Flowerpot Cafe #25

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Your wish is my command Terri.
We came from here!


Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

BTW Terri, this is Fritz !

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Hi haighr, a.....hiya Fritz (blush, blush!).....remember me?

Well, I brought over the arrangements given to terris mum.

I am wondering if terri would not mind if we let Broomhilder be a temporary hire. She is a wizz at cleanup and can only stay until midnite 10/31 and she will twitch her nose for free? She does dishes, vacuuming and dusting so fast... its incredible!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Fritz, haighr, everyone, meet Broooomhilder.

Fritz, be a dear and take her out to the broomcloset and keep her there (locked up) for a little while and show her around.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I say Broomhilder stays as long as we can have her. 10/31/ is right around the corner and if we could convince her to stay a while after that, so be it. Terri will be thrilled I am sure since we are shorthanded around here.

Hey BB perhaps Broomhilder and Fritzy hit it off and well you know what I am thinking perhaps a spring wedding in the works???

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Fantastic...that would be fun....its gonna bea strange pick for their colors!

I do hear some thumping going on in the broomcloset and so knock on wood, there will be a match made in cyber heaven! She must be trying on a new broom!

Hmmm... wonder what their kids would look like! LOL!

Let us know the date! Its sure to be a whirlwind affair!

I need to get to work now, but will be back later. The cybersemi is coming so someone has to man the dock.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone! Thanks for the new cafe' Candee, those cakes look so yummy!
Hope elle finds her way here!!! Fritz is a bit scary, no wonder Plantgeek got frightened away... haha!

Broomhilder stays!!! she cleans properly? send her down to the beach please, I need the sand sweeping!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

She is off! Um with Fritz! hmmm them two, an item already!

I will message her and get her quickly!

What a lovely veiw there terri! I brought the other arrangement for the viranda!

The cyber semi is on the street and ready to unload! It came of the boat safe and sound and all the new florals and crafts are on it!

I need to go secure the boat so no fair starting the parties without me!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Very serene, as many times as I have been to the cafe, I never once went out and looked at the beach and water, I always wondered where that little door from the powder room led and now I know! I'll be spending more time watching the water now. Think we should put a few tables out there or should we just stick to beach blankets???
Are you sure you need any more crafts BB, sounds to me like you already have more projects than you know what to do with???
Fritz and Broomhilder are really fond of each other. I saw them in the broom closet earlier and they both looked a bit startled to see me! I don't care what they do long as the cooking and cleaning gets done and if they do it with sassy smiles on their faces, all the better!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Sounds like a plan for the happy couple.

I think beach blankets are a great idea, but I think we also need something to set food and drink on due to the sand. How about also getting those large umbrellas. The sun can be nasty.

Well, your probably right on on the projects, but sounds fun anyway!

Well, I need to get going, going to be a busy few days so I wil probably be scarce. Hope elle and the rest of the gang made it ok. I will see everyone later.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Hope you managed to see the cafe sign on the beach before the tide came in Candee!
I've made some 'grassy bouquets' to decorate the place!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Found a table for you to dance on ...

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Fancy a cuppa?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I wonder if anyone will arrive on the next ferry?

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi terri!

I kind of have my arms full of parcels.. been unloading the cybersemi off the ferry...WOW, you sure did get a lot of new floral supplies! Winter should be fun crafting! Where shall I put these?

Mind if I take that soft chair over their and put my feet up and have a cuppa with you? (__)? Im pretty tired so if I doze off you will have to pardon me!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom!

Looks like we've got loads of parcels to open, great! crafty stuff to keep us busy this winter..
There's an old shed in the pinewoods, maybe they could go in there for now? but... Candee will probably say that we need permission to store them there so just ask her where to put them, that's the safest bet, yano how fussy she is about stuff.. lol!!


Thumbnail by terriculture
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Gang - I just got off the ferry. Look what I found - a new friend!!! Maybe he/she will be able to keep the snails in the cafe garden in check???

