Meet my soon to be here new baby

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I thought he deserved his own thread rather than such a sad one. He's too little to leave his mama just yet but will be here on Halloween. His name is Henry now but I think we're going to give him a new name.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

With that white ring around his nose like Jello had, I had to pick him.

Thumbnail by hart
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh my what a cutie!!!!!!!!! They are such incredible little/big dogs!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

More pictures

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I love his white socks. You don't see them very well until you look at the full size of the photo above.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

I think we're going to name him Bandit. Marshall always called Jello that, so much that she answered to Bandit as much as her name. He said he wanted to give that name to the new baby in memory of Jello.

After reading about Boston terriers' personalities the past few days, I've decided Jello was not a pit bull, she was the world's first giant Boston terrier. The puppy won't make me miss her any less but maybe he will fill a little piece of the tractor trailer sized hole I have had in my heart for the past week.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

oh hart he is gorgeous. i love bandit already.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Love the name - I have one of my own you know ^_^ He looks like my Bandit, with short fur ^_^

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Diane, I am so happy for you, what a cutie!!!! I left town last weekend with a hole in my heart and leaving this weekend with my heart singing :))) Bandit is adorable and can't wait to see pictures when he finally arrives!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, he is really cute. His expression looks like he's not really sure what this camera stuff is all about. Well, he better get used to it!

I don't know what a full grown Boston Terrier looks like. Will have to go look for a photo. How big will he get? Are they all of similar coloring? Was Bandit from a large litter?

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

So cute! How did you find Bandit?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Happy happy news!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Bec, I remembered your dog is named Bandit and they do have similar coloring, don't they? We'll have to schedule a Banditfest. LOL This video of a grown Boston cracks me up, the smart little booger, and will show you what they look like as adults. Or see a bunch of photos here:

They're pretty small dogs but the range is wide - from 10-35 lbs. About the same size as a pug except not as bulky in the body and longer legs. If you look at the video, you can see he's about the same size as a French bulldog too.

The standard Boston is black and white like Bandit but there are also brown (red) and white ones and brindle and white ones. They don't have real large litters. He was one of six. I liked the breeder a lot. They only breed their females once a year, wait until they're fully mature before breeding them. Breed for personality and health. Raise the puppies with a lot of attention so they're very socialized.

Debbie, the last few days have been awful. Jello was such a joy and it seems like everything I do reminds me of her. I was home most of the day Wednesday because my sister is up and spending a lot of time with Mom. I kept thinking all day, "If I had been home last Wednesday like I am today, maybe I could have saved her." Not a good place to go mentally I know but my brain has a mind of its own. heh My sister was the one who actually encouraged me to go ahead and get a new puppy now.

BTW, this is my sister's miniature dachshund in his Frankenstein costume for Halloween. He weighs about 11-12 pounds.

Thumbnail by hart
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Hart. Loved that video. They have such cute ears. Why do they clip their tails?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

They don't clip their tails. They're just naturally very short. Some have straight ones, some have curled ones. I would NEVER buy a puppy from anyone who docked tails or ears. I'm just a nut on that topic. No offense to those of you who think docking is fine. It gives me the heebie jeebies. I also really believe the AKC is a menace to the health of purebred dogs by making conformance in looks rather than health issues a priority for breeders for so long. So you can see I'm right over there on the eccentric side on dog issues meter. LOL Neep neep neep neep.

I found the breeder by searching online, Happy. Found another one who is actually much closer but her dogs were extremely expensive.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

I agree with you hart. I hate to see animals that have been mutilated.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

from my monahans, texas. my daddy apparently went there to work the oil fields in the late 50's. my sister, brother and i were all very young and we don't have a lot of memories of monahans except the sand mountains and this one story. we lived in some sort of trailer park where oil field workers lived. one day we were walking through and saw a crowd of people. not knowing what was going on we stopped to see. there was a man on his doorstep with a little dog. all of sudden the dog yelped and the man turned him loose. he had cut it's tail off and the little dog ran through the crowd with is tail bleeding. we were shocked as we had never seen such a thing. that night my sister and my brother found that man's car and let the air out of his tires. they still tell that story.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Mama, you Texans are a tough lot!!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

He is precious Diane! Bandit is a perfect name! Though I liked Henry too!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I am SOOOOO excited Diane....happy tears for you!!
BIG hugs!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm so happy for you Diane. You were never one to rest when there was action to be taken! I know that this little guy will thrill you - and keep you very busy too! I loved the Utube video. That owner should be told to get two beds for his dogs though - don't know what he's thinking. It did make me laugh out loud. It was hysterical the way the Boston threw the bone down. IT was a much needed giggle today.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Wasn't that cute? And what a smart dog! Yes, definitely two beds needed. LOL

I really hadn't planned on getting a puppy so soon but I'm so glad I am. I went to Petco today and they had a huge rack of dog sweaters, jackets, etc. regularly $15-$20 on sale for, are you ready for this? 99 cents! I went nuts and bought 10. Bandit is going to be the best dressed puppy in Virginia. LOL I got some for baby Bandit, some for after he grows and some for Gus, who is also quite the clotheshorse. Or clothesdog.

