Impatiens for 2010 - Anyone?!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

ANY color, they were harvested from a hybrid mix.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I just found this thread... thanks for all the helpful hints... I bought a greenhouse last spring.. it's not the greatest but maybe I can improve it with all your ideas

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

My impatiens in the livingroom and office are growing nice under lights. I had to cut them back. Too bad I dont have room to make cuttings now. I just hope I can get them through to spring, take more cuttings when my GPS is able to be filled with things of spring!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well its 12/1 and I have several of the cuttings that I started a short while ago in bloom! Hope I can get them to spring! They are in my house in my office under lights! So far so good. Even that rangy one above looks good!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

One of mine BLOOMED!! It's actually a candy pink color, not apricot as the camera makes it out to be;)

Thumbnail by DMgardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

DM, congrats! Shes loverly! ON my PC, the color is true to the plant!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks! Two more blooms are on the way and they are orange, so maybe the cam will capture them as candy pink or chartruse? LOL!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I was wondering if anyone up North grows and/or can buy "New Guinea" Impatiens, or is it just a tropical type of impatien?


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I usually buy them as bedding plants but last year I started some from seed. I think I will seed them again since they are quite expensive to buy. I've only seen them sold in 6" pots or bigger 10" hanging baskets.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah, I've read there are only 2 or 3 varieties, so far, that can be grown from seed. They have been becoming more and more popular down here in the last few years and have really come down in price. Bought a couple of oversized ones in 4" pots on Friday for $1.99 each. Not too bad.


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Th seeds were from Veseys Seeds. Impatiens wallerina called Tango. I can't find a picture....need to sort the picture file.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, that's a nice bright orange colored one. Apparently that's a good one for cooler climatic zones. They, pretty much, come in all colors now except for blue and yellow. There are a few with variegated foliage also, but haven't seen any of those in person.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Varigateds? WHERE??? I love anything varigeted!

New Guineas are sold up here too, but not nearly as much as the walleriana types. They are usually quite nice, have much bigger blooms, and are prettier ( more coloring in the leaves). But, they are less hardy, dying at the touch of frost, while wallerianas stayed here until November16(it only frosted a little bit on Nov. 10, lol)!

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Oh, and doubles! I got a few this year, and the blooms are so beautiful! Identical to tiny roses.... Unfortunetely, I only saved cuttings of the purple ones. So a trip to the greenhouse next Spring is in order...

An another bloom!:

Thumbnail by DMgardener
Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, New Guinea impatiens are tropical so they wouldn't like frost. I think my favorite variegated one I've seen so far would be New Guinea Impatiens "Celebrette Red Deep". It has green/white variegated foliage and there's a photo of in the "Plant Files" section on Dave's Garden.

Bought this one named "Harmony Dark Red" yesterday. They were on sale for $1.99 each.


Thumbnail by amorecuore
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have not seen new guinees around, but I have not really looked. will see if I can find them local.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

Both of those are so attractive! I hope they ( all the local GHs) will have them next Spring!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Home Depot has been carrying New Guinea Impatiens "SunPatiens" this winter, and last winter in Florida. It's a New Guniea impatien created by VIVA (

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

If they are not offered at a mom and pop, I probably will not get them. I dont do big Box stores. I prefer going to places I can go talk shop with the owners and not have to do so much blasted walking. I hate those stores for that.. There is also no service in a Big Box. I really cannot stand getting flowers from shelves like that. There is no personal touch. I can get more personality out of a catalog!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I will sooner walk 25 acres in the wilderness. Least there I will see something other than a blasted warehouse.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

I do more walking at a private owned nursery when comparing it to Lowes or Home Depot. They're much larger than the box stores. The owners at private nurseries know their stuff, but the help is usually lacking in knowledge. Bought some plants yesterday, at a privately owned place, and didn't realize they weren't marked. I had to tell them what the plants were so they could look up the price. Many privately owned nurseries do not grow the majority of their plants. They may grow some, but its usually just a fraction of what they're offering. Oftentimes it's grown by the same place that grows product for the box stores.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I would much rather walk miles around at a Mom and Pop. I would much rather also support their businesses too..

