Meet my soon to be here new baby

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I've seen the mini horses too. Fauquier County, two counties over from me, is Virginia horse country - lots of big horse farms, fox hunting, etc. A lady brought some of her mini horses to a political event I was working at over there a few years ago. So cute.

I've only seen photos of the mini cows but my gosh are they ever cute. The miniature bull at the first link is really strange.

Thanks for your kind thoughts, Foxnfirefly. When Java died, at least I had Jello even though they had completely different personalities. Jello sort of got me through that. It's been awful the past couple of weeks without her. Nobody to greet me at the door with a happy dance with her best chewy in her mouth, no head on my feet when I'm here at the computer, nobody cuddling up next to me on the sofa or in the bed with a sigh just to let me know she's there and because she's glad I'm there. She was always such a happy dog.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

in the immortal words of jed clampett "well...doggy." pigs are a whole lot cheaper.

hart my malamute.......timber.......would bite me in the butt when i was bent over in the garden and then when i would come around with my foot he would jump back with his butt up in the air and put his head on his paws and just watch me. i burst out laughing and we were friends forever more.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Adorable photo. That's going to be one really cute - and spoiled - Bandit. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

LOLOL, Mamajack. He was doing a play stance for you.

Doss, Marshall accused me of the same thing, spoiling Bandit, just because I bought him some snow boots when I was at Ross the other day. They were only $3 and something, which is a great bargain, and he'll just be a baby still when we have snow. That's not spoiling. ;>)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

No that's just fun. ANd what fun is a puppy if you can't spoil them. I have several coats for my dogs and while DH makes fun of them they do work. I use them after baths and when it's raining outside. Your little Boston is going to need something to keep him warm when it's cold outside.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I've been out of town (got home last night), but Hart you've been in my prayers... I heard about Jello. *HUGS*

I'm delighted you're getting this little pup! I know he won't replace Jello (or Java) in your heart, but he'll help heal the sadness and give you lots to laugh about!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I too, had been gone Diane...just lovin' these pics though...very sweet!!! I'm so happy for you!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Thanks, Critter. How is your not so furry baby? I'm so happy for you.

I still find myself looking for Jello around the house, I'm so used to her being right there all the time. It's so unfair that she had such a short time. She was always a happy dog and enjoyed what time she did have.

Here's yet more new Bandit photos the breeder sent yesterday.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

And another.

Thumbnail by hart
Shenandoah Valley, VA

Last one. Looks like the ears are starting to perk up. I'm not sure when their ears switch from droopy to straight up.

Thumbnail by hart
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

That sure is one cute puppy. How great that the breeder is keeping you updated with photos. She must care a lot. How much time til you bring him home?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Isn't that thoughtful? She and her husband both seem very nice. He should be here on Halloween.

I bought him a nice, soft and fluffy little frog toy today so he'll have something to cuddle with and maybe not miss his littermates so much. Like I don't have enough dog toys around here. LOL But he should have his own security toy like Java had her Ducky and Jello had her little giraffe.

Chantell, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you but I think I have the attention span of a flea nowadays. It's good to hear from you. I hope you'll get a chance to meet Bandit in the flesh.

BTW, on a completely different topic for those who are interested, my brother had his first of two surgeries today to solve the mini strokes problem and is doing very well. The second will be in a couple of days. Today was the vein roto rooter, the next one will be a stint in another vein.

Okay, here's your Boston terrier video du jour. Now I guess we need to get a trampoline. LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, That is hilarious!! I wonder if it was children or adults that taught him to do that. Your Bandit is really cute!

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

hart, that video is a riot! Not sure what Marshall would think though if you lugged home a trampoline! LOL I was just thinking last weekend, how many more weeks before Bandit arrives? Only 10 more days! Will look forward to seeing pictures of him in his new home :)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I don't he has to worry too much about me lugging home a trampoline but isn't that something?

Okay, I have to post these two. It's a French bulldog and both videos had me rolling on the floor.

First, he's not happy about being shut in the shower stall while the other dog gets bathed and dried first. This is the same dog from the video where the Boston is trying to lure the F. bulldog from the new bed. It's so cute and hilarious.

This one really cracked me up. He's trying to learn to roll over. Doing his best but I guess being built like a tiny tank doesn't help.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

thanks for the video links. Those French Bulls can be pretty chatty. I have a friend with one and I hear the Bull chat at my friend when we are on the phone.

Those Boston Bulls are real clowns, aren't they? You are in for a very good time!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i am just now getting that these dogs ALL make those noises? really? does any other breed do that? where do these dogs come from and what did they do there? what is their personality?

i like malamutes. my brother said it best a malamute wants to have fun at all costs. and ol timber bit me in the butt for fun. he also would greet some of my nephews teenaged friends with a bite to the scrotum and jump back in a crouch. i'm 5'8" and he was taller than me when he stood. he was a wolf mix we were told. the most beautiful animal i have ever seen. the most free spirited being i have ever known. and he liked me. he was not my dog. he left his home a few houses over to come and be with me. then he died. fate was growing. people were moving in who were not tolerant. he was poisoned. i miss him. sitting here crying now.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Now Mama, that is just downright viscious. It seems that we now have to become a world of fences. But even that doesn't keep some folks from nasty deeds. I remember when Hart was so upset because stray dogs were killing her chickens. She didn't go killing those dogs.