Thanks for the cuppa and sugar. But that table is just a wee bit too small and rough for dancing LoL

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Whaaat is that soils? Looks pretty scary to me!

How have you been?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

That, BB, is a baby alligator. When I was in New Orleans a couple of years ago, I took a boat ride on the bayou. Remember that old song, "I'm going back some day, come what may, to Blue Bayou...?" Well, I have always wanted to sing that while on a bayou. It was a gorgeous day.

You need several lifetimes in order to use up all those craft supplies LoL

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, I think terri is commited, yano, Flowers are her!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone!

Dianne!!! you've arrived, welcome to Merseyside! Wow, a baby alligator!!!!!!! thats a first for these parts.. lol Sorry the table is a bit small, it tired me out dragging that stump from the woods!!! anyway your delicate dancin' feet can boogie on that, no problem.

Have you opened any parcels yet Blossom?

Hope you all had a nice weekend and Candee has isn't too worn out with the Grandchildren. lol
This computer is old!!!! I can't upload any pictures. Hope to see some arrangements next time I pop in ... LoL!
Don't know when I'm going home!!! Take care and have fun.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi terri, no, we are still unloading the parcels and putting them in the store room. It will be fun to get crafting again. Im tired so it will be a bit before I even get to opening any for me, but they are all labeled to each of us so maybe someone else can grab a box and show and tell us whats in theirs?

I hear someone else hollering "me first me first" anyway.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Dianne that musta been some ferry ride! Whoooooohoo alligator for you!
Back from the hunting weekend, productive, Steve got us meat in the freezer and never had to leave the porch of the cabin.
Guess I better go and see if BB needs any help unloading those parcels.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi haighr, just in time for lunch! Sit down a bit while I grab a bite and then we can go back unloading.

Glad this resort is large enough with each of us having a florists closet to put the boxes in so when we get crafting later, it will be so organized!

I have been workin in the GPS and the office between trips to the loading dock and my paws need a load taken off!

So whats for lunch?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, gang, say fare the well to the magic semi driver...he's headed off to parts unknown and will be back another time when we all need a load of goodies to craft with!

He says that the Eggs Ranchero are great and that made his trip worth coming to the Cafe 25!

Hey, has anyone seen broomhilder? Terri's been missing too....
How about elle, or Geek? Gee, I wonder what could have spooked them off?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Well it is that time of year BB when strange things happen. Broomhilder I think has found a place in the mountains and I think that Fritz has been sneaking up there after work. I only suggest that because I saw Fritz hurrying in the kitchen the other night and he mentioned something about having to start the fires burning and I know he doesn't have a fireplace but I once heard Broomhilder speak of a little woodstove at a remote mountain cottage? Ah, romance!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

HAH! Thaaaat mountain cottage turned out to be the rival....

I saw Broomhilder and Fritz through the window and they were in the greatroom by the fireplace there. All snuggly and warm. Well, thats just sweet.. she is out of here come midnite on Saturday anyway....she best be twitching her nose and get the kitchen cleaned here though!

So, did they set a date yet? I just hope that when they tie the knot she learns how to hydrate him properly. Poor guy, He has issues with his PH and skin yano!

Well, I gotta get back to the office.. mail call. OY!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Oh my I didn't know about the skin thing. I just know that he is like a bear and loves to hibernate over winter so I was hoping that she would be fine with being alone for months on end. I am sure she will tidy up before midnight tomorrow, if not I will look for her at the cabin as I will be up there tomorrow evening as well and think I know where she likes to hang out!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Boy, they get around. Ever since she got that new zoombroom....WHOOSH! LOL!

Well, we got rain agian, but the temps are like in the 60;s....dont know if we will see the sun today

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We haven't seen the sun in several days and it isnt likely to be around for a few more, oh well. Least it isn't freezin cold out yet and the clocks change tomorrow so I will have a few weeks of going to work in daylight instead of in pitch darkness.
We are headed to the cabin after work today, will run the gas outta the mower and start preparing to shut the place down for the winter in a few more weeks. Generally after hunting season for rifle at Thanksgiving is over we shut down till spring.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I still have some fall planting to do. Now the tide is in and I got dayliles and dafs to sink in the ground.

