Tropical Garden #59

Do you have anymore picture's to share Dave? Nice Palm and it sure did help to warm thing's up a bit around here.

Tropic, my Spathiphyllum does turn a light green over-all with the age of the bloom. Here is a picture of an older bloom that is starting to show the light green at the bottom but still smell's quite lovely.

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zone 6a, KY

Are they all fragrant? I never smelled one, lol.

(Zone 1)

Lovely Spath Rachel! I have one large one that I've had for quite a few years, it's the variegated one called Domino. It's looking a bit ratty, needs repotting desperately. It's outside on the back deck covered with a blanket along with many other plants! I sure hope it and everything else survives tonight because we are supposed to get down to 34º here and it's already feeling pretty cold out at 46º. Brrr .... it's not supposed to be this cold until late January!

Dave: I too would love to know which one that lovely Palm is!

Tropic: Love that Drosera ... lovely blooms! I think it's normal for the Peace Lily spath's to turn green as they age, at least the ones I've had over the years have always done that.

I have my Orchids inside because of the cold ... actually brought them and the Hoyas inside after Thanksgiving when it was predicted to get cold one night. They will remain inside until March to be on the safe side! I have a few Orchids in bloom right now. This one is Oncidium Gower Ramsey ...

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Phalaenopsis Noid:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Tolumnia Orchid Noid

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Pentas in the garden still going strong but by tomorrow they may be mush!

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Senna bicapsularis tree still has a few blooms

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Tecomaria capensis (commonly called "Cape Honeysuckle") is a pest plant here that we can't seem to get rid of. It has a beautiful bloom and is blooming away right now but no fragrance like the actual Honeysuckle plant.

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Close up of the Tecomaria bloom

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Holiday Cactus bloom

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Last one for me, another orchid: Laelia purpurata x Bl. Richard Mueller

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

Well, I know I said that was the last one but this orchid is blooming too. Only one flower but it's pretty. I took this photo yesterday out by the pool in the bright light.

Brassavola nodosa hybrid:

Thumbnail by plantladylin
(Zone 1)

I recently had this one identified by someone on the Orchid forum. It's been blooming for a few weeks now and has a slight sweet fragrance. Oncidium Nanboh Waltz:

Thumbnail by plantladylin

Those are ALL lovely, but I think I'd kill for the last one. That is just beautiful. I love orchids.
I have a big pretty peace lily in my greenhouse. It bloomed all summer and still going strong. It's suppose to get down to 25-26 tonight and for the next week upper 20s and lower 30s. Rain sleet mix for New Years. Drat!

So many pretty pictures, everyone. Great start to my day.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Zone envy!!!

(Zone 1)

I know nothing about orchids and mine came from Home Depot or the clearance rack at Wal-Mart with the exception of a few I received in trades here on DG a year or so ago. I hang them in the trees and let them do their own thing. I've been very bad about feeding all of my plants but last summer tried to do a bit better with feeding and the orchids began to be happier and grace me with some blooms! Last year the squirrels got to them and really did a number .... some orchids completely chewed up and others missing entirely. There were pieces of orchids as well as name tags with t scattered under the tree where they had been hanging! Arrrgh ... pesky squirrels! I love the cute little critters but it sure makes me mad when they eat the plants!

How do you have yours potted? And how often do you use plant food? I am new to orchids and have several but I am not feeding mine since they went in the greenhouse. I thought you are suppose to let them have a rest period. Is this correct?, or do you feed all the time.

(Zone 1)

mekos: I am not knowledgeable about orchids at all. I hope you will consider posting some of your questions over on the orchid forum: There are some really knowledgeable people over there. Also check out this "Sticky": at the very top of that forum for care and culture information!

Most of my orchids are planted in wooden orchid baskets that I buy at Home Depot, but a few are in rattan baskets that I had on hand when I needed to repot and was too lazy to run out and buy the orchid baskets. My orchids hang in a Schefflera tree in the backyard from April until December. This year I had to bring them inside after Thanksgiving because we had a couple of nights drop to the mid 30's. I use the bagged orchid bark mix for potting. In the past I've potted a few orchids in straight long fiber spaghnum but find it can become very compacted and as hard as a rock, so I've gotten away from that and use strictly the bark mix for orchids.

I am really a bad plant mom and neglectful of all of my plants. I have lots of plants, and with the exception of the orchids and hoyas they all stay outside on the pool deck year round. When we are predicted to have a cold snap (like last night's 36º) I cover them with old sheets and blankets. Every year I keep saying I'm going to get on a regular feeding schedule for my plants but my attention span is quite short and my plants get a lot of neglect. I did feed them this past summer, not on a regular basis, it was sporadic every month or so but I think that's why the orchids are blooming now. I always thought you should stop feeding once the plant began to bloom but just read somewhere recently that orchids should continue to be fed when blooming.

