New Pic's of my Brugs

Hamilton, OH

I am soo glad, that you went back & got some plants, they all sound Beautiful, I can't wait to see your garden next spring/Summer, now if Dee & I can figure a way to move down there & build a Huge Greenhouse we'll be all set, that is a very pretty Brug


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, would you call that Pumpkin?? I got a small plant and it was $5.00. I still can't believe it.
i wish she could remember their names better. She has a beautiful Cactus garden too. Got a pic.
Now, isn't that gorgeous??

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is one of rhe greenhouses,
outside entrance. That plant in that pot is
a Gout plant with bloom. I got a small one.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

that first Pic, has a blue Agave, I can send you one of those, you would have to keep it in the house till Spring, then put it in a great big pot, & see how fast it grows, oh BTW I love those Pic's

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen , wow! that is one healthy, beautiful brug! Can the plants in the cactus bed stay out all winter down there?Now your talking gordon.. a swimming pool!! Altho, I would be happy with a stream running thru from the front door to the back door, so I could stand bare foot in it and work on the brugs. lol Your plan really sounds great, gordon!
Now what else do we need in our live in green house, besides Miss September, to keep the mice's she doin', Elizabeth? Three bunks so we can have a slumber party everynight, and talk about our favorite subject. Wonder what that would have a good stereo, so we can listen to old rock and roll, and sing along to our plants... well, maybe I better not...they may curl up and die on You girls can sing to the

Hamilton, OH

I promised you a good Pic of the night Blooming Cerus, here is what yours will look like when it Blooms

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

OOps, Elizabeth answered my question, guess thay can't all stay out.

Hamilton, OH

Here is New Orleans Lady before it colors up, you guessed it white, then it turns a pretty peach double

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, that's beautiful! Is that the same one that you sent to me?
I was talking about the cerus, we posted at the same

This message was edited Oct 4, 2009 9:08 PM

Hamilton, OH

you're too too funny, you forgot about the hot tub, big screen TV & of course, Blue Ray dvd player, & a nice tan pool boy
too take care of the plants, while we have our pajama party, oh back on topic, Dee I can send you some Blue Agave
also, but for some reason people seem to think they are slow growers, but I have one that is huge, just in the last couple years, I also have lots,of pups, oh miss september is doing great, she tries to trip me every once in awhile

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That brug is Beautiful, Love the tendrils curling up.
The night blooming Cereus is fantastic. oh, my,
yes, we need a good mouser in our Greenhouse.
We could really have a jungle. Heavenly. Am I going
to get some of that one?? I feel so greedy. I am terrible.
I just love them all.
Elizabeth, your corkscrew willows have roots. I bet you can leave them in
your basment til time to plant. I read somewhere willows have something
in them that encourages other plants to root. So I have some of the
Butterfly shrubs in there, if that doesn't do it; I'm starting them in soil.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, your NOL is beautiful. I feel in love with it, the first time you posted a picture.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey, girls what are we going to do when winter gets here?
I will have to come up with something to take pic of. You too.
I love the warm weather and now I will have lots of plants for the bathtub
won't I? Cats are like that, my puppy does the same thing. wonder why?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, I am not great with house plants. Could it go under the lights with the brugs? I don't have a lot of windows with good sunlight coming in.
My daughter's cat tries to trip me about once a day.He is just so loving, and wants to rub, rub, rub against your legs.
You girls know that we are gonna have to keep up this gabbin' thru the winter.We can post pics of our babies, under the lights, and in the tub, and I'm sure we will have lots of questions for Elizabeth. I am just dreading the spider mites. I fought them all last winter.Wonder if it would help to run a humidafier (misp. I'm sure). Or would the brugs hate that?
Oh yes, a hot tub, and a pool boy, for sure!

Hamilton, OH

Charlene & Dee
we will have plenty to talk about this winter, Dee you can just sit those Blue agave anywhere, I have a 6ft catcus, I just sit in a dark corner all winter, I give it a cup of water a month, it does just fine
my best friend has a hoop house that she made out of 2x6's & pvc tubing & 6ml plastic, it works great, she only uses it
in March, it would cost too much to heat it in the winter, I have the small 6x8 Greenhouse, I won't be heating it this winter
but if we get an early frost I can put my Brugs in there for a couple weeks, have we have the coming holidays to talk about, I will be glad to get them over with, I love February, it's the shortest month, also there is winter sowing, save those gal jugs

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I did lots of winter sewing last year. It was my first tome, and I loved it.Pretty much gre enough to fill in the new garden bed in the back yard,Oh, if either you girls want some seeds of rudbeckia Cherry Brandy,,,,just let me before the birds get them all.I am in the process of dumping al the grass clippingand the muched up leaves all arounf the outsside of the chainlink fenc Then I'top thst with manure, and til it all in come spring, and have
lots of room for brugs

Hamilton, OH

I have lots of white Datura seeds, Cleome Pink & white & lots of red four o'clocks, I tried to get Brugs seeds, but it didn't happen, I will take some of your seeds if you have extra, oh you need to contact cindy at BGI get on the list for the traveling seed box, it's neat plus they have Brug seeds in there

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

The cherry brandy, is supposed to be the first red black eyed susan I probably have 10 extra seeds of jacayna x daydreams, if you would like to try your hand at them.Traveling seed box....sounds like fun

Copperas Cove, TX(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth your plants are looking great. You get nice color on your frosty pink. Some I have seen are a much paler pink.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, Dee send me about a dozen of those cherry brandy, if you don't mine. I am rather new at sowing seed, don't do it I have dampoff, maybe this year will be bettersince I learned about the cinnamon.
What do they do with a traveling seedbox? Brug Seed, oh my goodness.
I have my new varigated in a pot but the leaves have writhered to practiclly nothing, I hope it makes it. My computor room is looking lik a jungle. I am surrounded by green plants.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I'll send ya some of the cherry brandy rudbeckia seeds when I send your box of tropicals, Charleen.

