Omelet and the Hat (i.e. Hattus Horribillis)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Today, I went out to the barn to check on the chicks in the brooder box. We have been having temps around -25 F (yes, that is a minus sign in front of the 25) with the wind chill. Even with 2 heat lamps, I had lost a chick. It was one of the double frizzle ones hatched a few months ago. The other one appeared to be not far behind in its departure of this mortal coil. I hurried it inside and checked it over. For some reason it had a blood spot on its foot (top) but I still don't know why. Anyway, I washed her feet, having fairy surely established that this chick was a pullet, and stuck her in the Brinsea incubator where I have 2 eggs going. I figured that was the fastest way to warm her up.

Following that, I busied myself with other things and went back to check on her in an hour or so. She was up and moving about slowly, and had eaten some chick kibble and drank water too. I was delighted so I took her out and wrapped her in a fleece blankie and took her to sit with me at my desk, where I had the heating pad on for my back and she rested against the heating pad and warbled at me.

Anyway, she was doing much better over time so I began looking for the right container to become her temporary home, so that I could carry her around with me and keep an eye on her. I was not having much luck, and then it came to me. The horrible hat. Yes, the dreadful hat that Catscan knitted that she made me take a photograph of for ridicule has gone from being Hattus horribillis (horrible hat) to Hattus habilis (home hat). Home for Omelet the little frizzle who needed a warm place.

I hope she makes it. She seems to have a little bit of breathing noise, so I hope she's not coming down with some respiratory nastiness. We shall see. For now, she lives in a hat.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

I can hardly think of a better use for that the humiliation aspect is over.

I lost several Salmon Faverolle chicks when DH misunderstood my instructions and turned the brooder light over the 2 week olds OFF every night during my absence. Some of the other breeds remained unaffected. I wonder if a nice dedicated heathing pad would help?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh dear, that wasn't very clever of him. You would think he might have considered the common sense aspect of that operation before carrying out what he believed to be your instructions. Oh wait, what am I saying, he's a man. {hitting heel of palm on forehead}

Here is a video of Omelet warbling.

Clarkson, KY

there's a reason it's Homer Simpson says D'oh!!

beautimous piccymus...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I went out to the barn again for evening feed. Another frizzle gone. One left. I brought her in. Omelet has been joined by Pepper.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz

T&P for the two chicks

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hang in there frizzlefrazzlies! You can do it! You are in the warmest, most luvlly hat (that I would KILL to be wear BTW) so just snuggle in and you will be fine. I am sending warm breaths and smiles ^_^

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

This morning they are fine! Hooray! Both are well and active.
Here's breakfast!

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And back into the hat.

it's interesting to me that I have about 15 chicks (about 4 weeks old) in the brooder box and all were fine except the 4 frizzles. I lost 2 of the 4, and nearly lost Omelet. Pepper seemed OK but I brought her in for safety's sake, given the record with the others. None of the other chicks are even acting chilly. There are two 250 watt heat lamps in their section, which is 4 x 4 feet and about 18 inches high. It's plywood and the base is woodchips for warmth. Shows me how susceptible frizzles are to cold.

Actually, I think these are sizzles. They have black skin and 5 toes, and I have a sizzle roo.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Alfred Station, NY(Zone 5b)

They do so look like someone pulled them through a knothole backwards. :) Probably the frizzle feathering doesn't really provide adequate insulation with the feathers sticking up all over the place the way they do.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Such a sweet bunch of pics! You are the rescue queen Claire! Bless your heart!

Lodi, United States

ZZ are you back in Lodi?

It is funny--but it has been so cold and I have been worried about my Naked Neck/Nankin cross--but she is fine. I suppose she has more feathers and those that she has are normal and give her enough insulation.

Catscan my naked neck is fine at -2 . go figure ? i think maybe he needs a scarf ?

Lodi, United States

Hmmm, taynors, the literature does say NN handle cold well--but it so hard to believe, seeing their poor naked necks and knowing they don't have many feathers as other chickens....I guess it it the frizzle that makes the feathers poor insulators.

I was sent home from work due to having a very drippy, nasty cold that no one else seems to want....I am thrilled!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I had an NN who did fine all last winter. She died this fall but nothing to do with the cold. She had good insulating feathers all over her body though. These frizzles have nearly zero feathers under their wings and on the bulk of their body. Their frizzled feathers are on wing tops, head and neck, back and tail. So they are sorely under insulated.

ZZ - the blizzard that hit Iowa a few days ago was awful and there are semi-trailers jackknifed and upsidedown and on their sides and half tipped over EVERYWHERE! It's dreadful. I hope you were nowhere near here. It's going to take a long time to get that all cleaned up. I went to the feed store today and thought of you every time I saw one. I must have seen at least 20 on my drive (about 30 minutes) so it was just awful. Of course, that doesn't count all the SUVs who were scattered all over. Seems that their drivers think they are capable of magic in the snow. Not so much...

