Cottage Gardening: Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #44

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Somebody wa s akign about colelctign fern seed. Sorry forgot all about it til now.

The spore s are on the back of the leaves. When the spore s have a brown color too them and come off easy when you gently scrap yoru finger nail down the frond, then they ready to be picked.

It a good ide a to put soem netting too if ya have it or some whit e cardboard on the ground aroudn the plant. Once they hit the dirt they liek diappear. LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, star. That was me asking. I'll check them today if I ever get off the computer and dressed. Been many piggies oinking this morning.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

PS Ella. Do the fern spores need stratification? Do you surface sow or what?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok gang not that I want it to be all about me tonite but just have to let you know what happened at the deposition so many people were pulling for me and sending good thoughts that I think it worked! Thanks so much everyone it's so nice to have such good friends on DG's ;-)

I won't bore you with the questions I was asked but I asked my lawyer if I answered the questions alright and she said I did real good that she was real happy with the answers I gave. There was this one time that I was asked a question about the house and told my lawyer in her ear that I wanted to talk about that when we got to the office and she wrote it down but didn't have time to write everything down so we kind of lost it but I'm getting copies in a couple of weeks of what was said and have to sign them or make changes if I want and I will know by the questions on there I hope what I wanted to tell her lol My brain was just ready to explode after all those questions LOL

I am sitting with my feet propped up drinking my third beer and chilling out but just wanted to let you all know and thank you for your support it really means a lot to me! ;-)


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- i guess i was out of that loop.... but i got the gist... so glad it went well for you today.

Kannapolis, NC

LeBug: See? I told you it would be fine. You did good, girl!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks you guys I'm so relieved lol I'm not doing seeds tomorrow I'm exhausted and going to stop and smell the leaves and just enjoy being outside I just hope the wind doesn't blow hard tomorrow I feel the need for sunshine lol

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Congratulations, Lea. I'm glad it went well. And very good therapy to have a few beers after a day like that, though I might have chosen wine or something stronger myself. Hope you think of what it was, but the best way might be not to think about it and it'll probably pop up.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ya never know lol Thanks pm :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lea.. So glad to hea r it went well. Ya did good. Ya I don't blame ya f or sittign back and kickign back for a bit. Take s tiem for them nerve s to settle back down adn then ya go crazy wonderign if ya remebre d everything. Doign happy danc e for ya. Got my cup of coffee her e now. Secodn oen thansk to tcs makig em laugh so hard I spille d my first one. LOL

Even if the wind blowing, just bundle up and go for walk and get soem fresh air and take a look at soem beauty aroudn ya.

Yep have to agre e with Perennially me. Don't think abotu it. when ya read it over, then it wil coem to ya. So til that time, just relax and enjoy lif e and friends. Gla d ya le t us kow how it went. : )

Perennially me.... Ya just surface them. They wil stick to the soil, but it a good ide a if ya have soem way of protectign them just a littl ebit if ya get a whole lot of rain if ya doign them outside. I usually start mien on trya insid e.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks star. So the ferns don't need cold stratification then - or do they?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

You all have a lot more patience than me that's for sure that's one plant I wouldn't try to grow is the fern I've always been curious to how long it takes them to get to the size to see them good after they germinate.

I'm taking my computer in today to get all the cat hair out from under my keys lol Lots of little fur balls under these keys I just hope he doesn't have it over night! You know those computer guys they like to take possession of your computers for a few days if you take them in lol

Star keep that coffee away from your putter lol wouldn’t be a good thing to lose you on here :)

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's a link with info on growing ferns from spores. It is different than seeds because the plant sex happens after you plant the spores!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Danita. I'll check it out.
Lea, it's not that I have patience. It's just that I don't know a thing about it and thought people might want some japanese painted ferns if I could get the parts that would make them..........................Also, it might be cheaper to get a can of air to blow on your keyboard than taking it to someone. Doesn't work on coffee though, as I well know.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Danita, great info! Thanks. I'm definitely going to collect some spores and plant some myself too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

i too was gonna ask about Lea's PC... is it a laptop or PC with Keyboard? Laptop would make sense that they would keep it a bit... but a can of compressed air should take care of kitty hair.

when i turn mine upside down, it is amazing what comes falling out.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I know what you mean tcs. My keyboard is like an ashtray!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

and it's funny... when i got my new tower.... err 5 yrs ago?? and my new office furniture...
i said NO EATING AT THE COMPUTER ---- amazing how many bread crumbs came falling out of it the first time i cleaned it.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I've learned that as long as it isn't liquid, the keyboard survives.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

And sometimes even if it is liquid! Spilled tea (unsweetened thank goodness) on my work laptop while working at home one time. First thing, turn upside down and let sit like that for a day or two... then keep fingers crossed.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I guess just not coffee with milk and sugar!

You think I can sell this?:

Add mystery and a bit of flavor to your seedsowing with perenniallyme's
"keyboard seed, breadcrumb and ash mix".

I'd better get off the computer and out of here before the white coat guys come for me.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hahahahhahahaha ya all think yoru keyboard s are bad. Mien is ful of ask and crumbs and let s see I know I stil have apiec e of a spagetti noodle stuck down in ther e that hard as a rock and wont come out. I knwo there tosn of pringle s crumbs in there too and fuzz.