Hart, those videos are great. I'll bet you are going to have more fun with Bandit. I'm anticipating lots of amusing photos.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Jello talked to me all the time. I mean talked to me. She mumbled and yowled and made that silly moaning like the puppy does in the video. She wasn't barking and she wasn't whining - she was talking.

Maybe it's a bulldog trait or a terrier trait, since pit bulls, Bostons and French bulldogs all have both bulldogs and terriers in their ancestry, or at least I know pitties and Bostons do. French bulldogs were bred down to be small for laceworkers who could take them into factories to keep them company, or something like that. They were just bred to be small pets, they weren't hunting, fighting or vermin hunting dogs.

You have to listen to this one all the way through, but he sure sounds like he's saying "I love you."

Used to be a guy in Front Royal who had a wolfdog. That dog was humongous - way bigger than any Great Dane I've ever seen and with a huge head. It rode around in the back of his pickup truck so I used to see it around town fairly often. I'm so sorry about Timber.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Hart, That video was really Hilarious. I think it's going to be quite noisy at your house while you're teaching Bandit to speak English! People who call you on the phone are going to hear some interesting background noise. LOL

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I could never get on the phone that Jello wasn't there "talking" so I guess that won't be anything new. LOL

I didn't kill the neighborhood dogs. I put up a little electric garden fence so they would get their noses zapped. That pretty much took care of the neighborhood dogs. LOL

Okay, Bandit will be arriving Friday sometime between noon and 1 pm. I'm getting really excited about him finally being here. :>)

Oh Dear God he's cute!!!! How adorable! I have a miniature daschund, so I'm partial to the little guys. They're your little lump of gold!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

OK Hart, does that mean we'll be seeing photos of Bandit at his new home on Fri or Sat?? Do you have his Halloween costume ready??

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I took Penny to have her teeth cleaned Saturday and the tech said that she talked to them the whole time they were doing it. When I try and brush her teeth she's too busy sucking in her cheeks to talk much. LOL

It's the countdown to Saturday Diane. You are getting close to getting that puppy home!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Apinch, did you see the photo of my sister's miniature dachshund above? He's such a handsome devil. Or rather Frankenstein. LOL

LOLOL on Penny sucking her cheeks in, Dorothie. You should post a photo of the rascal here for everyone to see.

No Halloween costume, Stormy. I didn't know what size to get until I see him but I was really considering a couple on half price sale at Petsmart the other day. The smallest ones all looked like they might be too big.

I imagine I'll be taking a photo or two. grin

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's my pretty Penny. Can't wait to see your own puppy photos Diane. I'm sure that what you'll be shooting is a moving target. When Zora was little the only way I could get a photo of her was to put her in a basket!

Thumbnail by doss
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Doss, she's a cutie. What is her breed?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's Zora in a basket. :-)

Thumbnail by doss
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

What a sweet face on Zora!

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

what in the world is zora? how cute.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Penny has the most soulful eyes. And I love Zora's eyebrows.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Doss, those are 2 photos to enter in the DG contest, for sure! Oh no, I think there's a 1 photo per category limit... how will you choose which pet to enter? LOL Both dogs are stunning, but I do love the ferns with Penny. :-)

Hart, I'm counting down the days with you!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Penny and Zora are Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. And Zora's eyebrows never stop moving except when she's asleep. They make us laugh all of the time. Penny is the soulful one and Zora is the goofball so you got those photos right. The ferns are my favorite. Mother Fern. They are hardy here and evergreen.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

to me.........they don't even look like the same breed. is zora a baby?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

You are right. Zora was a puppy in that photo. Cavaliers come in red, black and tan, brown and white and tri color.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

We considered a CKCS when we were looking for a new pup several years ago, they're sweet dogs :) Phoebe's got those same "eyebrows" - I love 'em!

Hart, can't wait - no more days, only hours now :)

Thumbnail by rcn48
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Phoebe is adorable.

Wall-e has the same eyebrows too...

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Look at all of these lovely doggies showing up to greet Bandit!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

It's the eyebrow gang! I can't wait for that puppy to get home. Come on Bandit!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I just love all those pretty eyebrows. It's so good to see Phoebe and Wall-e, y'all. It's especially good to see Phoebe doing so well, Deb.

I can't wait, either, Dorothie. I think I have all my baby supplies and of course I had to get him some toys too. He also has a fancy pink carrier that my cousin Pat gave me from when her dog was a puppy. I'm sure he won't think it's a reflection on his masculine image. LOL

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