You make a good point. Yes, the smaller retailers are often supplied by the same growers that supply the box stores, but those growers are supporting a small business and that is what this country needs more of. Support for small business. This country is so third world anymore becaue we have no industry . The country has become nothing but warehouses. The box stores are putting mom and pops out of business hence the free enterprise small business enjoy and that stinks. Everything is logistics anymore and life has become so impersonable. Makes us all like mice in a maze. Get up, go work, go sleep and in the spare time, do bodily functions.. so drool!

You would be suprized to learn that many of the growers are mom and pops! Why, because simply they are growers and on contract and a lot of them do not have the place for a retail, so they deal strickly wholesale. If I was a grower, I would go where the money was on volume too. Regretably its the only way to survive. There are a lot of mom and pops that are not open to the public for retail. I would deal wholesale, have fewer clients and fewer headaches, but it would be boring not to have the other clientele!

You will get uneducated help no matter where you go, but I find chatting with most the small nursery/floral shopowners a joy. The box stores are cashregister help.. all they do is take your money and if there is something wrong call the manager to replace or refund..... The help at smaller outfits usually know something of gardening or want to know. Least as it is the way at the places I have been. It is almost rare that I walk into a small shop where I do not feel welcome and most of the shops I now frequent it is rare we do not exchange tips, cuttings or somthing of material at no charge. You will not receive a cutting at a box, no less one at no charge. And as for a garden tip.. hmmm I have not got a word of advice from any box other than the next sale date. Big deal. So cold. They do not want to pay anything but minimum wage and anyone with a certificate of knowledge wants higher pay and they go elsewhere. Where they go.. hmmm... now that is a good question!.

Rats in a maze thats what it is.

I know of very few larger stores that are as personable as a mom and pop and fewer still with help that have a degree or any hort knowledge that can share some decent advice. Its a shame because getting an education means nothing if you have NO place to get hired to use it. Having a degree in some aspects does not guarantee you a job. Especially in todays continuing declining job market. I look down the road and see no improvement in the job market. The department of ag unless your born into the field or married into it.. hmmm., its really hard to get a go in it. Used to be a farmer was like a general practioner. He knew a lot of things. Now adays, everything has become specialized. And people know very little other than one thing. Hmm, makes one feel like a machine doesnt it!

Yup, rats in a maze.

And then you hear, you need 2 years or more experience.. hmmm how do you get it when you cannot get hired unless you go to a place that trains you and hires you upon your receiving the certificate. You have to have the education but then that does not guarantee the pay either once you leave. You have no guarantee you will pass their education either unless you work hard and then you are glued tothat company and your education may be worthless if you move on. You find you have to learn a new method at a new place and they may not hire you because your degree or past education does not fill their bill. Becomes sad when you got an eduacation and cannot get a job. All that hard work and expense and no place to go to become a functional part of society.

Yano Jon, I am glad I am older now. I would not want to have to trade the knowledge I have garnered through the years of time to be young again. I enjoy my aches and pains, my grey hairs have been earned and well, even though some days can really suck, its really nice to keep learning. Growing old is a blessing.

They say when an old person dies, the world loses a library. It would be awesome to read everyones book! Losing an old person is such a tradgedy.

Well, I have rambled on a bit too much...I best go check those impatiens. I fertilized them the day before last and well, they might be needing a few pinches.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

One of my favorite events is the 2nd Tuesday in May, The Calgary Zoo offers a Garden Center Bus Tour (shopping). We go to 4 different privately owned & operated garden centre, each specializing in a few things. It is one of the best outings each year and I would not miss one.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. Oh my Blossom. You are really fired up now!!! Let's just say I understand everything you said and it all makes sense to me. If we're strictly talking retail bought plants, I probably buy 75% at privately owner nurseries and 25% at the box stores. I'm sure most people on here buy some at each also. If you want something unique/different its usually found at mom & pops. Most of the nurseries closest to me, are wholesale nurseries not open to the public. There is one road about 2 miles way with about 10 nurseries. Only one is open to the public.

Sounds like a fun outing Joanne. There are a couple of big events down here at different times of the year. They usually are 2-3 day events that involve somewhere from 50-200 different vendors selling their own specialty plants. The two largest, I know of, are the twice a year plant sale at Monts Botanical Gardens in West Palm Beach and the once a year event in Miami called the "Ramble".

