Seasonal Confessions: Do You Believe in the Great Punkin?

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Close enough me thinks. If the postal service can get all those letters to Santa, it can get them to GC.

This message was edited Oct 30, 2009 6:31 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks everso for bolstering my quest ^_^ My monthly correspondence to Santa is addressed to "Santa, Tippy Top North Pole (Not Magnetic North Pole) and he always gets my letters. I'm hoping that the Mexican PO is as respectful about the GC. Won't it be exciting if the GC responds?

Santa Fe, NM

That seemed like pretty good Spanish to me! La Calabaza Grande will be pleased to get fan mail.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

You'll have to tell us about it when you hear back.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Roybird methinks you are the mostest fluentcial in Esponol. K, I'm going with it. I'm sending a dahlia card (national flower of mexico)WHOO HOO me and GC are so gonna bond.

This message was edited Oct 30, 2009 8:22 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

dave-who-is-dave no worries. I will be bursting with joy if GC responds and report all.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I anticipated you would be. Just want you to know we're all aquiver with anticipation and want to know what he says.

Santa Fe, NM

Mexico is perfect for dahlias! I would've thought they'd go for marigolds but dahlias are more exciting. I estudioed Spanish on and off but mi esposo actually tries to speak it sometimes!

Santa Fe, NM

Hey, Dave, what are you going to be for Halloween? You said you were going to a party. Post picture please!

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I am going as a nudist.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Just kidding.

The nudist costume wasn't warm enough I am going as a masochistic referee. I picked up a cigar trimmer/cutter as a costume accessory. The costume/party store was out of fake blood so I have to make my own tomorrow.

Santa Fe, NM

How will you make it? Ketchup?

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

Red food coloring and something of a stickyish liquid. Haven't decided yet. Mostly having some red stains on my jersey is needed.

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

I think corn syrup and red food coloring, but I'm no expert. I confess that I am watching "Sleepless in Seattle" for the millionth time, but it's still just as good as the second time!

Santa Fe, NM

Red wine leaves stains! Corn syrup would be awful sticky. You could go as a candy apple!

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Happy Nevada Day!

For us, Halloween was yesterday because the 31st fell on a weekend this year. October holidays are very complicated here. No sign of the CG here but we're a long way from a suitable pumpkin patch.

Santa Fe, NM

That is complicated. I would think it is good to have holidays on weekends but then people could not get a holiday day. Unless they happened to work on weekends and wouldn't get one anyway. Is Halloween a national holiday? I am often confused by these things. Do people get off work for Nevada Day?

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

Halloween is a national holiday in Mexico, but not here. Another good reason to be in Mexico today or any day.
I speak enough Espanish to ask a waiter to turn on the fan or tell a hairdresser how to cut my hair or find out if the bakery has whole wheat bread. Sentences are not a problem; vocabulary is. I thought we had someone on this forum who was fairly fluent. Is it Pajarito?

Santa Fe, NM

She is more fluent than I am. Dparsons probably, too. It is almost impossible to live in New Mexico without Spanglish. There is Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day which get me confused, Again. I think Nov. 1st is the traditional day in Mexico. But, Mexico is becoming more like us and having Halloween on the 31st. "Poor Mexico, So far from God. So close to the United States." A popular saying.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I am going to Google "Great Pumpkin whereabouts/address" I will let you know where it is.
Great Pumpkin : Mailing Address: 350 County Hwy 45 Hayden, AL 35079
It seems that he/she is in Alabama.
Though he has given a "state of the great pumpkin address"
This message was edited Oct 31, 2009 4:23 PM

This message was edited Oct 31, 2009 4:27 PM

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I don't think that is the real Great Pumpkin on the youtube video Sofer.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

I confess, thanks to Katlian, that I am hooked on Plants vs Zombies.

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

plutodrive, is this part of the book title discussion? Cuz that's on another thread where I do believe brenda just suggested "Thawed by Frozen Ducks" or some such ridiculousness.

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Not part of the book discussion, I don't know where the Zombies discussion was posted before. I am hooked on it nonetheless. I needed to buy it since it is 50% off today.

