Ctenanthe Brazilian Snow lost its white

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi folks- I bought a Brazilian Snow Ctenanthe in February, managedto keep it alive and its been outside and happy in the shade all summer. But it has lost the great white markings that I loved! All the new growth is all green. What gives? Plant Files people say no direct sun, but otherwise I would think it needs more sun to show variegation. The shade is not all that dark, its high maple branches.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 7a)

Either it's not getting enough light or the new growth is a reversion and should be cut out to maintain overall variegation.

Is the original growth still variegated?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hm, either the old leaves have died or they have lost their variegation. I'll check but it seems like I don't see the original variegation anymore. So the variegation can go away on the older leaves, in too much shade? I have an Aglaeonema in similar shade and it looks fine.

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