Flowerpot Cafe #25

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

You sure do love your sunnies ad ladybugs. You should have been to the cabin last month you could have had all the ladybugs you wanted we had them by the truckloads! and so did BB.
Very nice canister, like the idea of extending it.
Everybody ready to start cooking?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Im not cooking.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What!!! did I hear you right???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

im ordering mcnuggets

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

BLOSSOM!!!!!!! You've done it now! Capturing me upside down like that made my knee go out and now (on my return from hospital) I am on crutches!! I'm in need of one of your special hot chocolates after my ordeal!!!! Thank you. Mcnuggets!!!! oh dear...

Candee, I'm so pleased to hear you are cooking and baking this week. I love the way you always make me a special vegetarian dinner, your cauiflower cheese was devine last year! and the cheesecake...... ohhh so yummy!! Make sure you get a slice yourself this year LOL! Will you be baking your fancy peach latice pie? that one is always a hit with the regulars!

The tables are starting to look pretty in here!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

oh no now i feel rotten...i will go to my corner and behave.

Here are your chocolates

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

ima baaaaaaaad BLOSSOM!

london England, United Kingdom

It's okaaaaaaaaaaay mate!

london England, United Kingdom

No hard feelings! wanna come for lunch?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

everyone's welcome!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That reminds me we need to get the new sign up for the cafe. I'll work on that this evening. Ever since we bought this place that sign has bugged me. Has anyone ever thought about us using the rest of this huge place as a bed and breakfast.

BB don't feel bad, it was my idea to capture her so I'll take the heat for the sprained knee. Besides if she hadn't been ducking us for so long we would not have had to go to such lengths so she really only has herself to blame!

No cheesecake this year Terri, I am going to try my hand at a Red Velvet CAke, never even tasted one so I won't know if it is good or not. Got a great recipe for it from Dea here at DG and will likely have my kitchen painted in red before Wednesday is out. I'll try to take some photos. And then the pumpkin pies and all the other fixins.
BB perhaps you better stop by as those nuggets sound nasty!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

too late.. they came with fries and a sweet and sour....large coke.. oh the humanity!

I will come out of my corner now. Oh thank you partner in "crime"!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Weather has been perfect fall weather the last few days - high in the low 60's, low about 40. Did a little bit of yard work, but have to concentrate on cleaning the house now. Thanksgiving is at my sister's (I just have to make a salad and a jello mold), but am having guests from Texas over for 5 days after Thanksgiving. Crunch cleaning time!! So, I just can stop by the cafe briefly to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!

BTW, a bed and breakfast is a lovely idea. Those are my favorite getaways - and what can be more pleasant than a nice homecooked breakfast with garden friends? How's that velvet cake coming along, Candee???? Terri - did you stay at that B&B?

This message was edited Nov 26, 2009 9:27 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Dianne and everyone! Hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving cleaning and food!!!
That is our local pub in Formby! the coffee is good but the food isn't veggie friendly unless you just want roast potatoes or cake!

Hope the velvet cake comes soon haha!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Did ya mention cofee Terri? Well, I comign runnign for some.

been a busy busy time and finalyl makign my way back here to this forum. Have misse d ya all but have thought about yas quit e a bit as I would get a coupel of flower s bloomign here and there.

Stil haven't got this growing cut flower s for bouquets down yet, but tryign to get there. Did a littl ebit better this year, but not much. With all the raisn and flooding this year and a mole/vole eating about 40 Dahlia plants and 60 gerber a Dasiy root s sur e didnt have the flower s this year.

I've ha d such a fe w cuttign flower s to bloom this year that I woudl think of bringing in and showign to ya all, but usually onyl ha d oen or two and just didn't have th eheart to cut it off.

Just wante d to pop in and wish evrybody a Happy Thanksgiving and terri knwo it not a holiday for you but wishign ya a great day too anyways. : )

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Star!!! lovely to see you shining so brightly tonight. Thank you for wishing me a great day. Hope you have a peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving day.
I've ordered a large cup of coffee and a namecake for you! Cheers my friend, hope next year will be good for all of us.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Terri! LOL Thanks for both. That so cute. : )

I got a couple of roses outsid e that hopefulyl the frost hasn't kileld off. I see all the tiem folks with dried ros e petals in bowls. How do you dry them ? Do you just rip up and sit out to dry or is there soem process to it.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Roses can be dried nicely in silica sand. Although they can also be dried by letting them go natural...or hung upside-down...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Blossom.... : ) I figure I would give it a try. Don't knwo if I cna do it right or not, but poporii in store so expensive anymroe. Thought mayeb I cna mayeb make a tiny dish of it or something.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have left roses in bud vases and after the water has evaproated, the rose is fine! Well good luck on trying! I cant wait until summer now to see our climber back in bloom!

That reminds me, I should probably bed down that climber for the winter soon. They said it was sposed to snow this week and it never did. I usually wait until after the first snow then bed it down.. This rose is well over 60 years old. It was the hubs granparents. So it probably is even older than that.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just dropping in with the last of the cake, enjoy - I didn't as I have been sick all through the holiday and for all the cooking I couldn't even taste any of it - well I could - it just tasted like metal!

Thumbnail by haighr
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Blosson. That really a beautiful climber. Look at all them blooms. Ya put my coupel little bloosm to shame : ) I just starting to get intot he roses.

