Tropical Garden #59

zone 6a, KY

I know, I enjoy cordyline and so far they seem to like it here. I guess we should call them hybrid ti's then?

Do yours live outside in winter? You are in zone 6 and that is colder than me. Or do you bring them inside for winter?

(Zone 1)

There are a lot of named cultivars of Cordyline's but if we don't know the name I think it's just called hybrid Cordyline, but I don't know for sure.

I think the original Cordyline is a solid green version: - and all of the hybrid cultivars had it as a parent?

LOL, I think I'm just confusing myself more!

Hehehehe Join the group. LOL No, really I think you are right from what I've just read in all this. Thanks a lot anyway, I'm enjoying the pictures and information. I still want to move to a tropical island. When I win the lottery, I'm going. Anyone want to join me?

zone 6a, KY

I bring them in. And then back out. And then back in, lol.

noonamah, Australia

That's what I like to see, fit healthy people getting their exercise. Or, is that exhausted fit healthy people? ;O)

Thumbnail by tropicbreeze
noonamah, Australia

By the way, we also have lots of plants in the house in the tropics. They generally come under name of fungus. :O(

zone 6a, KY

tropicbreeze, what is that flower?

Real pretty flower bloom. What is it.

noonamah, Australia

I was hoping someone would tell me rather than ask me. There is a Thunbergia that looks like that but this one isn't that. So it's the one that looks like that but isn't a Thunbergia. Are you confused? So am I. I'm going to have to write the name down, if someone can come up with it.

Does it come in Yellow and Purple? I had a vine that someone gave me in yellow and it also comes in purple. I'll go find the name. Back in a flash.

zone 6a, KY

It looks like a vine hanging down, is that what is going on? Or is it a big shrub? The flower is thunbergia like, but not too sure about the foliage.

Alamanda, is that it?

Keaau, HI

Ti is a common name for Cordyline fruticosa and it's many cultivars. It is a Polynesian name, but not a Hawaiian name.

Hawaiian Ti is the plain green type of the species, which has been in cultivation for over 30,000 years. It has many uses in cooking, medicine, clothing, construction, cordage, and even religion.

Hawaiians called their Ti plant, Ki or La'i.

Mainland purveyors sell the cultivars as "Hawaiian Ti", but Hawaiians don't refer to them as such!

Once again, the below plant is Hawaiian Ti, and no other type of Ti plant is.

Aloha a nui, Dave

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Tropicbreeze's plant looks like Thunbergia erecta.

Metro, the stalk thingys that I just got from Hawaii is rooting already so as soon as it puts leaves on so you can tell, I'll show you what it looks like. He sent me a red and a verigated kind and when I looked today they already had roots popping out. He told me they were hawaiian Ti plants. The plant I already had in the greenhouse is cordyline. (This picture)

Thumbnail by mekos
Keaau, HI

Hi Mekos, you have Ti (Cordyline fruticosa) cultivars, which are quite beautiful! They just aren't Hawaiian Ti, even if they are grown in Hawai'i.

Apparently "Hawaiian Ti" is a good sell line!

True Hawaiian Ti is plain green, it is a very culturally valuable plant.

I too love the many Ti cultivars!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

Well the one in the picture is the one in my greenhouse I already had. The ones he sent me are still a stick rooting. He said was verigated. You think it is the same thing? Not the Hawaiian Ti? Because it is verigated? Or red?

Keaau, HI

Here's more Ti!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

Metro, is that considered verigated? Because of the stripes on the leaves being different colored.

Keaau, HI

Hey Mekos, there are several variegated Ti cultivars!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

I like that with the white in it. I like the ones with the hot pink mixed with the red and greens too.

Keaau, HI

I think variegated generally means streaked with white or light colors.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros

OH. OK. He told me he had red, green and verigated Hawaiian Tis. I chose red and verigated. Those just sounded pretty to me. I'll be glad to see mine with leaves. I hope they are as pretty as yours.

Keaau, HI

Pink, you say!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

More Ti!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Still more Ti!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Still yet Ti!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Stay going Ti!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

Ka uluwehi o ke ki!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Metrosideros your Ti's are stunning. Please tell me what the name of the plant with the long leaves is behind your variegated Ti It is beautiful also.


Keaau, HI

Hi Debbie, that is Molineria capitulata.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Thank you so much for the id. My little grandson's, mothers family is from HI and gets a kick looking at your pics.

Red Oak, TX

What a treat to wake up to all the beautiful plants and comments!!!

It is almost time to start a new Thread. Anyone is welcome to start one for the New Year # 60. Your favorite picture from 2009 would be great. This has been the coldest December inTexas that I can remember. Running heaters in 3 GHs is very expensive . New blooms are few and far between.

Thumbnail by prita
zone 6a, KY

Very pretty ti's, Dave. I was going to start looking up the cultivars but realized that they are 10 times more beautiful in your garden than I could achieve in a pot, so thank you a bunch for sharing the stunning photos :)

go here for the new thread:

(Zone 1)

Tropic: Your plant does looks like Thumbergia erecta: A beautiful plant!

Dave: Wow! Great Cordylines, gorgeous! I know we are all surrounded by some form of beauty if we just look for it. You are really fortunate to live in the Islands, surrounded by so many beautiful tropical plants!

While we are on the subject of Cordylines/Hawaiian Ti plants, I thought I'd share this link with some interesting information:

zone 6a, KY

My kids want to build rain capes out of my plants now, lol. I said back away from the monstera!!

(Zone 1)

LOL, sounds like it would be a good school project for the kids! ^_^

(Zone 1)

Dutchlady has started a new thread for us! Follow me here:

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