Flowerpot Cafe #25

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Having to resort to sticks and pods for arrangements. Little color with the azalea and gourds and the rest is harry lauder, siberian iris pods, cattails and astillbe and a lotus pod

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nothing wrong with that!

Not much going on here today. We planted daylilies and dafodils and enjoyed this summer/fall day!

Then the stupid fridgerator ice maker thingee decided to spring a leak and ended up cleaning part of a carpet and tomorrow we go get the hose that made the mess. I wondered why we were not getting any ice...then discoverd the huge puddle this morning and mistakenly blamed the dog! I think the "Fonz" hit the refridgerator a weee tad to hard thinking it might have been the juke! LOL!

Just another day in paradice! LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ah yes BB paradise, we have all had those days. We discovered water downstairs yesterday around the furnace and finally realized that the new spigot we had put on outside leaks and got the ground so saturated that it leaked in through the floor and walls and Steve had just painted down there with that water proofing!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

You win.. your mess is bigger! LOL! Oh so sorry on that. I will nbe over to help as soon as I can!

Well, looks like another nice dall day. COuld be better though once the sun gets out shining good.

Care to join me in a round of raison bread and a breakfeast cuppa?

(_)? (_)?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Is it cinnamon raisin bread? I just got a fresh loaf at the bakery on Saturday and it is already half gone. I left it on the counter and I think that Fritz took part of it home to his nephews?
Would love to try yours.
Sunny and calling for warm here but am at work.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yes, its definitely cinnamon! No other kind! And here you go, heres the butter!

Well, I have several things I need to do and several things I want to do.. Hard choice between doing the wants and the needs! LOL!

Got the fridge sorta fixed.. needs a royal cleaning behind it and the carpets is not dry yet so its sitting in the middle of the kitchen. Need to put some stuff away and get organized in the office...LOL, that will be the day, but I keep trying!

So Fritz has nephews eh? Have you seen any of them? DOes he have a photo albumn? Maybe they can come work in the cafe while Broomhilder is off on her trip shopping for a new gown for the wedding?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh yes, here is Fritzs' sister Fran and her sons Frit and Frat

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well arent they special! Is it true what they say about the molses and voles?

Been cleaning stuff...Oy what a day.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Stopped in for a quick cup of tea and to say hi
As soon as it gets light I am off to finish off the work gardens and the year.
The weather has been so nice I just keep finding things to do, but isn't that true of all gardens.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Wish I was at home enjoying this break in our weather Gus instead of sitting at work, but gotta get a paycheck to keep the plants coming in LOL! Have a happy and productive day!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

HI Gus,
Have not heard from you in a while, see you have been busy too!

We are just about to say Let it snow here. Have to fill the LP yet and do a few odd chores and we are ready. UGH, I dont want snow.

It is however supposed to rain.

Im gonna be stuck in the office here agian today.

Well heres your tea!

(__)? Enjoy!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

BB confused on what you mean by the moles and voles???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

That a group like Frit, Frat and Fran could be enough to keep them away? Just asking because we dont want those moles and voles coming over from the rival and well, if that trio wouldlike a job...well thats up to you! (Always heard that that clan could do something like that....)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, anyway, they are a pretty handsome trio there..

Man, I was down in the pansy patch and we are trying to make a cold frame there....I just found out the pansys could possibly be wintered over in one and I have pansys but no cold frame. Dont know if we will get it done in time for the winter. I need to scronge up some glass.

Well anyway, just a few minutes and its back to the office for me.. pass me the lemonade thanks!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Got a new thread going for whaaky and wild...

You might say its designers gardening... well sort of...!


Humansville, MO

hi all
it been a long time
but i been busy with all my chicken
we are trying to get ready for winter

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi elle!

We missed you! Come on in and have a cuppa!

We have been getting ready for winter too.

My chickens some are molting and some are laying.. more molting than laying....

Hows everything?

Humansville, MO

hi all
my chicken are lay
they were laying good but slow down
my older one are laying ok
but the young one go from 9 to about 4
we still have then in the tractor
we build a new hen house but it not done yet
too much rain

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like we are all getting ready for winter. Nice to see you here elle, we have missed you. Perhaps your chickens are slowing down for the winter to rest as well.

Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

My ''work gardens'' are my pay check. I have a small one woman business and I care for other peoples gardens.
Love my work.
This is the herb/kitchen garden at the Crystal Tea room

Thumbnail by gardengus
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a lovely building gus and herb garden. That should be my goal for next season to start an herb garden. I once had chocolate mint but yanked it all to thin and musta gone too far now have none and just a small russian sage.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

g'morning all!

We have sunshine, but I woke up to frost at the crack of dawn. Whooo it was chilly! Ice on the buckets too.

Why gus, that is nice! I like formal herb gardens.. just never had the place for one.

Haighr, I have chocolate mint growing in a hanging basket in the house. If I get it through the winter maybe I can split some with you. I could maybe try to get you some bittersweet, but please check out the thread on it.... you might change your mind after reading on it!


Well, the new GPS 7 is up and Red is telling us about her new GPS the hub made for her! C'mon down when ya get the chance!

Im stuck in the office again today... will I ever get done catalogging all those photos? Probably not, but I keep trying. If you need me, I will be around here somewheres bouncing back and around!

