Wierd Weather of 2010 #1

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

well, it IS February.
I would prefer 70° with a gentle breeze.
But - I just built a fire - I've got no snow on my lawn/street & I'm not in Haiti.
The pups are snuggled in after their supper, my computer works, I lived through the dental work & my home is quiet, except for the crackling fire in the woodstove.
February - the month that finds me on edge - nuts from no sun - no playing outside except on the weekends when there is NO rain. Truly a rarity.
February will soon become March - it's the equivalent of "hump day" for me.
Seed/plant catalogs will be tortured by my page turning.
My brain will be doing a 3D chess game with the available & requisite plants to move.
A grin is spreading across my face; I'm going to hug my Ridgeback - she's chilly.
Thinking of this:

Thumbnail by Katye
Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Uncheered up here but nice try.
I'm also out of firewood so sneaking onto the neighbor's porch for theirs. (I'll return it when my cord gets delivered tomorrow.)

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I'll try.

You could be in NJ and be in a blizzard warning. We had a bunch more snow on top of what we got on Fri. night. Probably close to 3' of the white stuff. It has been compacted some with the rainy/sleety stuff earlier in the day. Very heavy to shovel. Should end by midnight. Praying the power does NOT go out. 30,000 are STILL w/o power from the storm on the weekend over by the shore.

Feel better yet, HMMMM.? ^_^

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Jan, yer GOOD!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I knew I could do it. LOL

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Well, but you have so much to work with! Isn't this the 2nd year in a row that you have had extreme weather?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

It's the February Funk, and although I am a native here, it does affect me.
I'd much rather be outside playing, & I did change my outlook, albeit briefly.
But tomorrow is another day, followed by many more tomorrows, which will lead us into Spring & the gloom will lift. Then the complaints will be "too hot" or "not hot enough".
However - enjoy your respite SK - you will slide quickly into the Spring to Summer frenzy.
And it's all good.
Well, as long as it's hot enough for growing tomatoes, and you've eradicated the majority of ambitious weeds.
Looking forward to summer.....eating blueberries in the orchard:

Thumbnail by Katye
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Hi Jan! I was thinking about you earlier today while i was at the Dentist. Nitrous oxide is great for letting the mind wander...until it got to the snow. Then it doubled back quickly.
I sure hope you are settled in with all the provisions you need; toasty warm & that all your seed/plant catalogs have arrived.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Farther north had an extreme winter last year, We were south of most of that mess. This year we seem to be getting the brunt of it. I figure it's good insulation for the plants. Cup half full.

Eating blueberries in the orchard sounds great!

edited to say: I have a few catalogs, but would like more. Any good ideas for ones to request?

This message was edited Feb 10, 2010 9:09 PM

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Well, and I'm working on my Web site ahead of a conference call with my backers (i.e., my brother & Jack) ... so that's enjoyable.

It's just that, after 2 days of sun that allowed us to run around in the meadow, it was disappointing to wake up today & be back to darkness & rain.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Do you get White Flower Farm & Wayside? Those are my favorites for armchair reading. The plants, however, are expensive.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I think I'd have an adjustment on moving to the PNW. Definitely would need a LIGHT. Our son would love for us to come out there some day. I'm not ruling it out.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

No, don't have those. I'll have to check them out. Thanks.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

NO Sh*t!

this was directed to Summer's last post...with which i totally concur.

This message was edited Feb 10, 2010 6:15 PM

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

WFF delivers quality stuff, though.
I think Wayside is now owned by some conglomerate so I no longer trust them.

But they ARE my 2 favorite catalogs.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Going to order a catalog now.

Olympia, WA

For SAD - or Feb funk - you can use full spectrum lighting to get house plants happy, as well as YOURSELF!!! It is a simple as a bulb from Home Depot lighting put into a simple desk lamp that will hold it - or as fancy as a FS light fixture. Both work. Also having a Caribbean cruise scheduled for next week is a fixer-upper, albeit not inexpensive - but I am old, retired, and just got a note from the bank telling me how much I am REQUIRED to withdraw this year from my IRA. Tada!!!!!

In the meantime, seed catalogs, home and garden show, and a good book can help the time fly by!!!!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Even with all that, though, sometimes there is just a day where you are gonna ... call it a day.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I always think about those poor guys and gals who work for the electric company. Lots of pressure and nasty work conditions. But then again, I'll bet they're getting paid well.

You're right, SK. Nobody else can do your cheering up for you - it's all up to you. :-)

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Bluestone Perenial? catalog is nice also. I agree about Wayside. Their pictures are pretty but their plants are not very large. Whiteflower farms is way to costly.
The weather has never bothered me in my 70 years here. I don't think about it being anything but what it is--Outside.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

If I can't get outside I start remodeling with a sledgehammer -- though that's just me. I've only bashed down one wall here so far.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

LOL on the bashing, SummerK

I do get Bluestone, thanks for the headsup.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

While waiting for your catalogs, you can always go on line.

We have just tuned in to SilverStarVinery.com. Clematis supplier here in WA who gets lots of accolades. (Thanks all of you enablers!!!!!) My want list is only 11 right now and Julie came up with 13 last night.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Sharon.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I think it would be fun to surround the house with clems. They should grow up the brick and dry-vit really well. I also chose about a dozen I would love to have. THe deer eat them, so I would really have to have so many the deer couldn't eat them all. I only have two now and had two that died.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Excellent. We're forming our own little co-op without even knowing it. You guys are all making me feel so much better about my addiction . . . Thank you!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

"THe deer eat them, so I would really have to have so many the deer couldn't eat them all."

IMHE.....they just tell their friends and what you will have is...........MORE DEER.


Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Ha Hah! You are probably right about the deer.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Willow, maybe you could make some kind of wire surround that the clems could grow inside and then at least the deer could only get at what goes outside the cage. Either that or plant grapes with them and the deer would eat them instead!

For all of you clem fans, see the clematis thread about ordering from Silver Star Vinery... we are going to drive down and pick up an order, so if anyone would rather pick theirs up in Federal Way rather than paying the shipping, let me know!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yippee - the cold snap isn't panning out. Steve Pool says it's in the 40's downtown right now whereas last night it was 30 at this time. Less and less chance of snow. Whew!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


(Judi)Portland, OR

Really crazy cold here.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Much warmer here both last night and this morning. Not even frost. That's weird.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

36° at my place this morning. Much better.

(Judi)Portland, OR

We are supposed to have steady hard rain for the next few days - all the blossoms will be drenched. :(

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

At least they'll get watered . . . I had heard that we'd be having rain, but I hope it's not hard.

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

yes, and liquid form is much preferred to solid.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

The rain did help the bleeding heart. It is almost back to normal from the freeze. Everything else looks good.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

We had 2 dainty hailstorms & then a dusting of snow on Tuesday night. Was very excited! But it was gone within hours. So much for my "poor man's fertilizer." Though I would expect that continual rain has the same effect.

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