New Pic's of my Brugs

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, that Painted Lady is awsome! Elizabeth, that must make you so proud to know that the university is growing and loving your brugs.I have a big jade that I love, but like yours, it is top heavy. It's touchy moving that bugger in and out...they are soo delicate...easily snapped. Do you have a variegated peperomia(misp?). It is a beautiful plant. I have a large one that was given to me a couple years ago.
Charleen,mine looked just like yours, with the yellow cast, when it first started dropping, then it was pure white, when it first opened, but quickly changed to pink. I can hardly wait til the ones on the outer branches bloom, so I can get a pic.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Exciting to see what kind of surprise is going to burst out at us. Each bloom is unique. My NOID pink is getting ready to bloom. I hope she will be different than the one I got.
Yellow one still just sitting. White one, maybe tonight. Can't hardly wait.
That is a fantstic color on Elizabeth's Painted Lady, isn't it?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

DeeS, i want you to see the boom on my pink Brug before it blooms.
Now, doesn't this look like it is going to be yellow?? I have three skirts that look like ths.
This is the First Brug I had bloom. So you know it is not going to be yellow.
Do you see pink?

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

that is one heathly Brug, looking good, a lot of my Blooms look yellow, before they open, even Painted Lady, oh I now have a garden helper, it's a cat I think someone just dropped her off here, she's really pretty if I can get her to hold still a minute I will get a Pic of her


Hamilton, OH

This cat, decided I was her person, but she's not my cat, isn't she a cutie


Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

What a cutie!

Hamilton, OH

Thank you Kim

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, you didn't have to find a pet, it found you. Cats are special creatures they don't just pick anyone for their owner. Cat are independent creatures of habit. The only reason I don't have one is mu DH doesn't care too much for cats and we have these KOI. That would be it! Have to keep pools covered to keep my dog out. That is bad enough.
You will enjoy her. Charleen

Hamilton, OH

dogs have a master, cats have a staff

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Tis true! : )

Hamilton, OH

let me guess, you have cats?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, if my memory serves me correctly(but I can't always depend on my,the blooms on my brug have already changed to white at that stage. I have a couple blooms(still on the inside of the bed) that are getting ready to pop, and I will watch them carefully, and report in.

Elizabeth, that is one cute kitty. Will it be staying? We don't have any cats, because we have 3 dogs, but I do like the independent little buggers.

The girls want to know if she can come out to play.


Thumbnail by DeeS
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

But, the bad boy says"Can I have just one little lick?"

Thumbnail by DeeS
Hamilton, OH

how cute those puppies are, yes she can come out to play, & she does a lot of that, she follows me everywhere, I go in the Greenhouse to do some clean up, there she is under my feet it's like she's been here forever, yes if she wants to stay she can, I have to get her some dry cat food tommorrow


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Does she have a name yet, Elizabeth?

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Yup got 2 : )
Nice poochees!.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dee, I took pic of my brug this evening. Wait til you see this have
three looks pale yellow and one with the pink. Very strange. Tell me what you think of this??
Elizabeth, don't you love Dee's pups, aren't they adorable? I love the poodle looking one,
so sophisticated.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

here name is September, but she comes to you when you call her kitty, we'll see if she like her new name, in a couple days, I can't imagine why people just drop animals off just anywhere, but lucky for the little girl, we all like her, my GD's
have already taken up with her, your babies are sooo cute

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

September is a beautiful name. she is so cute. Elizabeth, did you see my Brug, how strange se is blooming?

Hamilton, OH

That Brug is sooo pretty, I am soo glad you have Blooms, that's the way Frosty pink will bloom for you, the bloom looks
yellow, just before it opens up to white, then it turns a pretty pink, Girl you are sooo going to get hooked on Brugs, I counted mine in between the rain the other day, after digging 3 now I only have 31 to dig up, it's amazing how easy they are to dig up, unlike a big tree they don't have a tap root, last year my DD was on one side I was on the other, pushing & pulling to get it out of the ground, she said she will help me out this, also my best friend is coming over to help

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm glad that you are going to have help to finish up digging your brugs, Elizabeth. It's so nice of them to help you out.September is a pretty name for your kitty. I know you will enjoy her
Charleen, the white one is a Bichon Frise,who was headed to the pound, if the lady didn't find someone to take him, so we took him, to try to find him a good home. Well, we fell in love(my husband even more so than me) and couldn't give him up.He will go out side and romp with the other two and try to dig under to shed after the rabbit that lives under there, and then go roll in the dirt...Comes in looking gray and scroungy.We say it's not his fault that he was born solid white, and that he's just a fancy dog living on the wrong side of the really is just a very happy playful dog, doing what dogs do...enjoying life, ya know? He's a mess but we love him dearly.