Keaau, HI

Beautiful photos Lin & Tropicbreeze! Love the Orchids & Palms.

The background trees in my area are Hawaiian 'Ohi'a, Metrosideros polymorpha.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

Metro, that is just beautiful. Did you name it?

Keaau, HI

Hi Mekos, the Genus is named by J. Gaertner, the species is named by Gaudichaud.

Clinostigma has interesting fishtail frond on the young plants, but loses them with maturity.

Here is one that keeps it's fishtail look, Marojejya darianii, of Madagascar.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

That is nice.

Red Oak, TX

Thanks everyone!!!! Your pictures and comments are very enjoyable and entertaining. They made me forget about the cold and nasty weather.

I found a few blooms today.
This is a Chalice vine, most of the buds got zapped by the cold.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

This is a old reliable Bromeliad "Silver Vase".

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

This is a NOID Bromeliad.

Thumbnail by prita
Red Oak, TX

noid foliage plants

Thumbnail by prita
zone 6a, KY

prita: I think your noid foliage plant may be dracaena marginata tricolor. Yours is really pretty. What is the groundcover under it? I think I know it and if enough time goes by, I'll probably actually remember, lol.

Edited to say: They Are All Pretty Plants :).

This message was edited Dec 29, 2009 5:33 PM

Or it could be cordyline southern splendor. And if it is... NEATO!!

This message was edited Dec 29, 2009 5:38 PM

Prita, at least your Chalice vine bloomed. I babied mine all summer and it did nothing. I have 2 one is verigated and one is not. They are now in my greenhouse along with my stictocardia vine that also didn't bloom and my Lotus parrot beak -you guessed it , no blooms either.

But I do have a Croton like yours. Mine is smaller though.

zone 6a, KY

Crud.... Now I want to find a cordyline Southern Splendor (aka Pacific Dawn)

3jsmom do you know what kind this is? I know it's a cordyline, but don't know what kind it is. It put some kind of bloom spike up there at the right top of picture.

Thumbnail by mekos
zone 6a, KY

I have the same or very similar plant. I got it at Lowe's and the nearest I figure is it is either Red Sister or just red ti? You give yours a fair bit of sun from the looks, as mine is doing the same in a Southeastern window. I have mine sitting with the top of the plant just near eye level and it is so pretty as the sun shines through it :).

zone 6a, KY

There are many cultivars of cordyline fruticosa, so I could be completely wrong....

I love to see it blooming, though.

Here is a red sister/red ti comparison pic. I think it tells the story.

Do they make seeds? Bells going off.... Hawaiian Ti plant??? I just got a Hawaiian Ti stick to root from Hawaii. anda verigated one for me and my friend. I didn't know this is what that is. Are you sure?

zone 6a, KY

Yes'm. There are many varieties. Many pretty varieties. I'd say they make seeds, but not sure about if they are sterile to selfing or if you need to different plants? Not sure.

Please tell me how it goes with the stick. There are many varieties that I would love but can only find them being sold as sticks and they are costly even as sticks :(.

Mine was free, my friend in Hawaii sent me 2 reds and 2 verigated sticks. He said they grow everywhere around there. I guess when the plants get older they will get taller and there be the stick in the stalk. But I didn't know that was what I had. WOW. I bought several of these and sent to another friend in Florida when she was sick. I also bought us both a cordyline plant but it had skinny leaves and was burgandy colored. Mine is still outside in the ground, Owwww, I had forgot about it, bet it might have bit the dust now. I'll go look tomorrow and if it by some miracle still alive, will go dig it up and put it in the greenhouse tomorrow. I think it was called Cordyline- festival grass.

zone 6a, KY

Some of the thinner leaved cordylines will take some cold. I think I saw somewhere that cordyline australis can survive down to 15F but don't quote me on that. I brought mine in, and am enjoying it in the window next to the wider leaf one :).

I think mine would be too big to bring in but can put in the greenhouse. (Maybe can find room) It's about full in there.

zone 6a, KY

If it's still living, bring it in, even just the root if the top was damaged. I looked it up and it's a pretty plant. I have one called Red Star that is nice, too.

It is strange, but I couldn't find the old reliable green spike plant this year. I don't know if it's a cordyline or dracaena, but missed it... I got the red star instead. Maybe next year. Or I guess if I have to go without it to get the Southern Splendor instead, I could live with that :).

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