Tons of fuzz. I take index card and run through keys all the tiem tryignt o get it out. Have no ide a wher e it coem sform but it there.

You cna read abotu ten keys . The writign gone off the others from us e and even have dents in them from fingers hittign the same spots on the keys f or so many years. Thin this kkkeyboard is going on abotu 13 or 14 years old. Poor thing, but it works for what I need. None of the F keys work any mroe probably cuz I nevr use d them sicne I have no ide a what they do. I just be a mess. : )

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

That's really funny Star. Have you tried turning it upside down and shaking it? Or that air in a can stuff?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I do that all the time. Have too cuz so much crud gets in here. I usually cowing down over theputer and no matetr what I eat the ptuer gonan eat soem of it too. Chicken noodle soup I swear is the worst to try and get out. Then noodles are ther e one mintue and goen the next . Haven't trie d the can stuf f yet. Be my luck I try it and blow all the keys of fthe board . hahahahah

And trust me if somethgin cna go wrong it will with me.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Star, I'll remember your wisdom and never eat chicken noodle soup at the computer.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

ROFL you all are so funny with your key board stories! I have the can of air and do that all the time and vacuum it when I do the floors, I have a separate attachment for vacuuming the lap top. I'm constantly picking cat hair off of my key board, that cat hair just flies constantly in the house and it doesn't help that when I get on the computer all three cats like being right here with me I think they like our thread :) One is always on my lap and the other two on the chair lol I have been trying to find one of those clear covers to put over my keys but after calling about them today again apparently they don't make them for lap tops. Saran wrap just doesn't work I've tried that.

My computer guy told me I needed a new key board on it the keys are so worn out they don't look that bad to me I do have a few places that are worn down and groves where my nails hit all the time but it's useable!

Guess what I did last night, I keep my dish rag hanging on a rod from my kitchen curtain in front of the kitchen sink, my lisianthus seed pods were laying on a sponge drying them out on a plate, well went to grab the rag it dropped on the seeds knocking them in a dish of water in the sink! Pods were open do you think they will be any good after they dry out? lol I'm such a klutz! It shouldn't be any different from rain getting on them should it? Just plain water lol Made me sick! I may laugh about it AFTER they germinate IF they do.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Lea. They'll probably be fine after they dry out. Not much different than rain on them outside. You can always mark them "used" or 2nd hand if you're not sure.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks pm, I'm hoping they will be alright if they didn't take so long to germinate I would test them out :) Just hate to offer them in theswap if they are damaged.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug. They should be ok, if ya let them dry out. It take s mroe than oen quick dunkign to germinate them.

What I hate is rising the yucky type see d off and have oin hand and then loos e some of it and watch it go down the drain knowign ther e no way to get it back. especialyl when i special seed. sigh.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh no I haven't had that to happen YET!

Kannapolis, NC

Make a paper towell sandwich and fold them up in it (loosely). Should be okay in a day or so.

hi all
good morning
a friendly hint ...when you edit your haves / wants list .. you can edit out the edit date((s) and it will say edited on the current date just one liner.

lea..good to read that everything went well

pam sue

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

good morning Pam... and I agree ... I try to keep my 'edit dates' trimmed or the page/post gets really long.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Some thing else I learned this morning. Thanks,


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone ^_^ It is sunny and ~70 deg here in South Jersey today! Not bad for a day in November. I just started posting my haves and took a glance at the many great goodies posted! I haven't had a chance to really prepare for this, so I'm going to be bagging up the seeds as we go along, as requested.

This time I want to try growing poppies again. I have yet to succeed growing them. I don't know why they don't like us...

Nice pics TCS

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks wind.... and we too have a gorgeous day... never had an Indian Summer in Oct... guess we are having it now.

I really shoudl be outside doing something... but for me, it's like i have spring fever... i'm washing ALL the bedding today... probably have 7 loads to do... but the Bears are losing and I'll probably take Buddy out at half time and do some clean-up and maybe some weeding... I saw some Teasel in my flower bed... gotta nip that in the butt.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Pam... we have been trading and asking [OINKING] for seeds from you.... we are in the Trading forum... this is the current thread.....

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wind... i had problems with poppie s too. I trie d that just throw out wher e ya want them idea, but it sure didnt work for me. Birds, criters and rain beatign and washing away just didn't liek them.

I foudn that if I want any, I just start them up in tiny seed trays adn then transplant them while they tiny.

I really have to watch cuz before just had mainyl the squirrels to contend with now I got a pair of chipmunks that think it the neastest thing to watch me put out seed and then when my back turne d they do the ninja sneak and coem right behidn me gobbling up things.

Heck even the bird don't respect milk jubs and contaienrs as private property they wil stand on the top edge s and just help themselves to what and as much as they want and then leave streaks of birdie doo-doo on the side s of the containers. ewwwwwwwwww

Kannapolis, NC

Star: you are a riot! You absolutely make this piggy seed swap so much fun. I'm always chuckling over some of your adventures or misadventures! Wish you lived next door to me.

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