Christmas Poetry Contest

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Hi Folks, thought it would be fun to see what kind of talent we have flowing. Post your Christmas poem (keep it short but sweet), From now to Dec. 23rd. We will vote on them then. You can d-mail me your vote at that time and I will post the winner the next day. I will mail out a small gift for the talented writer. I will post first to get you started. Have fun and show us your stuff.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)


It has finally arrived oh what fun and what cheer
will Santa know how good I have been this year?

Why is mom looking sneaky and bustling about
to prepare a feast for family no doubt.

Come on, lets go mom
I have a play at church don't you see
I am Joseph, and Mary and Jesus are waiting for me.

Grandma Ruby and Aunt Ednay will come by to see
the decorations we have and put presents under the tree

My Dad is so happy with eggnog in hand
but I can't figure out why he thinks Uncle Buck is so Grand !

Tonight I will give thanks for family, friends you see
because our saviour Jesus made these blessings possible for me

So sister Suzie and I will bid you fairwell
and "Merry Christmas to all
It really is swell!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

As you can see I'm not much of a poet, but before this thing takes off just remember the poetry has to be made up and not from anyone else but you.

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Flowers, you're too modest!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

OK Smiley let see what you've got! You can do it girl!!!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Why Flowers, at this point I have to vote for you....grin. That was sweet.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Come on guys, don't want to send myself a present!!! lol

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That Night
Not snow or presents or pretty trees;
when I think of Christmas, it's none of these.
I think of children, eyes clear and bright,
so full of wonder, hope and delight.

I think of a baby, so tiny, so frail.
His birth gave the promise, love will prevail.
I see in each tiny face so bright.
Hope, Joy and Peace were born that night.

So Dear ones, when you come together;
be it over mountain, prairie, sand or heather,
My wish for you all, both now and ever,
May you know Joy, Hope, Peace and Love forever.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Awwwww got get a klenex that was great Moon! sniff blow

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

You big Silly....grin

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

(( sniff )) so beautiful....

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow, Looks like I will have to open the Kleenex concession....grin

Thanks, guys

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

On a weary winter's night
Two thousand years ago
A baby boy was born
To a virgin in Bethlehem
He lay in a manger
With only hay to keep him warm
Some said he was the Christ
But who would ever know

That he knew each shepherd by his name
And he made the three king's gifts
That the special star was his signature
And he wrote the angel's songs
That he knew there would be no room
Cause lambs were born in barns

Seven pounds four ounces
When he became a man
The world's weight was in His hands
Mary kissed his cheek
And Joseph counted all ten toes
But who would ever know

For God so loved the world
That He gave His only son
The penalty for my sin
Could only be His blood
As the crowd cried crucify Him
This King was led away
He chose to be the lamb for me
But who would ever know

That he made the sunrise of that day
And he caused the birds to sing
Barabas was to be set free
And He'd watered this tree with rain
Heaven's angels witnessed death for once
But this was in God's plan

Seven pounds four ounces
When he became a man
The world's weight was in His hands
Mary kissed his cheek
And Joseph counted all ten toes
But who would ever know

Seven pounds four ounces
When he became a man
Mary kissed his cheek
But who would ever know

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Wow FrillyLily....good on you.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

thank you
I thought yours was nice too

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks much, glad you decided to join in. Flowers will be so pleased.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Bravo Frilly Lady good job!

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

What a fun idea. Got some poems in here that make me teary eyed. They all are great. It is snowing here and I was inspired to join in on the poetry:

Christmas Snow

Christmas snow
so pure, so white.
A simple reminder
of a special night.

A gentle blanket
it spreads around
with angelic traces
to be found.

And though footsteps
may soon intrude
and muddle up
this solitude...

Inside our hearts
the truth does grow
All is forgiven,
with Christmas Snow.

This message was edited Dec 8, 2009 4:59 PM

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

You go Merigold! The talent juices are flowing now!! Let me just say, no one can post twice unless not many posts are made in a week. We can then post again if that is the case. Keep them coming folks, funny ones are welcome too!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm not gonna post comments for fear of influencing votes. Just know I'm reading and proud of all of you.

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

Wow these are all great.

A round of clapping for everyone.

Delhi, LA

Those are great poems. I am looking forward to reading some more of them. Way to go jj good thread.

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jim but it was Flowers that started the thread...

I am the audience clapper

(Zone 5b)

wow, very nice!

Jesup, GA

Christmas is a childs eyes full of light and so bright.....little chubby hands opening a peasant with delight. Climbing a tree as the snow comes down,and not getting hurt as they jump to the ground..Loving Mom and Loving Dad,trying to show Santa that their not being bad.....Looking in the manger with a wandering eye.....Not understanding why this child had to die....All they know is Santa and elves and all of the toys they can put on the shelves. God bless the little ones...I know you all see...that.they are the true presants under the tree.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

How sweet Dixie.

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)


Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

How cute, Dixie! I love them all.

Jesup, GA

Thanks all....I love all of your poems.....Notice how formal I was while composing my prose...instead of presant I have peasant written LOL..! JEEZE!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Its ok Dixie I like eating peasant with delight LOL Good Job Girl!

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Okay Flowers, you slave driver! I finished my poem:

Long ago a child was born
And in a manger lay
Wrapped in love and mother’s arms
Amongst the drying hay

A few did know, this special boy
Was born to sacrifice
For we were gifted a King that day
So we may know of Paradise

He grew to be a fine young man
That many men would follow
His words were true to father’s heart
Always sincere, never hollow

He did not ask to worship him
Only follow in his lead
And do as his father had wished
His words and actions, heed

So let us not forget this wish
As we go about our day
His teachings need not be in words
But in our hearts should lay

So easy to forget this wish
In our daily grind
To try to be a person who
Is thoughtful, good and kind

But maybe as we grow in life
It becomes not quite a chore
And when my time on earth is done
Toward Him my soul will soar

Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

Very nice Smiley....clapping.....

I think it is going to be to hard to choose just one....

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you JJ. I agree, I don't think I'd want to be in Flowers stiletto's.

Jesup, GA

Flower's,thats eating phesant! LOL! Smiley your poem is very good!

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm not gonna choose you guys yall are with your votes!! Great poem Smiley and this is gonna be a tough decision to make for everyone.

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

I agree, it will be a hard vote.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Nice Smiley...really nice...grin

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Come on folks am I gonna have to stand on the side of the road and hold a sign saying " will work for poems" Don't make me post a funny one! lol

Kenmore, NY(Zone 6a)

If I want to, can I post a funny one just for the heck of it? Kind of like DH does for art shows - not for sale?

Leicester, NC(Zone 8a)

Lets give it until Monday Smiley and then we will let em fly and as many as you want. Just thinking would be nice to get only one per person as it would give more room for different people.

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