Mid-Winter Seed Swap(s)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Now that we've tucked our gardens in for their long winter's nap, it's time to sorting through seed catalogs and seed stashes, making plans for spring!

For the past several years, I've organized a "Mid-Winter Seed Swap" in Frederick, and I'm planning on doing so again. Most likely, we will again meet at Chef Lin Buffet, since that has worked out well in the past, although I'm toying with having a gathering here at the house instead. We'll see what happens after the holidays.

I think February 27 is currently my favorite date (might have family stuff going on Feb. 20, and I don't want to mess up Valentine weekend plans for anybody on Feb. 13), so you might pencil that in on your new 2010 calendar.

I was going to wait until after the holidays to post interest & seed swapping threads (it's not necessary to arrange any swaps in advance, but it can be helpful to see if there's a lot of interest in a particular seed before you make up 20 packets of it, and some people find it useful to post wish lists, also). That'll give us 5 or 6 weeks to put things together, which seems like more than enough time. :-)

In the meantime, though... I know Frederick is too far south or too far north etc. for some folks to make it here for the seed party. So, let's toss around additional ideas for seed swapping!

If anybody wants to host a seed swap in another part of the Mid-Altantic, step up & post... when plans get underway, we can put links from here (and from the "Events" thread) to your swap thread(s).

Roses_R_Red (Teri) is planning a swap for Jan 23 in PA, see link at the end of this post to her thread in the MAG forum.

Also, some people might want to do a swap by mail, maybe like the "Piggy Swap" going on now, where everybody sends their seeds to a hostess along with enough postage to cover a return package. If you want to arrange individual swaps by mail, that's fine also, and you might consider posting in the Seed Trading forum as well as here to broaden your search area.

So... let's talk seed swapping! What, When, How... this is just meant to be a thread to get discussions started.



"Think Spring! Seed Swap Party Feb 27" http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1064708/

"Seed Swap January 23rd in Mt Bethel PA" http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1064972/

(edited to update info)

This message was edited Dec 26, 2009 8:24 PM

Thumbnail by critterologist
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Jill, so glad you started this thread. I was hoping that I could do a distance seed swap by mail, since I live so far away and could be in blizzard conditions in Feb.

I am hoping to be out of this cast soon so I can continue getting my 2009 seed harvest cleaned, and seed packets made. I have quite a few paper lunch bags labled with my seed harvest.

It is so nice to be able to plant seeds from friends, puts a smile on ones face remembering who they came from.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I am willing to help organize either a virtual/mail seed swap for the Pa & NJ folks who don't want to travel to MD or possibly help with an in person one here in Pa. Any DE people can attend whichever is easist for them, or both. Is anyone interested in hosting one? Roses, I know, has expressed an interest in having folks to her place. My only constraints are that I would need to wrap up my involvement in it in January or by the end of the first week in February.

My thoughts were that we could all post what seeds we had available and possibly we could all post wish lists too. If people could prepare their seeds in advance, I could bring seeds from the Pa swap down to the MD swap and pick up seeds from the MD swap to mail to the Pa & NJ folks who can't attend the Md swap.

Critter, does this sound workable to you?

Lady, I could send you a package from the Pa one and pick up and mail you another package from the MD one. I can also distribute seeds from you to either swap.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone,

At this point, the only time that I can be sure of having it here is the second weekend of January (01/09/10 - 01/10/10). We have plans for the weekends after that (including a winter vacation).

Stormy, if you'd like to come a day earlier to help me get organized, we an extra bedroom and bath upstairs that would be all yours.

Let me know at your earliest convenience.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh! Dual swaps! Cool!

I'm sure there will be plenty of seeds to go around, even if folks participate in both! :-)

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Roses, I'd love to take you up on that offer, but I'm worried that weekend might be too soon with everybody having holiday activities on their minds.

Let's wait and see what other folks chime in. I saw your committment schedule on another thread, and thought, gee Teri is one busy lady! But I will be determined to get up and see your gardens this year!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Stormy, I have to send you some seeds anyways, I'll just do them all in one box. I also have seeds from other Seed Round Robins that I can go through and sort out. I am not looking for any seed in perticular I just plant as the mood stricks me. I like small packs as I can try a few of this and that.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi gang, Weather permitting, I probably will attend the one in Frederick. I love Chef Lin's and I love Dutch Farms Nursery and I love Critterologist & I love all of you. LOL.
My DH Bob just came out of the hospital. He had a scheduled surgery on the neck of his bladder. He had scar tissue there from two TURP's a year apart. Merry Christmas! Buttoneer

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear Bob is back home! We'll put together a fun party in February. Thanks for reminding me that it's been too long since I stopped by DPF!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gaww-lly. I have about zero seeds saved and no wish lists made but will be happy to socialize and eat.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

that works, too! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Twist my arm, I'll order some cool new stuff and share! Or bring some packs of rice hulls for swapping, or something. Remember that wrightie brought bags of alfalfa pellets to the swap at Harts to make up for any perceived imbalance of swapping stuff

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Should probably start a separate thread for stuff like this, but I'm thinking of placing an order with HPS for some of their nice bulk packs... very split-able.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I've got lbs and lbs of Alfalfa.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes before we get crazy--separate thread for specific items, later, keep this clean for now to confirm this, or set other swaps.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I would love to participate in either one or both and send my seeds along with someone that is going.

Athens, PA

I would like to participate.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

For a day trip I have a 100 mile (one way) limit. So I'd be interested in the one Stormy is hosting.
Just a suggestion Stormy but perhaps finding a location right off I-95 would be better as I know 76 through Philly can be a real nightmare even for those familiar with it.

