preparing plants to come inside

Saint Louis, MO

I am 100% organic but after being infested last year with white fly I am prepared to do anything not to go through that again. Can anyone give step by step instructions on preparing tropicals to come inside? I have bouganvilla, oleander, brown turkey figs ?
Would some of these guys be better off being allowed to have a dormancy, in an unheated basement or barn?
Can I use a systemic insecticide once i bring them in. Thank you for any and all suggestions.

Danville, IN

Although I strive to be as organic as possible, I have trouble keeping up with mealy bugs during the winter. On the advice of some fellow DGs (on another thread) I put apply a Bayer systemic now on my potted tropicals that have summered outside. The ingredient imidacloprid controls mealy bugs and others, but some DGs still have trouble with whiteflies and thrips. I think the ingredient tebuconazole takes care of whiteflies. Both ingredients are found in Bayer All-in-One Rose and Flower Care. You mix it with water and pour at the base of the plant, no spraying. Look for the informative discussion we had recently in the GREENHOUSE FORUM under the thread "Systemics for potted greenhouse plants".

This message was edited Oct 4, 2009 8:55 AM

This message was edited Oct 4, 2009 8:56 AM

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Tebuconazole is a systemic fungicide.

If you want to stay away from the harsh chemicals, you can treat prophylactically with (pure, cold-pressed) neem oil, such as the product packaged by Dyna-Gro, 2 weeks before I bring them in, then again immediately before I bring them in. It's safe for mammals, birds, reptiles ......

Mixing the neem oil with 1 tsp in a quart of 50/50 rubbing alcohol/hot water, plus a few drops of dish or Murphy's oil soap works well. The alcohol provides the immediate knockdown the neem oil lacks and the soap/detergent helps emulsify the mix. You'll need to shake the spritzer frequently as you apply.


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