Christmas Poetry Contest

(Zone 5b)

I didn't eat all of them I saved some for my daughter :)

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You are such a good and generous Mom. so, 2 is some....grin

(Zone 5b)

LOL well I saved less than half, but she IS smaller!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Save there Lynnie...grin

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Moon, as you know, I'm always making goodies because 1/2 of them don't turn out!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

But Smiley, we will help you hide the failures....grin afterall what are friends for....grin

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

... such sacrifice....

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

IO1 ~ I was just re-reading the poems and had to share. I had a thumbelina when I was little, the one with the big knob on her back? wind her up & she squirms?

Know what my older brother used to do? Wind her up and hold her by the knob and watch her spin around. He'd hold her up high so I couldn't get her from him.

Lynnie, maybe there's room for me on that doctors couch that Gorse2 was talking about!

(Zone 5b)

hahaha plenty of room, I'll move over.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Could the doc make it a sectional? From corner to

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Sorry ladies, the couch won't do you are too far gone, a padded cell maybe lol But I'll tell ya right now I'm not sharing my fries!

Jesup, GA

Hey yall! Smiley I had a Thumbelina doll too....And I had a pebbles doll that ended up real scary looking because I painted her face with my moms lip stick. Dont know why I did that.....but from then on Pebbles scared the h--- outta me. I put her in top of my closet in a box. Grin

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hiya Flowers...Hey y'all today?

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Hi Moon, just laughing at that craze girl we call Dixie! Got frost on your snowman over there yet? It turned cold here fast.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Ok Smiley posts have slowed down on poems so make us a funny and we will have the funniest poem contest too!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Not supposed to cool down til Friday night and then High 30's...we shall see....grin

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

oh good! funny poem coming at ya in a bit.

Dixie, I never messed with my doll's heads. DD Ang had a doll ~ molly from 'the big comfy couch' show. She took nail polish to her face, nice rosy cheeks, eye shadow, the whole bit.

She also did that to a doll my mom made. Mom had to take it back and re-paint the face, it was so bad. Boy! was I angry!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Well I had one that was taller than me, Kept thinking she could beat me up, threw that ugly thing out lol

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

that's pretty scary.

(Zone 5b)

Smiley my kids did the same thing to a few of their dolls. One was so bad they named her "Tattoo baby" and they were very young, I still don't know where they learned the word tattoo. they still have her, she's still got nail polish on her.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Thats that little guys name on the love boat. I love him :-)

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

I was neurotic, don't mess with the dolls hair.

My namesake & I made that part of the JulieClub. Can't mess with your dolls' hair.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I use to braid my dolls hair and loved to put it in a french twist lol

(Zone 5b)

my kids gave some of their barbies haircuts...a couple of dolls, too.
i just had to scroll up couldn't remember which thread this was haha off topic as usual...I'll try one abouut my toppled tree.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I'll try to come up with something too by tomorrow after company leaves.

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

Kwanjin, love your doggie sweet.

Delhi, LA

I didn't have a thumbalina. I had Levi Garret Snuff bottle and a Prince Albert Tobacco can.

(Zone 7a)

Sorry but it was a multi-pet poem. Not just pups. ^_^

This message was edited Dec 22, 2009 8:34 PM

Does anyone remember Chattie Kathy? Oh, and I had a Susie Smart doll. She came with a little desk and chalk board. You pulled the little string and she'd say stuff like 2 Plus 2 is 4. I can't remember what else, though. I loved that doll. LOL

Okay, I'll try to write something funny for tomorrow. :-)

Off to never never land for now.

(Zone 5b)

I remember Chattie Kathy IO1. My sister gave me a pet rock years ago.

Jesup, GA

LOL Jim..guess yours had duel purposes..after you got through smokeing, drooling and spitting you could keep the cans for toys! Grin...LOL! I can just picture all of you as little ones with your dolls! I can just see us all sitting around tiny table as little ones, with our dolls having a tea party,all dressed up in our mothers clothes. Not you mothers clothes...may have created problems later in life...Grin

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

Kwanjin, opps I did not read all the posts and see your post about kitty faces....we have two of those here (no doggies).

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Merigold...belated birthday wishes...hope you had a grand day full of warmth and happiness.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Flowers, here is my funny poem. I wrote it in a rush, befitting with the theme of the poem. It is also based on a true story:

The Crazy Days of Christmas

The time is here, the time is now
To get ‘er done, don’t have a cow
How do we do it? Just don’t know..
We do it even in the snow

Shopping done?
Are you kidding me??
There’s only 3 things under the tree!

So much to do, no time to talk
Eyes wide open, just like a hawk
Check those ads, I spot it, there!
Drive cross town? I don’t care!

Gotta get the kid that special gift
I’ll drive right through that big snow drift
It’s on the list, I checked it twice
Nothing less will suffice

To the store I go, I gotta drive fast
Oops! That parking spot I did just pass
I’ll run right in and come back out
Of that I truly have no doubt

I’ll be all done when that is bought
My shopping trip won’t be for naught
What do you mean? You’ve none left for me?
But I hear him say on Santa’s knee

The one thing that he wanted most
Cannot be had from coast to coast?
Plan B it is, just one thing more...
Hopefully just one more store….

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Mama shops and shops and shops....big GRIN Smiley

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

Good one Smiley, I remember those days when kids were little.

Delhi, LA

The snuff bottle and tobacco can were toys. The can was for grading out roads under the house and the bottle was my semi truck.

Wow clapping very loud! Wonerful, wonerful, wonerful!

And no that's not a misspell. Who use to say that, or am I showing my age again?☺

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That would have been Mr. A-1 ana 2...Lawrence Welk....aka Mr Wonnerful.....

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Smiley you nailed it again! Thats was super and we all could relate. I'll post one later, gonna do my version of the 12 days of Christmas but will give only the last day lol.

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