Brownstown, IN

Elizabeth, Im so glad to see you have a little furry friend to help
you out in the garden!
She is so cute! I bet she is alot of company for you!


Hamilton, OH

I am soo glad to got to see her, that nut, she thinks I am suppose to sit down so she can jump on my lap roll up in a ball & sleep, her favorite game is the string that I have about 2000 foot of, I cut a piece & drag it around, she's quick but I am quicker, hey how many brugs have you dug up today, it's suppose to be 36 degrees wednesday night, I sure hope they have it wrong, I got 4 more dug up, that leaves me 27

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Are you going to get them all dug up?
You poor thing. I know you get enough exercise.
I know you and September are just loving each other.

Hamilton, OH

yes, I will have them all dug up & ready to go the basement, I have a best friend, that helps me take them in & out of the house, plus, I have a DD that lives with me, poor thing I don't take no for an answer, as well as she don't either when it comes to something special she wants me to cook, oh my GD loves the cat, DH is fighting me but bottom line if she wants to stay, she will, I didn't find a cat she found a person, oh I can't wait till you see New Orleans Lady in bloom
she should bloom tonight, also the night blooming Cerus, I have to go out & take Pics in a few minutes, Summer Kisses
should also be open, I will talk to you in about 30 minutes

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I will probably be in and out for a while yet. Yes, I want to see them. I know the will be beautiful. All my blooms are pink now and the new pink one bloomed, the white one is nearly there. The babies in the pot are getting new leaves. I in a world of brugs. Isn't it grand?? I love it. You too, and thanks for the help. Charleen

Hamilton, OH

this one is the night Blooming Cerus

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

this is New orleans Lady, before it color's up, tommorrow it will be almost an apricot peach, hopefully the second skirt will drop

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, does it smell heavenly?? Will you give it a sniff for me?? It is beautiful.
I'll have to go tell the one I got to hurry up so I can enjoy it too. Oh, thank you, it is

Hamilton, OH

one more, check out the long tendrils

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Look at how large it i. And the tendril hanging there,
so pretty. Does it smell good too? Is it freezing there yet?
They have already had a freeze in Wyoming. I hope you have
time. It is beautiful, like all the others. You have some wonderful
plants. Be careful out there in the dark. Don't let that cat trip you.
I know she is with you. love it....

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Is that one a single? How pretty. Each plant is so unique.
That is what makes them so dog-gone interesting.

Hamilton, OH

that last one is dorthea, it's a single, I couldn't make out any scent yet, but tommorrow it should be all the way open, it's not freezing yet, Wednesday night it's suppose to be 36 degrees, then Thursday & Friday night it will back up to 47 & 49 degrees, so I hope I have 2 weeks left, I want to see some more Blooms

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Maybe you will get them moved so you can see them bloom.
I just don't like thinking of winter. Went out and worked in flower bed, got into fireants, Honey, I hope you don't get those bad boys up there. I never ran into them til I came down here. They earn their name rightly. I have bites all over my feet and ankles from the little varmits. Now I'll have bites on my fingers.
That is a pretty brug too. Are there any ugly ones? I think not.

Hamilton, OH

I feel for you, we don't have them here, but in Florida, my GD got into them, she had bites all over her, lucky they had afterbite, do you have ammonia, that's the ingriedents in it for all kinds of insect bites, is there anyway to get rid of them
you're right about no bad looking Brugs

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We have gradular insecticides but it doesn't completely get rid of them. they just move to another spot. The rain is making them come out now. But it is o.k. I love to garden and just work around the ants. The gardens of flowers are well worth it. My Chihuahua got into them when I first got him He looked like a Sharpei!!! Rushed him to Vet and they had to treat him with Benadyrl. He got better. He still gets a bite now and then.

Hamilton, OH

that would drive me nuts, I love to be outside all the time when it's nice out, it's funny too, we have a small yard, & my family can't find me sometimes, because when they go out the front door to look for me I have came in the back door & then I go out the front door, so sometimes they don't see me all day, & they swear I have left town, What did you think of the night Blooming Cerus in the Pic, it must have opened early

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The night blooming cereus was asolutely gorgeous. Will be glad when mine does that.
Right now she is sitting in her pot, hopefully putting roots on that one part. I'm think I am
going to move her over here by my computer, It has morning light. The living room has afternoon light.
But I did love that bloom. Was very pretty.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, check this out.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

and this. This is new girl.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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