I Have (Demi) Divine Socks!

Lodi, United States

grow--you mustn't let the turkeys get you down.....that is what we are here for....

Hark! My indoor roosters are attempting mutual capon-ing. But it's okay because we are building them a basement bunker today where they can kill each other more discreetly...or maybe even be separated into their own little cockdoms....crumbles for nothing and their chicks for free.....

What happened to put you in a foul-fowl mood?

And g_g CLAIMS to have a deer...but whose deer is it really? I think we need a fuller explanation....

Clarkson, KY

5 months of chicken poo on the back door step and 6 batches of chicks eaten or killed.........

I'll try to get myself under control and be back today...gotta run now...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Maybe g_g's deer is just an extremely large chicken without feathers.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

G_g's deer is in an only partial state of dismemberment and aye, 'tis a true deer, felled by DH with his trusty bow on Election Eve. It elected to spend the winter in our freezer, it did. Howsomeever, DS showed up early for his promised lunch this morning and, chatty soul, has made it difficult for us to concentrate on which muscle mass goes with what, so we are calling a temporary halt in the proceedings and getting on with his bespoke meal. Said deer does not have feathers but it has an unconscionable amount of hair. Our dainty labradoodle was also caught stealing off with a front leg....

Lodi, United States

Of course! Labradoodles are well known for their leg-stealing proclivities.

I once knew one that removed two of the three legs on a parlour grand.

Naughty puppy!

But it is hard to fight instinctive behaviour.

Clarkson, KY

One wonders how they breed for de-legging parlour grands....not why...but how...

Lodi, United States

It is classic selective breeding, grow They let the young dogs loose in a room of parlour grands--those that go straight for the legs and begin gnawing are used in the breeding program.

I believe the original program was started by the then East Germans and has been advanced by North Korea as part of its campaign against bourjois Western values.

But how did g_g get her hands on one? I believe their dissemination is strictly controlled.

I also think it is under the control of the "kill the chicken gene" promoter sequence...but Moxon (derivation--"Son of Moggie" a diminutive of "Margret", a rare non-patrolinear surname--so I AM paying attention) probably knows more about that....

Clarkson, KY

Oh how I HAVE missed you............lol! (I love it when you get all scientifical...)

Lodi, United States

I only do it when I know Moxon is not listening--cause she harshes my buzz by knowing more about everything than I do.

Unrestrained by her massive intelligence, I am free to roam the field of scientific inaccuracy and pluck the fruits and flowers of misunderstanding and misrepresentation.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Bourjois? BourJOIS? What the....

I do beleive, my dear Catscan, that you have done it again, just to pull me out of my silence.

Bourgeois. Being a member of the Bourgeoisie.

Son of Moggie? Really? I did not know....but that would make a good name for a lamb. Moggie. Yes.

Clarkson, KY

I was SO waiting for that!!!

Clarkson, KY

Beleive away, Moxy!! It'll do you good!! *snort*.....heh....

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

So that's why our upright has only two legs! Here I thought 'twas the style. But look: could anything this angelic steal legs, either deer or piano?

Grownut, what fowl event has put you in so foul a mood? Didst say that chicks were eaten or killt? Who was the foul perpetrator, dost know? And why chicken droppings festooning thy back portal?

And anyway, it's patrilineal, dear Catsy!

Must go; the deer, silent though she be, calleth.

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 2:04 PM

Thumbnail by greenhouse_gal
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

'Tis dreadful! Poor Catsy has been besieged on all sides for her spelling faux-pas.

(I knew, Grownut, that you would be waiting for me on the Bourgeois matter)

Angelic indeed, G_G, your four-footed companion is at once intoxicatingly cute and yet beneath there lies an air of mischief, methinks.

Let us wait for Catsy, anon, and she may show us the visage of her own four-footed creature.

Lodi, United States

Did you know that I got the "bourjois" spelling from spell check? It corrected my original spelling...so I just looked it up. It is the name of a famous Parisian cosmetic firm "synonymous with beauty", founded in 1863...still going strong and now, I suspect, a viral product placement....