Here's another adorable Boston terrier video for you all.

Oops. Sorry, I wrote this a while ago but I got distracted by the other Boston terrier videos. ADD by Boston.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

did you see dudley hart?

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yeppers - a Banditfest it will be - their coloring is nearly the same, they have that goofy "smile"

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Bandit is very cute. Ready for the snoring?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

It's so funny that you posted that video of Dudley, Mamajack. That's how Jello would talk to me all the time only much more intense and longer conversations and her voice had a deeper pitch. It really was like she was talking to you and she'd go on and on for several minutes. I wish I'd been able to speak Jellese and knew what she was saying. She'd always end her pronouncements with a long yaaaahowwwwwwwwh, said with a yawn. Joyce thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen in her life.

Also, she snored, so no problem getting used to it. I'm telling you, either these dogs are miniature Jellos or Jello was a giant Boston terrier. One of the things I'm really missing is that soft zzzzzz zzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz when I'm watching tv or at night.

Wow, they really are long haired/short haired twins, Bec. I didn't realize your Bandit had the circle around his nose and the stripe up his forehead and the white blaze on his chest. Where's Wrightie? Her dog can be the large economy sized (save 20 cents per pound) Bandit.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Bec, that photo of your Bandit is really cute.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i had to go back and watch the dud again. his expression is so funny. he does not get why they are pointing that camera thing at him. i keep waiting for him to snark out at it. most dogs could care less if you point a thing at them. but the dud takes notice and wants it stopped. all of them are like that. noticing everything around them and interacting with it in a standoffish kind of way. it took butterfly dude forever to even bark at the butterfly. don't they ever just lose it and pounce? or bite a finger? i find myself wanting to tell dudley to go for it. hahaha

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Well Mama, Hart's got her work cut out for her training Bandit to pose. There are always lots of furry friend photos here in the MidAtlantic!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Diane, So glad you found a new baby! Looking forward to more pictures and stories as Bandit grows up.
Mom had a Boston when I was real little, she was Mom's protector and constant companion.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

Diane, Congratulations on your new puppy. He's adorable. Are you sure you don't want to call him Boo! for Halloween? Just kidding, Bandit suits him. pam

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Stormy, I'm sure he'll be so tired of getting his picture taken he'll hide under the sofa when the camera comes out. LOL

Pam, Boo would be an adorable name but Marshall is set on naming him Bandit. I have a good friend who has a white German shephard named Boo.

Got a nice surprise today - some new photos from the breeder. Here he is again. Looks like his eyes are changing from blue to brown.

Thumbnail by hart
Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

why didn't she put a butterfly near him? or one of those mechanical mice? or an ink pen? i wanna see him go snarky. cute as he can be. now hart i want one of these.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

She has a male and a female left, Mamajack. LOL I read about a lot of breeds before deciding I wanted a Boston. They're spunky, lively dogs but also willing to sit and cuddle and very affectionate. Not too big but not too small either, low maintenance, very smart which means they're easy to train and cute as can be. They can be a little bullheaded sometimes but I liked that too. They really have the personality that Jello had, including the bullheadedness.

You know what is going to be sad? I had been actively looking for another dog recently because Jello would have loved to have another dog to play with. She would have been so happy to have Bandit as a little brother.

I finally made myself put away Jello's toys, dishes and other things Sunday. I sobbed the whole time but I got it done. I'm going to give a lot of her big dog things, leftover treats and food to a lady that works for my vet who fosters a lot of rescues.

This is the other male she has with Bandit. Bandit is on the right.

Thumbnail by hart
Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

get 'em both hart. you know they sort of look like baby pigs. now i want a pig.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Can't afford both. I'd love to. We had to really scratch to get the money for Bandit. Actually, I don't know if I'd want two male dogs. I've usually had girl dogs. If I could afford two, I'd probably get the little female she has left.

I would eventually like to get a second one but can't do it now. I understand Boston terriers are like potato chips. LOL

Here you go, Mamajack. I don't know why these people think that Paris Hilton got one is a selling point. :>}

This message was edited Oct 13, 2009 12:50 AM

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

did you see the price? they are adorable.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hart, just read the other thread regarding Jello and am sorry to hear that. This has been a tragic year for pets, it seems. But I am happy that you've found another dog, and Henry/Bandit looks like he will more than fill the gap.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Yeah. Wowsa. That's mighty pricey bacon on the hoof. Have you seen the miniature cows and horses? They're really cute too.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

a guy down the road grows the horses but i haven't seen any cows? really? i love cows.

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