Funny on the NN. Geo told me they are very cold hardy . So far so good . But i do want to knit him a scarf LOLLL that would be so cute !
Snow has no magic ?? say its not soooooo . oh the agony of reality .
Cat go figure they didn't want to share your cold ??? tis the season to share and be merry ? i thought :)

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Claire, what a mess! I hadn't heard that it was that bad in Iowa. And Catsy, enjoy your cold. Sounds like you could still knit, and you can definitely type!

We had a young Cuckoo Maran die on us the other day; I found her in the morning when I went out to feed the chickens. No signs of predator involvement. I have no idea what happened to her.

greenhouse_gal sorry to hear the news on the dead chicken.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Taynor, thanks, but it's just part of raising 'em. We don't bond with ours the way a lot of people here do, but we do enjoy them and try to take care of them!

It's gotten cold here the last few days, even going down below freezing at night. This morning I couldn't get the top off the poultry waterer because it had frozen to the main part. One advantage of metal waterers over plastic, obviously. We went for our usual jaunt to get the papers and saw that because of all the rain earlier in the week, the cold had caused beautiful frost heaves along the dirt driveway. There were some sections that looked like long icy fringes and others that looked like solid white mushrooms coming up out of the porous soil. It was really pretty. The temporary ponds in our woods were partially frozen over, too, with lovely patterns. It was a nice walk!

Clarkson, KY

Okay....I have to confess.....

EVERY time I see the title to this thread the tune to Panis Angelicus
pops into my head...

Clarkson, KY


Lodi, United States

So how can we HEAR it?

Clarkson, KY

Better yet -Pavarotti

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

And now, hens and roosters, for your little ones, we bring you the latest from Dolce and Eggbana, in the southwestern theme that is so popular this season with the chicks.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Note the careful cut of the collar to add neck warmth, and the long length of the coats to keep all your little ones toasty warm this chilly winter season. All this while retaining ease of movement for play.

No, that's not a large, frightening dog in the background. That is a mellow greyhound who is more commonly posing as a large cushion.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

See, the greyhound cannot even be motivated to keep his eyes open for little chicks. He is back to cushion pose.

These little chick coats are available now at fine designer stores near you. Make sure you have one for everybody in your brood. There's no excuse for cold chicks in winter.

Thank you ladies, for your wonderful modeling. You may go back in your laundry basket now.

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, United States

Really lovely.

Pavarotti is better, I think. More confident.

Did you see the Pavarotti and Sting duet?
I am not a fan of Sting...and he looks terrified...but he holds on by his fingertips....and at times it is beautiful.

Lodi, United States

Moxon! It is extraordinary! You will take the Paris Fashion Season by storm!

Of course there will be rip-offs....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooh, I like the Pav & Sting duet. I confess, I am a tremendous fan of Sting. Especially with those leather trousers. ahem. I'm not sure if he is terrified (which I think most people would be having to sing with Pavarotti) or freezing his whatnots off...

Lodi, United States

The leathers are errrr...notable. He does look buff--but Pavarotti looks so comfortable with himself...

I heard Sting on NPR one day and he was talking about his original career as a school teacher---It is silly, but I still see him as one.....

Clarkson, KY

I saw and wanted much to post...did not for whatever reason.

Moxon will take the fashion world by storm -of that I have no doubt.

Sting could be a botox man ? to much botox ?
great look on the chicks. i showed my DD who is 6 yrs old and she asked why they are wearing coats ? and i replied cuz its fun . She then said " do you have to be old to dress up chicks " LOLLL sheesh.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ouch...suddenly I'm old!

Actually they are wearing coats because they are the result of frizzle-frizzle breeding which results in a bird with significantly reduced feather follicles, so they have very few feathers on their bodies, so they get cold easily. You could just tell her to "keep them warm"...

Lodi, United States

We are all old on DG--they don't allow the young and easily corrupted on...or anything that might traumatize Sting's leather pants and naked chicks.....

This message was edited Dec 12, 2009 7:01 PM

Oh sorry Cmoxon i didn't think she meant you being old , just me . Good to know on the warm coats for the chicks. I will tell her its just not a fashion statement but a way to keep them warm. She is reading over my shoulder as i type this . LOL She is very curious about what grown ups do on DG LOL . Cuz she hears me LOL and make remarks out loud while i type . She thinks we are all old and crazy LOLLL yes she is still reading over my shoulder . She is a reader ! she read 4 chapter books this weekend ! Junie B. series by Barbara Park its a 2nd grade level book . I am so stoked that she loves to read !!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh Moxon your Haute Couture for the babies will certainly out do Oshkosh or Baby Gap.... Must have for every fine chicken yard... Love the southwestern flair....

Plant City, FL

i just got three new chicks and one seems overly atached to me.what should i do?

Lodi, United States

Enjoy it!

No really, it will bond with the other chicks eventually...chickens have very complex social relationships. It is good to have them trust you when they are little--they are easier to handle then when they are big.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i am NOT old.... i am only 28. i am still young & corruptible. I love the little jackets for teh chickens.. might make a few for mine just to see what my little silkie would do.. she looks so cold when it rains & her feathers stick down.

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