vine question

Bolingbrook, IL(Zone 5a)

I see on this site a Vigna Caracalla and would like to know if it can be grown inside?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It would probably be happier if you kept it outdoors during the warmer months, but you could bring it in for the winter. If you keep it indoors year round I'm not sure if it would get enough light to bloom well.

Worcester, MA

My understanding is that it's a tropical so as ecrane said it's much happier outside in summer. It goes through a dormancy period so you can put it somewhere cool inside, keep it mostly dry. The leaves will fall off and it will look dead but if you are undaunted, you can put it outside after last frost, give it water and sun and the leaves will come back. I've done this for a couple of years and each summer it comes back better. This year it was a monster.

Thumbnail by maureen1952

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