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nah, just fed up with the economy, the government messing with it and just tired of box stores....well, you know.. you live in one of them thar states.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Oh yeah!!! Flo-rida. Home of the infamous "hanging chad" election and lots of political "monkey business". At least there's no "state income tax" here. Its gonna be awhile before the economy gets better.,,,,perhaps 2014, 2015. Just keep doing your indoor gardening stuff. It gets your mind off "stuff" and puts y'all in a good mood.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Off topic, but it is COLD here. -29ºC or -20ºF. Blue skies & sunny with that temp!!! I shoveled our walks and 2 neighbor's walk, 1 with a driveway. My eyes started to water and freeze on my face. Can't wait 'till this deep freeze is over. Mid week it is suppose to get above freezing.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


CLINTON & NAFTA Now thats what fueled this mess. Biggest government snafu known to mankind and still is. Spent nearly most into oblivian, bankrupture or sickness. Derned economy has been like water in a flushed toilet ever since.

Hang yer chad on "loser" Gore. Old Homer, he couldnt count ta ten without using his toes, that is if he could find them!! He'd probably count a hangnail as another dang toe.

Yano, Billy Clinton once said, "nuthing big ever came out of anything small..." Hmm that loser never new jack about who fed him.

Hmm then the world population will more than double and the land to feed it will shrink more than 50%.. see where were going? Yup, how to raise food without anygarden...and aint a one of us can feed ourselves that way for too long doing that.

Well, Jon, my paperwhites are blooming....! And just how big is that lil impatien seed?

Whadda mess we all got aint it!

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL. I'm a democrat Blossom, but I still love ya. LOL Let's just stick to flowers and we can't go wrong with our "blossom"ing friendship. We will all have to start gardening on "levels" you do in the house!!!! Thank god for paperwhites and winter forcing flower bulbs. Gotta love em.

I know it's bitterly cold in "Cowtown" Joanne. I was watching the Calgary Flames game, on the satellite, last night and they were talking about it. Must be the shinook winds will set up mid week and warm you up quite a bit.


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Your right Jon, if we stick to gardening maybe we will get something accomplished. Politics makes for lousy company! But it would be nice to solve some of the world problems. I dont claim a party. Seems none of them can do anything but waste time.. But then thats my humble opinion. My apologize for going off on a tangent, but Im a farmer/rancher and have issues because of my grassroots and since I have dealt with trying to feed the masses. We are all connected. But you see, Jon, nothing gets solved if people dont know.

In the last year the breadlines in my home community have increased nearly 1/3rd in the last year. Probably an area that is one of the worst for a small community in the country. The poverty level has risen, the jobs are NILL and the comunity is broke in trying to help themselves. Perhaps listen in on Nilly here as she goes through many of her issues. You will get a grip on what all we are saying. Our state is broke too. but then, I do live in the state with the most Governors in jail for bad politics. So Monkey business in your state is small potatoes.

Well go here, listen to Nillys story and those trying to help her.

Joan, hope you got heat. Least your in a dry freeze.. It always seems colder at 30 above when the thaw hits! Least as thats the way it is here.

This message was edited Dec 13, 2009 6:50 AM

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, the midwest is being hit the hardest by the recession, but you can see it everywhere. Perhaps not at the same level though. Government isn't working because everyone is too polarized. Let's just leave it at that. I don't get involved in too much conversation on politics or religion. Have strong opinions on many issues, but find it best to keep them to myself.

It's gonna be another "too hot" day in December today in the mid 80's. Yuck. The regular impatiens will not be happy. The New Guinea impatiens will probably be "high fiveing" each other. Hehe

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Polarized? No, the governMENTS walk around with blinders on. What happens Jon in some, when things are going good elsewhere they think its going that way everywhere and they fail to reach out and they fail to recognize the continuing situations of others.. Until you have entered a poverty stricken area and felt and held the hands and literally hugged someone there first hand, you cannot garner any idea of what is going on. You have no clue as to the realities. Poverty is not a racial issue, its an every person issue. It knows no bonds at times and it knows people of all ages and colors and sometimes even people of upper educations and upper class when they too fall from their ranks.. Oh, eeks, forgot, we dont wanna talk about it its too, um.. discusting, yeah, too disgusting to reach out to hold someone who is a leoper of our fine society. Perhaps your right Jon, lets just sweep it under a rug not talk about it and maybe that will cure it because the government sure isnt.

Here, let me open eyes even wider...

