Mid-Winter Seed Swap(s)

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)



This is the site for all the winter sowing threads. I have started mine. Here's a partial of what I did last year. Had about 70% success.

Have fun with this!!



Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Teri, I find that very encouraging. It's much colder at your home than mine. I've always used cold frames and have had some losses to late freezes and chills.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Some folks tell me they keep the caps on the bottles. What does everyone else do?

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

No caps on my bottles and lots of vented air holes on the top (and drainage holes on the bottom). It didn't matter how cold it got and even if there was a freeze after the seedlings appeared, nothing bothered the ones that did germinate. This year, I am mostly the seeds that require stratification because the cold winter is what they need to signal them that the warming up means time to sprout.

When the weather starts to warm up is the only time that they really need a little attention because they might need more air or water to keep them from cooking or drying out. I don't separate them or anything. I just take a large divot from the spot where I want them and place the whole contents of my milkjug in the divot. I thin out as necessary.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I was toying with the idea of doing the "Think Spring!" seed party at my house so we could do a WS activity, but I think the buffet just works out so well that I shouldn't mess with a successful format. LOL If I remember, I'll bring a WS container ready to plant for the prize table, and it can serve as an exhibit. :-)

If you check the articles I've written, you'll find several on Winter Sowing, first one being here http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/585/. They might be good for introductory info, and as has been mentioned there's a ton of info on the WS forum also.

From Silver Spring, you could either come up 270 or 70 to get to Frederick. Once we know who all is coming, we can probably get some car pooling arranged, also. I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Critter, please dmail me with the address of Dutch Farms & also Lins Restaurant so I can again mapquest it. I plan to be there weather permitting. Happy New Year to you all.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here's the post with directions from last year. We relied on mapquest the previous year, and the final part of the directions got a bit confusing due to the interchanges near the restaurant. These directions seemed to work out pretty well.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just catching up with all i have missed--as i have been w/o internet for most of December.....Just getting back.....
WHEW! Glad to be back......

I would like to attend the Frederick Seed Swap as usual.....given Sally and i can ride up together---as usual...

I have quite a few seeds collected. Something old--Something new....Nothing borrowed--Nothing blue.....welll, maybe a perennial blue Salvia? Maybe some blue Angelonia? AH--also some tall blue Ageratum? and.....????..some blue Morning Glories.....(everyone has these!).....

Will post my list soon. I have it all written out, just not on the computer. Been away a while....actually, more like in a total "withdrawl"......:o(


Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, so glad you are back, I was just thinking about you.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

She lives!!!!! Welcome back Gita!!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Yeah! You are back! You were missed lots as was your wisdom.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Gita, Welcome back you have been badly missed. It sucks not having the computer up and running.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Awww---Thank you all! Especially Stormy--she D-mailed me twice to see if i was OK.

It was hardest on ME--not being able to keep up with you all. Such withdrawal!
Gee---I did not even know plans for a Seed Swap was already under way! Two of them yet....

This "pause" in NOT having access to my internet sure made me realize how dependent i am on it for taking several "down times" during the day.. ..just to chill....

It is still not 100% operational--as I have no sound! My SIL will be back one more time to see what he can do about that. I have also had a hard go at having to change my e-address and still have to totally cancel my earthlink account....
Lost a few things in the process...but, life goes on.
Weird new screens and where things are--hard to get used to all these changes....

Tried to look at a Jacquie Lawson X-Mas card someone sent me but it was hard to appreciate it w/o sound....It was beautiful, though----this little angel flying around all the ornaments on a Christmas tree. Touching here and there and lighting it all up. I WILL check it out again when everything is working.....

Don't know if any of you have had the same nightmares re signing up for the Comcast triple-play program???
What misled me most was this smooth talking know-it-all salesman from Comcast in best Buy. God! I thought he walked on water! They are there now all the time to hook people into signing up...or to help them???
Can't tell you how many calls i have made to customer service and sat on hold forever....
Many things he told me were outright false.....Like--I would have FREE long distance calling...NAH! Five cents a minute, Folks! Made me buy things I "needed" (a Modem for $65 and HD cables for $30) that I returned the next day b/c the Tech that came here (one of 5!) told me i did not need them.

All I went there to do is buy myself a new flat screen TV as a X-mas gift to myself.....I had only had the basic service--and Comcast was removing many programs and stations that I liked watching and they said they would remove more and more in January. Like--Discovery...History....H&G channel, etc...

Besides, the TV I had was a VERY old one and the screen had started to "globulate"...if you know what I mean.....
I am just extremely grateful to Mark (my SIL) for all his knowledge and know-how in fixing things for me....
Well--I do plenty for them too--they have NO money to speak of...he does not work and my daughter has to pay ALL the bills and rent.....I do what i can to help....

You all are my "comfort zone".....

Thanks, Gita

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Technology is a bear. We're much better off playing in our gardens.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


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