name is Rosebud. She will pet them. And I will pet them too because Rosebud is nice and friendly. They get loooots of attention!

Rosebud is a silkie hen that I got free when I bought another pair. The guy did not want her because she had bad wry neck and she could only walk backwards. I treated her with Vitamin E and Selenium and it worked really well. She has a touch of it again now so I am treating her again but she has been fine for almost a year so she is definitely treatable. Sweet little hen too. As soon as I put those babies next to her, she just started guiding them all under her and tucking them in. So cute!

Lodi, United States

Catscan has never had any objection to donuts...there were some minor restrictions attached to jelly donuts, but hardly worth citing.

Where do these rumours start?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Catscan...whatever are you on about with donuts? Have you been spending too much time in the field again?

Lodi, United States

No--I have been stuck in the house convalescing (sniff)...while my DEAR FRIENDS covertly eat powdered donuts behind my back and cavort with winged coots...

Well, I have an old coot of my own. He's not much into chickens and he doesn't approve of donuts...and he won't let me get another puppy....and....and....

Never mind.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL Catscan, atleast he keeps you warm at night...

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Poor Catscan, why dost thou convalesce and from which horrid mishap? MissJestr is correct: one must focus on the positive in relationships. Any man who allows five dogs in the household is certainly making an effort, wouldn'cha think?

Clarkson, KY

lol. winged donuts and sleeping with coots and coot pups?! what forum IS this??

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Grownut, you mustn't mind dear Catscan. She's clearly on some meds as a result of her convalescing. I think she is hallucinating or perhaps even delirious. Just be gentle with her. We don't want her going all bonkers on us. She might throw donuts, or worse, coots.

Catscan, just lie down for a while, put a cool compress on your forehead, perhaps pat a chicken for a while. Any old coot who is not fond of chickens should be considered for remedial training. Or put out to sleep in the dog house.

Clarkson, KY

not much room in the dog or two of them may need to come inside...

Lodi, United States

Four dogs--technically he is tolerating four dogs.

I claim no responsibility for Gomez, the Terror of Bean Town. The furniture marking maven. The pocket pit bull. The only one of the five to have bitten a human. More than once. The darling that sent my Akbash to the vet with a puncture wound through his cheek.

Oh, I have been a Saint!

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Wow, I wouldn't keep a dog that bit. Our Great Dane nipped our older granddaughter and away she went. The Great Dane rescue people found a home for her, but I always wondered how she made out. She was very bright but very alpha. You are totally liable if your dog bites someone, and usually only one bite is "allowed." Have you checked your homeowner's insurance? That might persuade a certain person....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

A high school friend of mine had a Boston T. He bit my ankles on several occasions. I hated that little dog. Grrrrrr...

Lodi, United States

I had to take my GSD, Stella, to "protection dog" training with an ex-canine squad policeman, because when I got her from rescue she had been trained as an attack I had to learn the commands to prevent any trouble. She is 13 now and still a pistol, but she never bit anyone without command and in a training situation (padded clothes, big arm wrapped in padding and heavily gloved).

Anyway, the trainer said that he and the other police canine officers referred to Bostons as..."Boston Terrorists". They can be very dog aggressive and although I don't blame Gomez for the bites (he is really a nice little dog--someone just hasn't handled him very well), I think people underestimate that they are a terrier/bull cross. Mostly they are not aggressive toward people (and so tiny now, it hardly matters) and they are smart as a whip, but they are tough and determined little beasts, and in a house where the closest dog to your size, weighs more than twice what you do, they can have serious "little man" issues.

my parents have a cat who bites . mean cat. i hate that cat. He bit both of them and they both got very sick . that cat would be out the door , but my loving parents they are, keep him and just put a warning label on him LOLLL sheesh.

Richmond, TX

I adopted a Great Dane that had been attack trained. (We gradually discovered this fact before trouble erupted.) He never bit anyone even though our property was regularly over run by Pony-Clubbers - until I sent him after some trespassers. They lost a little fabric from the seat of their pants, and never came back. (I was actually surprised that he remembered.)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Too cool...

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