(I hope I have that website correct. Because this time of year its very heartbreaking. I have talked to people on this crew. What a fine bunch!)

While people like you and I enjoy talking about impatiens.. lets take a trip to the dark side.

What scary Jon is when a government is too poor to help her own people. Now thats a government that is polarized. And who is the government Jon??? As I recall, it in my country it states something like WE THE PEOPLE. Trouble is, my country has gotten pretty dang lazy. Could it be from lack of work? Theres a bunch out there that are like leaches too, just sucking up and draining the system. We have a sad portion of society that is of the GIMME generation. They do anything to thwart the system, get out of paying taxes or do their fair share and try to haul it in all for themselves. Self serving selfishness is what it is Jon and they care nothing about anyone else but themselves. It has nothing to do with politics. Its their way of life.

If you go to that website, tell us all about what you saw.You probably will not go because you dont want to talk about it. I prefer to talk about it and become part of the solution.

And while Im twidling my thumbs growing impatiens or dianthus and or paperwhites in the house, I wish they were food stock, but regret I have technical difficulties doing that this time of year.

I stand corrected the above addie is incorrect, here is the correct one.

Last year over 183 MILLION pounds of food was delivered from this organization to people in the 50 states and some international. Now thats doing something.

My hats off to them.

This message was edited Dec 16, 2009 4:37 PM

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well its 12/23 and I never thought I would be making impatien cuttings for Christmas.. but I did. Just hope they take so its one less plant I have to buy in the spring. I have not tried taking cuttings indoors like this.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Joannabanana..that's the first time I've seen inside your greenhouse..oh my, no wonder you have so many flowers and you grow each and every one of them I bet! You're full of surprizes..I like those kind. Does you hubby help you with the planting? You could go into business..if you aren't already!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Joanna..that one picture looks like Arlington Cem. ! The plant markers are so neatly lined up like the marble tombstones there. A very sad but beautiful place.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well, just seeds an entire tray of Envoy Orange Star Impatiens. I had never seen this instructions before: "Intense direct or artificial light which is high in the red spectrum will limit germination of some colors." Says to cover flat with blue plastic for germination.

I gave it a try. We will see how these germinate.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Checked out that variety and must say that's an excellent selection Joanne. Impatiens are probably the most common bedding flower down here in the winter. They are everywhere. I've heard several people mention getting impatien seeds to germinate can be a bit more tricky/difficult. Do you find that to be the case?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes. I did ok with the Envoy Orange Star last year 90% germination and a New Guinea one, but I have tried other varieties and had little to no germination. I tried a Tempo variety last year too & got 3% germination.

Ft Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10a)

Well I hope the lighting information you're trying will perhaps help others to germinate better. My recent failure with germination was with Aster "Pavlova Dark Blue". Probably should have bought two seed packs, just in case, but I didn't. For some reason none of the seeds germinated. Had a couple other things, this winter, with only 33-50% germination.

Syracuse, NY

Impatiens have been easy for the past couple of years. Here's what I have done. I start in January. I wash out plastic produce or bakery containers (the ones with clear lids) and place holes in the bottom for drainage. I use sterilized seed starting mix (MiracleGro), moistening with water if not fully hydrated. Next I sprinkle the seed thinly over the surface (about 3/4 inch apart if I can do it), and press in firmly to get good contact wit the soil. Then I water from the bottom until the soil surface "glistens", allow to drain fully, cover with the clear lid and place 2 inches from fluorescent bulbs. The room temperature is about 70 degrees. I water only from the bottom or with a spray mister until the plants have their first set of true leaves.

I transplant into small newspaper pots that I make by rolling around a medium size pill bottle at the four leaf stage. I let them grow a bit and then "pinch back", inserting the small stems in the container I used to start the seeds in the first place. Last year I got 24 "peach Butterfly" plants from my original six seedlings (from 10 seeds) by early May. Some of those cuttings are pretty tiny to start.

I have grown the Flavours series, Butterfly hybrids, Peach Butterfly and an unidentified mix I got at the dollar store with equal success. The Elfin hybrids series were disappointing - not as vigorous and with far fewer flowers. Even the dollar store impatiens were much better than these. I don't save seeds, as hybrids don't come true. And I pull out all volunteers for the same reason. If I'm going to spend time growing something, I want to grow the best varieties I can afford.

This is my first post. Too much information?

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