Haighr. Sorry ya been sick. grabbing a piec e of cake and leavign the onyl fower I got bloomign right now .

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Star, what is that blossom?? Its gorgeous!


Haighr, good cake... sorry to hear you were sick!

So far we have been well and good.

Did you guys get any deer?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
Steve and Tim both got a buck so plenty of meat in the freezer for winter.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Someone in a county over got a 25 pointer.. sposed to been the biggest buck yet in the state.

Been seeing a lot on the move here. Lots of roadkill.

Well, I have to get my big butt in gear, get house cleaning... the place is getting rather slimey! UGH! Maybe Fritz will fix the dryer before I have a kanipshun trying to dry clothes in the snow. Not that we have any, but its coming and theres a back up in the laundry. OY! Just hope the dang washer keeps running or I will be running down to the creek to beat the clothes on a rock.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Better hurry before that dang creek freezes over BB.
Wow 25 points, that is a whopper, would love to see that!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Me too. That wiley whitetailed old buck must have lived in some poor farmers cornfield and apple orchard for a very long time! Heard the hunter got him in a freak way. If I heard right they said the hunting ace shot the poor deer in the ear.. kind of a lame dumb shot if you were to ask me, but when he hit him in the ear the buck freaked out and fell off a cliff and into a creek and then drowned... Good thing I wasnt warshing clothes that day! Can ya see me now with those antlers stuck in my big old poor BBQ-ed hide? Be worse off than that poor white donkey Dave has been posting in the weekly newsletter! LOL! Old BB would be hollering for a medic for sure!

Well...dang deertails are getting deep here!

Cant wait till fishing and frog season!

Well, heres reeling them in for ya! Catch ya later!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We are headed back up to the cabin Friday and will likely shut the water down and fridge off and such and call it a season. We have 2 deer in the freezer which is plenty for us and will just sit back until next season when we start up all over again. Then it will be fishing and froggin and turtle season.
Doc says now I have pneumonia and gave me more meds, hope I kick this thing soon as won't be long till the holidays are here. Guess the warmer weather will knock it outta me if nothin else.
You would have looked funny down at the creek there BB. Reminds me of last nights' news there was a deer that was stranded (beached) on some rocks in DC and he had a nice rack and they had to tranquilize him to get him back on dry ground. They should have called for Steve, he would have removed him for free he, he!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Thank you for the cake Candee, so sorry to hear you are not in good health. Hope you will be better very soon. Fresh fruit and vegetables to you my dear!!! I wish I was going to the Bahamas with you, the weather here is so miserable!!
Are you going to Nassau?
Beautiful Gerbera Star, Thanks for brightening up the cafe'.
My knee is getting stronger and yesterday I managed the stairs without the crutches, so feeling a bit better!!! The most frustrating thing is WAITING !!!! for teenagers to do the jobs they agreed to do ... 'yeah later Mum'
Blossom, hope you're getting on with those chores!!!!??
Are we moving to a new Christmas cafe' ? Has anyone got the decorations up yet?

Well, I enjoyed that coffee, this place has the best coffee in cyber space!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you are on the mend Terri, sorry you don't have a good enough foot to kick those teens into action LoL, should we send BB to do it for you?
Haven't even thought of decorations for the Christmas cafe, guess we better get to work. Now where is that dang tree, did Fritz move it from the attic? I don't see it up here, but ohhhhhhhhh look there's my mittens I left up here last year when we put it away? Now where could it have gotten to?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Corn dogs anyone? Or as we call them in the kitchen.. K-9 Drumsticks!


Well, I do hope you feel better soon so you can have a Marry Christmas and start the new year off healthy.

london England, United Kingdom

Blossom, you know I'm vegetarian ? ... got anything healthy there please? !!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Terri.. Im not booting any kids. You will just have to work something out for thier punishment and tell them you love them, but they must do good by their Mum. It s only right.

Yeah Frittz wants me to get the lil tree out so I gotta go work in the closet so see you all later... Derned thing is BEHIND all the rest of the onreyments...

Someone put on some carols so we can all get in the best of spirits. Its time to get celebrating!

FELIZ NAVIDAD... Feliz Navidad.. y los paros anos y... cha cha cha!

london England, United Kingdom

CARROTS!!!!! is that it? Happy Christmas LOL!!!

Humansville, MO

hi all
here is a bear hug
i made some bear but they not selling good this year
so i will give them away

Thumbnail by ellesgh
london England, United Kingdom

Oh Hi elle!
Thanks for the bear hug! just what I needed. They are only feeding me carrots here, I bet your rabbits get better than that!!
Lovely bears, especially like the one in the middle with the glasses and scarf, he's so cool!

Thanks for going in the attic Candee, glad you found your mittens up there.!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Elles! Nice bear and a couple of big bear hugshugs back to you too!.

OK, terri.. breaded carrots on a stick for you... and a (_____)? brocoli soup.

Ok, the Avent wreath is out. Carefull with the candles for it though.. and one is supposed to be lite already!

Im still baling things out of the closet to find the lil tree....

london England, United Kingdom

Oh, well now, that sure is PURDY!!! lovely colours Blossom.
Yum, this soup tastes Lurverly!! got any homemade bread and butter (oops not healthy but .... ) to dunk in it please? lol!

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