Cottage Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #44

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'll second that!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I know with so much to do but :) The seeds that I sow outside I take some of those half gal. jugs of juice that are clear, I drink a lot of cranberry juice that they come in and I use the 20 oz. plastic pepsi bottles too cut them where the seeds have enough room to come up put one of those bamboo sticks for kabob or whatever and stick those in the ground after sowing seeds then put one of the jugs or bottles over it. I've sown sun flower seeds like this with great success you know how the critters like those!

I look like such a pack rat in the garage and down stairs with stuff like this around all the time LOL They just did a show on tv about 'hoarders' yep that's me but I use everything! Ha!

I'm listing my seeds tonite but want to wait until people get off work probably around 7, finally seems like I've cleaned soo many seeds and only have 32 different kinds so far but we know that list will get bigger!

ok i get it now about the different lists. thanks
ive answered everyone that dmailed me. all requests were filled with no problem
ive updated with pole beans..i know they take on weight for postage but maybe someone will want some.
i hope 20 beans to a pack is enough
pam sue

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

That plenty Pam... That what I put in a packet. We always have folsk lookign for veggies. Especially now a days.

(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone,

Thank you for all your dmails, emails and cards of sympathy for my Dad's passing. As Lea and others already know, this isn't easy for any of us when it happens, so I hope you'll understand if I don't talk very much right now. Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate what y'all have done and how much I appreciate all of you for the wonderful group that you are.

Oink on, dear piggies -


(Zone 7a)

Star, thank you for that comforting thread in the prayer forum -

I haven't been spending much time on DG lately, and Jill very kindly steered me over there.

Y'all are the best -


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

I posted some new items to my list.

a Japanese Black Futsu squash, easy to grow.
some red okra and some wonderful Italian flat bean seeds that are cobalt blue in color. (the seeds not the beans you eat lol)

Please send me a D-mail if you want some, i'm not keeping up with the forum. I am sick at the moment and not staying online much.

I may post some Dakota Black popcorn if anyone is interested? Dmail me if you are :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Karen, I had somehow missed the news about your Dad. I'm so sorry for your loss. I was away from the puter for a few days right about that time, you and your family are in my thoughts.((((()))))))

Oooh, Carolyn, I'd love to try those Italian beans!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

to make a very long story short.... in our subdivision, we have common areas which have ponds, which need to be maintained.... a gal and I pushed our HOA to "beautify" them and I jsut got a list of the seeds that were layed a month ago...

this could be very exciting, as I will have A LOT more seeds to pilfer in the coming years.
























These plants will go in next year on outlot C







Not sure what they all are... but i do recognize many of the names.

(Zone 7a)

Thank you Neil - I know you went through something similar not too long ago - ((((hugs)))) back atcha. Sure does rearrange the universe, doesn't it?

Star and Company, I have a problem. 'Pooter won't let me access the lists page for this piggy swap. I have a list to post for starters, but I can't access the list page. All I can think to do at this point is to just dmail each piggy one by one with my list and send a tentative oink in their direction.

Might anyone have any ideas?


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Karen... I answered in the other thread... lemme know. I can edit quickly like no bodies business....

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Hey all, I have a question... are most Rudbeckia annuals or perennials (specifically in z7b...)?

The plantfiles just list both in many cases! I know the 'prairie sun' that I had this year is supposed to be a perennial, as I bought it as a plant that was labeled as such.

But, I have several other varieties that I've gotten in swaps, most are just a typical 'black eyed susan', and I can't figure out which box to put them in, or how to plan for my garden!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

They are in a kind of gray area, typically considered short lived perennials. Those I started last year all behaved as biennials, waiting till this year to bloom, and apparently dying after the heavy bloom cycle. Those I started this year all bloomed too, and don't really look like they're going to return from the roots, so they seem to be behaving as annuals. Its just been the R.hirta types that act like this for me, others seem to be pretty reliable perennials.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks! I keep moving the seed packets from one box to the other as I find different info :-0

I'm not really sure my Prairie Sun (R. Hirta, too) is coming back, it died off pretty convincingly at the end of the summer. Glad I saved a ton of seeds!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Karen. try going into Star's hen page to the threads she started and get to the list thread that way.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- what's a hen page?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

It's a home page cant you read? :) I just got up I'm not responsible until I've had all of my coffee Ha! Plus I'm typing on someone elses computer and can't reach the keys :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


I think Karen just could not get to the LISTS page... i have not gotten a reply email yet or a note in here stating whether or not she got it yet. Odd that it took so long... hopefully it was jsut a PC glitch and she'll be able to read the page.

bahhh, got a busy day... Comcast is working in our area so the TV and PC keeps goign out...

got all my labels made... had to do nice envies for Hostas for Dryad... heading up to Wisc for lunch with friends [taking MIL too] should be back later afternoon... hope the road construction on 294N isn't unbearable.