Would offer car-pool to the Pocono area if Roses decided to host one.
I'm down towards Cape May so could pick up heading north.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Cris, From Cape May it's almost better to come up 47 to 55 to 322 to the Commodore Barry then 202 to 476. I go that way in the summer. Bypasses the city all together. We still don't have a Pa location firmed up as IMO Roses' available date seems too soon to get everybody focusing on seeds through the Holidays. From my house to 2nd ave. in Cape May, that's 2 1/2 hours in summer traffic.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Carolyn wants to particpate via mail and I would be happy to handle that for her.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, Does Chef Lin give you a private room, or do they just reserve tables for you? How many hours do you reserve the space for?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Let's see how many people respond and where they all are coming from. If we don't do it at someone's home, then we can look for a restaurant and we could locate it where it's convenient for the majority of folks.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Stormy - familiar w/CB Bridge, no problem for me going that way.

I was thinking easier access for those coming from north/south
along I-95. Highway may be in better condition (should there be
snow) than side roads.

(Zone 7a)

I'd love to participate by mail in any seed swaps. Too many health problems to travel unless it's necessary - wish I'd met y'all 20 years ago :)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

briefly stormyla- Chef Lin has a private room that we use Holds about four tables for eating- 6-8 seats per, plus two I think for holding stuff. Then we pay for the buffet per person.
It would be wonderful to have one big group, but two can work, if ther's another place, and let more join in.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Sally. Do they also charge for the use of the room? How many hours do you use it?

Marshall, VA(Zone 7b)

I have zinnia seeds! Boy, do I have zinnia seeds. I'd love to participate. I have other seeds and definitely some, sugar pie, pumpkin seeds. I'd definitely bring a dish made from all these darned pumpkins I have here. No one needs ever grow this many pumpkins...a lesson learned this year!

This message was edited Dec 13, 2009 5:20 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Stormy, if I let them know I have 20+ people coming, they will let me reserve the back room. I usually go over a bit early to set up, and we generally stay 3 or 4 hours. No charge, just the usual price for buffet, and we leave a reasonably generous tip.

So far, we've fit into the back room pretty well.. I think last year's configuration let us move around better... if we ever have a particularly large group, we might end up using the rear section of the restaurant instead (or additionally).

I'll see what their Saturday lunch buffet price is in January. I don't want anybody to feel unable to attend because of the cost (in the past, we've had people offer to chip in for anybody who might need it, and I don't think it's been an issue, but I want to keep it in mind). The food is outstanding, and everybody always has fun with it... I'd also have fun hosting here, but I do end up with more time to have fun with seeds and door prizes and the like since I'm not hosting in my home.

Whatever swaps come together, I like the idea of people being able to participate by mail... they can team up with somebody who will be there, they can jump right into the seed swap discussion threads, and they can mail their seeds to their person before the swap & get their return packet after. If we have several people volunteering to be "seed angels," then it should be easy enough to do.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

No seeds as usual - with all the going-ons in my life I have sadly neglected both garden and plants - I will however be more than happy to drive to eat, eat & eat some more - love their Sushi-bar! ^_^

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Jessica (Gardadore) and I would be willing to host a seed swap here. I have the last 3 weekends in January available.

(Bre) Sellersville, PA(Zone 7a)

I have waaaay too many seeds to be in another seed swap but thanks for the invite! I would love to host a round-up here in the spring though :)

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I am wondering how many seeds (minimum) would need to be in each packet. I have accumulated lots of seeds lately and would only be using half of each between winter sow and starting indoors. If I have a packet with 5 seeds in it, would it be ridiculous to offer 2 in a swap?

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Teri, I think the answer to that may be determined by the plant. Let's see what others say.

Another member spoke to me about swapping some of their spring bulbs for seeds.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Bre, Several members have already volunteered to host spring swaps, both here and in the Md/Va area. There will be threads for plant swaps later, so please, bring your generous offer to those discussions.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

I won't have any seeds to swap (I think) but would like to come and enjoy the fun and food. I haven't been to Chef Lin but it sounds good.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

TerI, The best weekend that works for me is Jan 23 & 24. Also the first weekend in Feb 6 & 7 would be OK too.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Let's try to stick with the January 23 & 24. Jessica and I will be gone in February. I might be back in time for Critter's swap.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

For the mail portion of the swap, here's what we don't want anyone to do. Today I received some seeds in the mail from a very generous Dger. There is no label on the seeds. The envelope only has a PO Box & town. There is no note, no DG member ID, or person's name.

I will have to back track & figure out who this is from and what the seeds are, let alone be able to thank the kind person. I saw that trade tracker on DG, so I'd better learn how to use it.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Bluespiral, I have received quite a few seeds from you by way of Round Robins, you have wonderful seeds to trade, I am sure you would be a welcome addition to this swap.

Everyone should put their name on the seed packets and what the seeds are even if it says "tall mixed zinnias" or "pink impatiens" don't need the technical names as long as we know something about what the packets contain.

My opinion on the # of seeds per pack it does depend on the seed, I myself prefer small packs as I like to just try out some seed to seed if I have success growing them or if I like how the plant behaves for me. And some one could also ask for more then one pack. Castor bean seeds I would think around 5 per pack, but petunias a nice generous pinch.

And those that do not have any seeds to swap I sure there will be seeds that no one will claim because more then one person brings, oh, lets say Datura seeds, and they don't want to take them back home.

Knowing this group, we are a generous bunch that loves to share.

Love you all, Chris

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Roses--I think tis great that you can do a more northern SWAP--there hasn't been one for several yrs I don't think. I won't make it though.

I will be keeping the day open for Critters proposed 'do'

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