Elle, dont make yourself scarce! We need some new florals for the cafe you know. We are waiting for terri to come back and the rest of the gang too! Man its been a busy summer!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks BB - I read some on the bittersweet and understand that the oriental is very invasive and destructive, but the American not so much. I would love some mint and bittersweet if you have any to spare as I have an open field across from us that would be a great place for the bittersweet. Matter of fact next year I plan to put gourds over there as well as a pumpkin ???

Here is a new one for the cafe and perhaps Fritz can cook up the artichoke at Thanksgiving?

Thumbnail by haighr
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Where the COFFEE! Well,maybe not. I have to be in fitness class in just a few and don't wanna have to run out in the middle for a potty break.

Only flower arrangement I can offer is last year Christmas centerpiece but since that's not too far away again,I guess it'll work.


Thumbnail by bigred
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

View from the top, how does it look there on the buffet right in front of the bar? If you want to move it somewhere else BB, feel free.

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hi there Peggy - that is a beautiful centerpiece and I think it is nice for this time of year seeing as we are coming into the holiday season. Are you going to be making another this year? If so you may want to also take it over to the table arrangement thread?


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

Speaking of photos do you all look at, and vote in the Dave's photo contest?
The real problem I have is my ''want'' list is getting longer.
If I don't know it is out there then I don't want it , but when I see all the beautiful flowers I am a plant hog.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Nope, thats fine by me, Haighr is in charge!.... I brought Aunt Bessies picture of Bossy, I new you was just dying to see it...

Shes out back waiting for you ta milk her when yer done with pilates....

Hey haighr, I think we got our floral desinger for Broomhilders and Fritz wedding.. so whaddaya thing Red, You want the job? heheheheh!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Gus, yes I do vote - stopped entering many years ago although must say I took a prize waaaaaaaaay back in the beginning of DG in one of the first photo contests - think there were just a few entries back then. The photos now that are entered are really professional and way outta my photo capabilities but sure enjoy looking.
Hey BB, I don't think Fritz has popped any question yet - let's not get too ahead of ourselves and hire somebody that we can't pay later on. Thatn is a great little arrangement conglomeration you put there by the window - do you think Steve will see it and perhaps come out and play!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Well, just putting the bug in Reds ear, she likes working with the weird and super natural! LOL!

Well, Im off to the Herb plot... catch ya'll later!

Humansville, MO

hi all
i have not made any thing for awhile
it seen like time just fly a way

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Don't worry bout that elle, just nice to have you here. Most of my arrangements these days are from sticks and stones LOL, no flowers to play with.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Haighr, have you thought about ordering some amaryllus or poinsettas? Paperwhites would be a nice holiday touch too!

I usually get my poinsettas from our church. They have some lovelys.

Amaryllus become throw away bulbs for me... but the paperwhites! Aaaaah, now those, I love and willput them to the garden anytime.

Elle, are you still at the senior home? Bet, they would love to be getting your arrangements!

I have to check out the new table-arrangement thread, that sounds like a great idea and Thanksgiving is such a grand time to have them. I will not be doing any this year, but hope to be making wreaths up. I am behind on orders.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

well whadda ya doing in here if your behind...get to cracking making wreaths.


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I don't do much with the Christmas decorations just a few that I have had around for years. We only do a real tree and likely won't again this year as we are travelling. I don't really care for the look of amaryllis much - I sometimes get some mauve - e poinsettias but likely won't this year either. Am I sounding bah humbug yet!
Just a lot to unpack and get out for the holiday season and with working I find I do less each year what with the cabin and then travelling.
I will have to find a pic of the Christmas tree we did one year at the cabin with antlers for the topping and arrows and pinecombs and deer and turkey calls and my 25 year old strand of popcorn that is still white to this day!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Cracking, oh cracking oh master!

Dont know if I will do the full monty on the Christmas decor either.. with all the houseplants... gonna be hard to put more on the shelves when the shelves are full and an empty nest too Right now the livingroom looks lie a seed wherehouse with all my 2009's drying. God forbid I get mice or ants!

Ok, ok, Ima going! Gotta go cut those trumpet vines down.. sheesh!

Ya ought to know my full name is EVER SO BEHIND BLOSSOM!

And it aint got nuthing to do with pilates! LOL!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I am trying to kill off my trumpet vine, I never had such an invasive plant in all my days! It is the biggest nuisance in my property. Now go and get to work, it is freezing here, glad to be inside at work.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok... ok... Um is yers yeller, red er orange? Mines orange...
Want yellow! Going to make wreaths.. in a few days...


Ok, im going.. jus one more bite of my chicken PLZ!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Cut the vine down then paint the wound of the part still attached to the roots w/ un-diluted bush killer.
They're all over the place in the south and a royal pain.Only up side...hummers love them.

The variegated variety is a lot slower growing and so far not invasive in my yard....So Far.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have used more bush killer than I can tell you Peggy and it still comes from the ground spreading roots. I imagine that in a few years I may get it under control!
BB, eat all you want we have all winter to get the chores done! Matter of fact, have a piece of that biscotti that Fritz just made - it's chocolate!

This message was edited Nov 12, 2009 1:48 PM

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