The "patrolinear" was indeed simply my own mistake... although taken from the same source as the information.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

You leapt on her for bourgeois before couldst I gather mineself to make the jump, Moxie! And Grownut hath murdered "believe," although mercy should be shone, whatsoever the quality, in light of her recent bereavements, which must have strained her mightily.

Mischief? Sayeth thou mischief? 'Tis her middle name. Although fittingly cometh she when called, and trustingly curleth up in laps, thus inspiring much affection on the part of her two-footed companions.

The deer sleepeth in the downstairs refrigerator, aging as she drowses. She is but a shadow of her former self....and, to give fealty to our own true forum, her bones now make wondrous snacks for my fowl two-footed friends.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

O Catscan, trust not spellcheck! Nor shouldst thou trust thy GPS; mine lies to me all the time!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

lol cute dog

hi grow

waving to everyone

Lodi, United States

Wave gently, Wren--we don't want you to hurt your shoulder....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

waving left handed-typing that way all so-spell check is waving a white flag you should see the strange spelling chooses it has been giving me lol

Lodi, United States

Do not turn from me now, Gentle Friends...for though my spelling is grievous, my misfortune is great.

I just went to check my virginal Dutch Bantam Pullets who were sweetly brooding their maiden eggs. Since I had five of them who had never known a cockerel and were all brooding gamely, I thought to use their maternal urges to hatch some Serama...

No sooner had the Antipodean, semi-psycho, postal person (another storey) roughly cast the last box of shipped Serama eggs on the porch, than I went out back to discover that one of the Dutch Bantams is now sheltering a chick...meaning that some, now caged or sold, young cockerel has scaled the Wisteria tower and deflowered possibly all of them....and I cannot remove their eggs and replace them with the Serama.....

All but one of my incubators was sold for Brinsea dreams...which I have not yet realised. That one is running with RIR to replace my predated layers...

I am undone!

Clarkson, KY

Truly -how I could have managed this long without you all- the mind, she boggles...

(think of you so often wren -my winter projects box glares at me daily for being remiss in that as well...)

g_g -those sillies had taken to hanging out all day long on the porch and on the patio furniture. And you know the front end never know what the back end is doing. The chicks -a skunk and then roosters. The dogs got rid of the skunk in time for two batches to mature. When they were looking just old enough to be pullety...the roos mounted them to death, usually while I was grocery shopping. The dog would try to stop the rooster, the poor things would have a heart attack, and the dog would be found when we got home staring sadly at the carcass -unmarked but for some spur marks under the wings. Horrible. They are now penned up. With a small but sufficient side run. So I can have plants and landscaping and patio furniture. I had to fight w/ DH to do it too. But there is such a thing as too much poo and too close.

Catsy -I did wonder whatever possessed you...

Claire -heh...well...love you too, Hunney.

Porkpal -I don't merely participate, I abscond! Sorry!! Loverly feetses!!

Clarkson, KY


(if it makes you feel any better -I have a doe {boer} who will get pregnant by anything! Separation is no obstacle! It is just luck that she has yet to get pregnant by our gelding. Everything else she has managed.)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

All is not lost, dear friend Catscan. Thou hast options. Verily, I say unto you, taketh thine flashlight (because one such as yourself shouldst not be sans flashlight) and venture into the lands of your serfs. Casteth thine light upon each egg, and thus shall be shown to you the way. Perchance they are fertile, perchance not. It is up to you and your light to show the truth of the matter.

How many storeys, exactly, does your postal person have? Is he/she a ten-storey person, or just a 2-storey person? Do tell(eth) us.

Behold, you can remove the non-fertile eggs, upon which your hens rest their feathery undersides, and replace any that do not appear fertile with said serama eggs, such that thine hens shall all be brooding properly. And, whence you have found the fertile eggs, placeth them under a single hen, or under as many hens as thou mayest require, such that the serama eggs, which shalt have a different date of hatchingeth, might have a full and proper incubation.

May your Brinsea Dreams be soon realized and come into their fruition.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Pray tell, what is this Brinsea Dream I hear word of? And how sad thy story is, Catsy, but mayhap Moxie hath given thee the key (and the flashlight) to good fortune anon.