Today its 60 and rain,... beats snowm but that I am sure is coming. Got about 200 plants to bury. Two man job and with Fritz on his te-de-te there... going to be a while before I get that job, then I got mowing to finish.. trees to prune and then brush to haul... and not to mention the other odd jobs.

Farmers around here ae liable to get frozen ground before they can get the crop out with all the rain. Crops went in wet, and will be coming out the same.

Days aint long enough with or without the time change when you farm or ranch full time.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I took this photo out the back window last night, hope you all don't get too spooked!

Thumbnail by haighr
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, what a site. Bet Fritz and Broomhilder enjoyed a nite like that... Oh and BTW, Broomhilder is gone now... so we will have to get a new hire.... I dont know if Fritz is staying on or not but that was the agreement she made.. Midnite 10/31 and she was POOF!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Just dropping in for a minute, still wondering where everyone else has gone BB? Perhaps everyone is hibernating already for the long winter ahead???
Hope to see some old friends drop in the cafe soon as the place has just been too quite, almost spooky.

Why I even heard a pin drop last night and I swear It wasn't me. Maybe we need to get another band in here for the weekend and see if we can draw us up a crowd of folks. Bet we could roust Steven outta bed if we got them loud enough?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I saw SW in the Zinnia patch recently....

Me, I have been busy logging next years garden plans in the GPS6, but have moved works to the office planning the calender as you know. Its a big lineup yano!

Boy, a band, that would be awesome...gonna be hard to hire this time of year with the Holidays. How about a DJ? Gads, Have you seen all the Christmas stuff in the stores lately?

Well, maybe with the holidays upon us, the florists will come in for refreshments.

Here is a little something for the cafe from my annuals that I just cut back.

Maybe we will have to go door to door to hand deliver invitations for everyone to come back.

I know the move across the Mersey was a big one and I am sure everyone is still havign trouble getting settled.

Well, best we get started.. so whats on the Juke for today?

I cant stay too long either, I made a mess in the kitchen and well, being short handed... youno how that goes. But I will be back and forth as time allows!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I try to avoid stores at all costs BB. I abhore shopping. Steve and I always travel at Christmas, no shopping no gifts just a nice relaxing holiday. We go all out at Thanksgiving with the food and hunting. We decided after the kids married and had other family that we would bow out so they wouldn't have to make a choice about where to spend the holiday. Sometimes it is hard not doing the big holiday celebration like we did when they were young but things change and I think when I am sitting in the Bahamas this year sipping a bahama mamma, I will likely be glad we travelled once again.
Sounds like you are really busy this time of year. Only plan I am making for next season is hoping to get some bittersweet and try my hand some more with the wreaths or centerpieces. Was thinking of making one with the honeysuckle in the spring. Remind me if you think of it then LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh that reminds me, I owe one of my traders a honesuckle!

We usually help decorate the church for Christmas. We will probably eat out on Thanksgiving weekend at some point. I That reminds me, hope they get the poinsetta order going! know what you mean with the kids gone and how an empty nest can be! We are both tired of traveling and could just use some nice quality time.

Well, that ham and cheese was delicious. Best wipe the mayo off my chin and get to the next thing on the list. I think the chickens beckon.. hope they have eggs!

Man, that sub sandwhich over there that Fritz is eating looks great! Burp, but no way am I eating another! I hope him and Broom will get together again and decide on their date.

So still no music eh? Someone ought to kick that Juke. Maybe the Fonzerella could whack that thing into submission?

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

LOL, I'd love to see the Fonz come walking through the door!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

C'mon Fonz! SMAAAACK that thang! Its a one, two, three, Three Oclock rock!

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