Hamilton, OH

Hi Kristy
I am glad you got to see my Brugs, I have 5 less to deal with this winter, they went to the collage conservatory, Richard
the guy that runs it gave my friend & I a tour, I couldn't believe how big their voodoo lily was & it hasn't Bloomed yet,
it was at least 6 inches in diameter & close to 10 ft tall, I got such a kick out of him when I started naming the plants he had, anyway we had to stay & help him pot up the Brugs, 1 was over 7ft tall so he put that one in a 35gal pot, I have to download my Pic's of the ones I donated to him, they are laying on the ground, you can see how big they are

Hamilton, OH

me too me too, yes I would like some seeds

the traveling seedbox, is over at BGI, you just contact Cindy over there & let her know to put you on the list, when it makes it's rounds to everyone on the list, it starts all over again, thus the name traveling seedbox, oh you also have to add seeds, you can take as many as you want, but you have to add to it for the next person

Hamilton, OH

I hope I have the right Pic, if so you can see how big the plant is that I donated

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Man, I sure screwed up that post last night at 10:52. I was so tired that I was noddin' off in the puter
I'll send ya both the cherry brandy seeds.I don't have any plans of starting any seeds, except for a few brug seeds, this winter. I am probably gonna have to move out some plants, to have more room for brugs(in the yard, I mean) I just want them all!'re not the only greedy brug newbie, Charleen!

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, that is one happy plant! Beautiful!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That sounds resonable. I have seeds coming out my ears. I've never had so many seed. Poor DH is going to be shocked. He was this afternoon when he went to his truck, there was four pkg. in there, one had seed. I am so blessed. We have been getting rained since Sunday night and most of today. My plants I put out look great. Now I have to Mulch them. Probably tomarrow.
Elizabeth, you think I should bring in all my Brugs? That I just started. I'm going to be in a jungle. (Tarzan yell!!!!)
Dee, we should have been there with Elizabeth to go to the conservatory. It would have been so interesting.
Hey! I learned something new today on Daves ^_^

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Got any new ones blooming today, Elizabeth?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Isn't that Beautiful and large. I bet
they did have fun repotting it.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

awwwww...cute little smiley.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

that's what I learned how to make Smiley's,
you all know how? i teach you.

Hamilton, OH

I have fallen asleep at my desk also, but it has been awhile, thank you for the seeds, that Brug went from here to the conservatory, that Brug was sooo huge, it was hanging over the tailgate of my friends truck, it went into a 35 gal pot
it took 3 of us to tamp down the soil & keep it upright, but now it will be a happy Brug

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I bet that was some rough digging to get that monster out. Wouldn't you love to have a huge sun room? I know I would.
Charleen, I have seen instructions for that smiley some where, but I keep forgetting how, when I think about using, ya know...

This message was edited Oct 5, 2009 7:20 PM

Hamilton, OH

it took 3 of us too pot it up, here I was dragging in 5 huge Brugs, I didn't have the heart, to leave the poor guyalone doing it by himself, you can imagine the fun I had digging that big boy out of the ground, they have a misting system, a really good one so in a couple of days, it will be out of it's shock of being dug up, & be blooming for them, he always sends me nice Pic's of how they are doing, the ones I gave them before were Georgeous, anyway they have found a good home

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth what do you use for spider mites? I am getting ready to stock up on winter supplies, before they clear the shelves of all the gardening stuff.I remember that you said you strip all the leaves off, but do you do anything else?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, I bet he was glad to have your help. i know it was a job. when you have the right Equipments like these Greenhouses and Conservatories, it won't take them long
before they perk back up. They got a good home and You won't have to worry about them now. You can replace them with new ones. When Sun comes out I am going to take a picture of my new Flower bed for you all. I am going to put a brug in it next year. So I have to leave a spot open for it.

Hamilton, OH

I use Superfine, year around pesticidal oil, it's for growing & dormant plants, they sell it at Lowes, it also controls whiteflies, it's made by Sunspray, also Lowes sells neem oil, so you should be able to find one of these, in the winter the problem I have is aphids, they look like sawdust on the leaves, but when you take a aluminum pie plate & a paintbrush, brush them off the leaves, you can see those suckers moving, then it's time to spray, the only time I have had spidermites, is when I tried to keep a couple Brugs growing over the winter, in front of window, then I took dishwashing liquid & a wash cloth, washed the whole stem, then srayed them down with the Superfine, no more Spidermites

Hamilton, OH

we were posting at the same time, you could tell he was glad we stayed & helped him, I gave him Herringhauser Garten, it's a double Orange, I grew it for 2 years, it would set bud then they would fall off, but with the conditions of the GH, it should Bloom for him

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

When he sends the pic, you can show us.

Hamilton, OH

how's this, this one is Miss Emily Mckenzie, earlier it was a lot darker, I just love the size of the Bloom

Thumbnail by plantlover49

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