Grownut my friend, I have never heard of death by untoward mounting in the hen kingdom! That rooster would be stew by now at our house. My fowl are all penned up, too, else I would have no garden! One frequent escape artist met the end of DH's shotgun after she ensonced herself on the other side of the chicken yard, out of reach of rescue, once too often. We have little patience with troublemakers here on the farm!

Clarkson, KY

Basically the rooster is too big, the hen too young, the shock too great. Once it happened, I think, that the rooster attacked the offspring of a less dominant roo. I have one in the freezer and one yet to catch.

Lodi, United States

Sniff, snivel...men are beasts.....

Sniff--You are all ,of course, right...It is just that it has been such a hard day...what with the incubation fiasco, my spelling failures and DH taking off without making the dungeon coop...and I am such a NICE person, I never cull, I stopped DH from throttling the multi-storied postal woman, I swept the driveway, put drops in my aged dog's eyes and I said that my beloved's idea of raising tilapia and catfish in 55 gallon drums was genius--even though I was the one who first heard it on NPR....I am such a Saint.....and yet life is soooo hard....

But I do feel better. And I had been intending to check the eggs for chickiness before adding the others....but I hadn't considered that I might add up the fertile eggs under one pullet...although I cannot say that they all started brooding simultaneously so their may be a hatching gap...

Still only one chick--and she is sitting on both hers and her flighty sister's eggs so there is the potential for at least ten more....

Must go buy a tiny, bantam-sized flashlight for the great Revealing....

Thank you all....

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Grownut, it does NOT sound like a fine time was had by all at your house. I hope the rooster is delicious. Catscan, men are .... men. How dare he not appreciate what a gem he has! We will all storm the tower and take him captive until he yields and admits how lucky he is!

Goose cooking, deer aging, dog prancing outside with her master.

I'm tired!

Clarkson, KY

Poor Catsy...Shall I send you a snootful of my home-brewed Kahlua?

Tired?? No doubt!! But, g_g, prithee, tell me, do, how does one cook a goose so as to make it EDIBLE??

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Grownut, aye, there's the question! This one was originally cooked on our Big Green Egg, and it was good but still chewy. Methinks braising for barnyard critters is really the answer. Tomorrow I'm going to do a young-ish cockerel in a covered clay pot with olive oil, rosemary and Greek olives, with potato chunks cooked with a soupçon of chicken fat and also said rosemary, and roasted asparagus drizzled with olive oil and garlic. We had that a few weeks ago and 'twas ambrosial; this time the kids will get the benefit, too.

Off to the symphony. Ah, rural life.....

Richmond, TX

Gg how many of us can come to dinner tomorrow?

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Well, it's a very small chicken! But I'd make a big cassoulet if you, grownut, catscan and moxon were in town!

Lodi, United States

I was stunned when I read your recipe/menue g_g.

I didn't comment because drooling on a laptop keyboard blows out the hard drive....

Clarkson, KY

Glory, glory....I should've skimmmmmmmmmmed....

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

That's the problem with built-in keyboards! Can't read recipes whilst using them.

Don't you guys cook? I'm sure I'd feel the same way about your menus, no? I really like to cook, but desserts aren't a forte. Just as well, methinks!

I'm cooking down the leftover goose for rillettes as I type.

Clarkson, KY

Love cooking....and hearing others' recipes!!

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Me too! Especially if they use fresh garden produce or are some interesting ethnicity or nationality, especially and including French. What do you all cook? C'mon, divulge!

Clarkson, KY

Korean, Japanese, Downhome, and Kelly....lol.

Lodi, United States

Thai, Indian, Italian, and French, occasionally.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

We do lots of Italian because my husband's family cooked it; they were a couple of generations removed from Southern Italy but that's where their roots were. I don't do Thai or Indian because I never really tried, but we like the food. Otherwise I cook Middle Eastern and French. Our daughter is Korean and I've tried boolgoki; we also often have kimchee in the house. But after she got here she started finding a lot of Korean foods too hot for her taste!

I'm also always looking for ways to cook free-range poultry!

What cuisines are Kelly and Down Home, pray tell?

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