Santa Fe, NM

I didn't look at the link but it seems that I should've. Glad you are enjoying it, whatever it is.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes, and as this is a Seasonal Confessions topic, I feel Zombies of whatever description are quite appropriate here.

I do remember plants vs zombies but can't remember what it is. I think either a plant or a zombie has eated my brain lately.

perhaps Katlian will remind us once again about plants vs zombies.

Hi Pluto. ;-)

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

I have been wondering if the volunteer squash plant that tried to take over the hoop house might be the current location of the Great Punkin. It was not exactly a punkin vine, but it was so sincere it sprouted itself without any aid or interest from me and then produced three five gallon buckets of squash. That was astoundingly sincere, whether I participated or not!

Since the dog is barking I think I may be correct here.

Santa Fe, NM

No pumpkin vines, sincere or otherwise around here. Maybe zombies, though!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Please immediately hide under the bed and think sincerely orange thoughts, Roybird. We don't want any zombies making off with RM members!

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

Sorry for the delay, I have been out cheerfully cremating the remains of the summer garden. The veggie corpses are still pretty soggy but the sunflowers and cosmos are crispy and burn quite nicely. Too bad I can't use that fuel to heat my house all winter.

The link for the game is
Like the zombies, the game may eat your brain, or at least make blocks of time disappear. Though, I would highly recommend it for sitting around feeling sorry for an owie that keeps you off your feet. The broken toe that lead me to the Plants vs Zombie game is healing quite nicely so I no longer have much of an excuse to play instead of doing my chores.

Yes, we get Nevada Day off from work and kids get to stay home from school too. If the 31st falls on a week day then Nevada Day is the last Friday of the month and Halloween is on the 31st. We don't get Columbus Day because Columbus didn't discover Nevada.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh thank you, Katlian! but it looks like it costs money to download? too bad......

I am pretty sure my orange thoughts are not anywhere near sincere enough.

I may have to find a source of pumpkin pie real quick. Just to add the color, you understand.

Santa Fe, NM

Thanks, Katlian. Probably won't get it unless I break something! Right now I'm busy hiding from zombies and trying to be sincere. Are pumpkins orange men? Not to be political but I just wondered. We are watching the world series. Baseball is such a slow game that there is plenty of room to contemplate the Great Pumpkin. We do get Columbus Day because of our Hispanic heritage we honor an Italian explorer. Except for the indians. Who lead a day of protest marches around the city. It isn't much of a holiday, to my mind.

Carson City, NV(Zone 6b)

The Yahoo games website has a free online version but that's just to get you hooked so you'll buy the full version.

We decided to stay home this morning instead of going to the parade. It's not snowing today so it just doesn't seem like the right day for the parade. Besides, there was too much to do!

The reason the holidays are rearranged is that the combination of drunk party goers and kids on the street is much more frightening than ghosts and werewolves. CG better stay away from the roads of Nevada on his travels tonight.

Dolores, CO(Zone 5b)

The great pumpkin video is LOL funny!

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes, it is. I think my favorite line is don't talk to anyone with hooks for hands.

Hey! It's an hour earlier than I think it is! Or, it will be soon!

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Kyla, I sincerely love pumpkin pie, primarily for the taste, not the color. However I am not convinced this will endear me to the Great Punkin. I just hope the Great Punkin is not overly protective and does not have weapons of mass destruction.

Helena, MT(Zone 4b)

Mulch, did he appear last night? In the hoophouse? Or did you see the Great Squash?

Ennis, MT(Zone 4a)

Red faced confession time. I was alarmed because I love eating pumpking pie, so I was hiding under the bed. I cannot tell you for sure if the Grand Poobah Pumpkin appeared, but I will say Cosmo barked as though it appeared. I did not come out from under the bed to see for sure.

Santa Fe, NM

You were wise to do that, Mulch, because on the Simpson's t.v. show (which is pretty much a documentary of American life) the G.P. arrived and was served pumpkin bread and pumpkin seeds which he found Most Offensive indeed! Glad you are o.k.

Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7b)

I hadn't thought about the pie aspect of this. No wonder nobody gets presents. Just imagine what Santa would do to someone who ate Elf pies.

This message was edited Nov 1, 2009 10:29 PM

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