Wierd Weather of 2010 #1

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1061482/


Thumbnail by zhinusmom
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!!!!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Wishing you a wonderful new forum.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

May this year be a good one!
Good night all, have somewhere between 20-40 people showing up for a bike ride and lunch here tomorrow so I will be up early...not necessarily awake, but up!

Eugene, OR

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Perfect picture to start with Trisha.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Woke up to a dusting of surprise snow. Thought we were going to have some on Friday. My son in Houston is expecting some snow on Thursday, maybe.

Happy Laura. (zhinu) Hope it's a great day!!!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, just getting started, but so far so good!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Wish we would get at least a dusting of snow here....can't help it I love Snow!

Happy Birthday Daughter!!!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday, Laura. My SIL and her grandson both share this birthday with you! You're special today.

This message was edited Jan 6, 2010 12:59 PM

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Happy Birthday our Royal one from her minions here in "Yankee town"

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Yesterday it was 47 at 3000 ft on the pass.....and 41 at 1000 ft on the flat.



(Judi)Portland, OR

It is cold and windy here today, a bit nasty. The cold is ok but the wind - not so much.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I wish we would get some snow, just for a couple of days, even. I'm so bored with rain.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Ditto Pony

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you all for the birthday wishes, it was a mellow but good one.

Katie, I also shared it with my Grandfather and Cousin. Jan. 14th is another cousins birthday as well as a good friend of mine’s birthday.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Lots of Capricornian energy!!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Goats rock!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

And I know a goat whose birthday is coming up on the 11th . . .

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We Gemini's wonder how you Capricorns survived the first few days of life. No sun, short cold days, playrooms lit with lamps, and a Raven in your crib room quoting "Nevermore". LOL

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I am a little butthead.


Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

Steve - since we are little buttheads, we simply dealt with it.
If something is in the way & there's no way around it - knock it down!
My Mother had me outside real early - dressed for the weather makes it easy.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

So joy entered your lives in tightly wrapped bundles of blankets and cute hats?

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

No, scratchy wool is more like it!

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

It must be spring -- the dog is chasing a housefly & there is a headless mouse on my office floor.

And the hellebores bloomed in this morning's 60-degree sunshine!

(Judi)Portland, OR

It is drab and cold here - the sun was out for 30 seconds. I took a long walk with my dog, and then strolled around my little garden and noticed that some of the hellebores are have buds and new little leaves forming. A few other things have tiny green leaves as well. It would be nice if we didn't get another freezing spell but that is not likely! I crave the sun.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Last week's chilly rain was my first feeling of ENOUGH ALREADY. But today was great.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My SIL has a Hellebore in full bloom and probably 50 more buds on 15 plants I planted for her last year. The sight is going to be outrageous.

For cat lovers:


Eugene, OR

My Hellebores are just starting to come up good. Same with the Daffodils, they're moving really slow. A few days of warmer weather would be nice. Today was beautiful!!! But DH has been in the hospital with a blood clot in his leg. Thought he was going to lose it for a while. Some frantic treatment, emergency surgery and excellent care and he's got pink toes again. Came home today looking forward to some sleep, I promised I wouldn't wake him at 3:00 am!!

Thanks for the link Katie, gave me a needed giggle!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Too bad, Sally. Is he okay now? When will he come home?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sally, glad they were able to take care of him.

BRRR it's 16 out there now.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Sally, so sorry about your DH! Hope he mends soon. That must have been scary.

Jan you guys back there have had some really bad weather - I hope it improves soon and you defrost.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

I really enjoyed getting out and being able to spend time in the garden this weekend. Weather in our neck of the woods was just beautiful... up around 50 degrees with some wonderful sunbeams here and there. The only down side was that it had monsooned all day on Friday, so I was ankle deep in mud almost everywhere I went. Oh well, the perfect day to work in the gardens under the cedars! Lots of cute little things popping up here and there...working dark to dark this time of year you miss a lot of stuff sneaking out. I was surprised to see how far along the witch hazels are...going to have wonderful color soon. I added a couple of new ones (very small) last year, and they are all going to give me at least a little display. What fun!!

Jan, hope you warm up soon. Listening to the weather on the news the last several days I am very glad we don't live anywhere back east. Give me rain any day!

Sally, sorry to hear about your DH, and glad he is back home. Take good care of him!

Eugene, OR

Thanks everyone, he's resting, I don't think he realized how weak he had gotten. LOL Wore himself and slowed down real fast. They made a mistake on his meds, that's almost as scary as what he went through. Luckily I thought it strange they put him on Plavix and didn't stop his aspirin, so I checked with the doctor. Sure enough, no aspirin til he stops the Plavix. And in the ER I had to ask them if they had checked with his pulmonary and cardiologist about the treatment they were planning, since I know from experience how delicately his meds are balanced. When I mentioned it to the nurse, he just gave me a slight smile and a couple of minutes later I could hear the doctor calling his lung doctor.

Julie, glad you got out for the day, it was really nice here too. I have to get some witch hazel, I remember the pics from all of you last year. My daffodils are finally starting to come up and the hellebores woke up after the sunshine they got. Rain due tonight and tomorrow, then dry for a few days. Maybe I can get out then.

Jan.......brrrrrrrrr! Stay warm.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Good girl, Sally. And don't forget to keep checking on his meds; I know from first hand experience that the mistakes can continue if the right people aren't paying attention. Glad he's out and about.

Yes, Jan, we're having such a warm winter. I hope this one gets a little better for you guys!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

Sally, you go! People really need a savvy and straightforward advocate checking on the details when they are in the hospital.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks for all the warm wishes. I feel badly for all our southern friends who most likely are losing some of their gardens because of the cold.

Today, we're up to 27 already ^_^

Eugene, OR

Fun time today. Granddaughter and great grandson came from Vancouver for a couple of days. Long time since I've had a four year old around. He's a great little guy!

Just a little rain here today and staying warm. Hope it stays away some tomorrow, want to take Bryson to the river before they leave.

Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

It's in the 50s here ... have every window open so the house is filled with fresh breezes & the sounds of rushing water.

Do you guys get tired of hearing me say how thrilled I am to be here?

Last week I was despairing a bit but this week the longer days, warmer temps & budding branches have reawakened my body & my creativity.

Eugene, OR

Summerkid...... I'm still in love with Oregon, coming from CA. My son once asked my DH if we would ever leave here. He told him the only way your mother will leave here is in a box. Yes the winter gets long, DG helps with that. Just before Spring is when I have the most trouble, but now I'm trying to start seeds, that helps too.

I smile every time you mention the sound of water. I live near a river and it's my favorite place to walk, but I haven't tumbled in yet. LOL I don't swim, so am very careful around the water. I have a favorite place to sit, where I can hear the water tumbling over rocks, never pass it without stopping for a bit.

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