I've had my 2 mugs of coffee... going for a 3rd.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Strange question. I'm going through all my oinks (counting to see how piggy I've been, and confirm that i need to STOP).

I found an oink for Dasiys, went to check her list to see if she had me down, and can't find it. She is listed as a participant, and I can't imagine I oinked from a non-existent list... am I crazy? Probably!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a Dasiys too... and i'm not sure, but i think it's a "him" just maybe MIA as i've oinked seeds from him too.

I'll see if i can't track down the last time Dasiys posted.

**Found in thread #2 we all did a lot of OINKin... but never saw any replies... gonna check the CG thread.... maybe Dasiys got lost and never made it to the Tradign Forum.

This message was edited Nov 12, 2009 10:38 AM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

klstuart, did you oink for one from me I have one on my list and didn't see your name I'm not feeling well along with these computer problems so if anyone doesn't see their name after piggy requests from the time and date before I reposted my list let me know I have a few dmail this morning I haven't been in yet and may lay down a bit before I do :)

I have some if you want me to put you down for some klstuart :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

sorry Lea -- I edited my post above you...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

oops cross posted :)

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning, all. Glad I'm not having my coffee alone.
Lea, maybe you think of star as the mother hen to all the piggies? (I had wondered too what a hen page was, before I saw the answer).

Gonna hop over to the other thread and see what's happening.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)


Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

You have me down for everything I oinked for as far as I know! Just missing Dasiys...

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK -- now i have a question... is Dasiys the same person as DMgardener's

i can no longer find a Dasiys in any threads... but when chatting and we are referring to DAsiys, DMgardeners is always there, and has the seeds i know i asked Dasiys for.

I guess only Star would know....

and DMgardener signed off as Daniel.

OK.. now i really gotta get a move on.... be back late afternoon....


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Star now has a new title, Mother Hen. I love it. Mother Hen of the Piggies.

LOL mother fits

lea..i saw some oinking on thread 5 after you posted and said you had your list up.
i hope you get your laptop fixed soon. miss your chats LOL

pam sue

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Tcs, I just found the same thing! Sent him a quick dmail hoping to clear up my confusion. Maybe he just changed his name mid-swap?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

I think you're right about the DASIYS/ DMgardener mystery. The dmail which I know was to DASIYS is now to DMgardener so he must have changed names. I bet people kept thinking his name was Daisy rather than Dasiys! :)

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I think y'all are right about Dasiys. In my dmail to him, it has now changed to DMGardener, but I specifically addressed him in my text as Dasiys!
Very interesting!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I know you you can ask "the powers that be" [Dave] for a one time change... at least that is what i heard.

I guess if my name was Daniel, and i kept getting my user name typo'd as Daisy... i'd change it too.

good that has been cleared up.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ya I probably at fault with that too. I sure there were tiem s I typed his name wrong. In fact I knwo it. Sorry abotu that Daniel. hangs head.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, gonna stop browsing threads and get to work. Updating my spreadsheets and only through the perennials and up to letter 'B' of the annuals... lots of work to go, and stones calling me out to work on them too!

Check in with you all later. I did dmail bluespiral your lists Ella.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thank you veyr much. Don't knwo when pute r be back on full speed.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm spending part of this afternoon cleaning up all the misc empty 'nursery' pots that have accumulated on my patio since winter sowing ended... yes, i did get everything planted this year.

i looked in one of the larger pots, 'bout the gallon size, and i found about 7 Hollyhock babies... i mean babies.... first set of true leaves.

so now what? do I leave the pot outside... i was thinking south flower bed ... for the winter, bring the pot in the garage for the winter and hope for the best... or put them in a small pot and bring them inside for the winter??

I am thinking they are seeds from Country Romance Mix. I ws'ed a few seeds and gave one plant to my neighbor, and it bloomed this year... then she gave me a handful of seeds... [and i'm thinking to myself... what do i need more HH seeds for.... ] and tossed them in the large pot, thinking they just may germinate next spring....

ahhhh, gotta love Indian Summer in November.... here it is...start of the 3rd week of Nov, and it's blue skies and probably low 60's. this is warmer than our October.

well -- back to clean up.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

tcs. . I would leave them out as logn as ya can. Then would either bury the pot and mulch over it once the tops start dyign back or when it gets really cold and frost knocks them back would put in garage if they cna get cold in there.

I have HH seedling s all in plug trays and will be steppign them up just into three inch or 4 inch pot s and leavign in gh wher e they wil get cold chill so they wil bloom next spring.

Last year I left sevral hundred pot s all out in the open and when it got down to 8- 9F for such a logn period of time alot of them croaked. They need a cold dormancy but don't nee dot have root s frozen.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

my garage probably gets into the 20's .. since they need to dormancy, the garage is probably where they will go then... once they die back.. and hopefully not croak-off.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

just dont forget to water them. More on the dry side, so they don't mold, but the root s grow lie crazy durign the winter when they in pots sleeping.

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