Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

pretty amazing

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Some people will do anything for fun!


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Here we have canine pumpkin carving!



This dog training is amazing. I witnessed a trainer train both adults and a wild crazy dog to behave beyond belief in thirty minutes. A brief follow up a few days later and that family was very well trained. Guess which two of the three were the more difficult to train.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc--isn't it funny--when the people just have to be trained and the dog turns into a good dog!
that video was fun- I am surprised he did it inside the house.
Gary Paulsen wrote some interesting things about dogs aftr working with a dog sled team for years. His book Dogsong is interesting. This pumpkin thing reminds me of his story about watching a mature dog teach some pups the proper technique for consuming a beaver skull.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

And now for tonight's pumpkin. Kind of matches the kid's night, at least in our area.


Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

and Now, our last pumkin video for the year.....


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Wonder if my two will do that?????

I bought 2 lg. ones--but never carved them. What can I do with them??? If I cut them open--will some critters eat the 'flesh"? I know the seeds will probably get eaten by squirrels and Chipmunks.

Don't really want to attract any other vermin.....like rats, maybe.
I have a County storm drain right behind my shed. Easy access for these things....
I believe some of them visited my patio last Winter, as I sprinkle bird seed on the patio floor for the ground-feeders like Doves. Found thee outsides of a couple cardboard boxes shredded....also my roll of paper towels I keep on the table against the house.

Any suggestions re the Pumpkins?

Thumbnail by Gitagal

Gita................Those are field pumpkins. Did you ever think of making up the meat for some non- commercially processed canned filler for pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cake, pumpkin custard or some pumpkin ice cream? I have heard of pumpkin juice in a mixed drink but that never seemed appealing to me.

The seeds are great roasted. How to do it is in many cook books.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

This looked good!


Google "roasted pumpkin" maybe you will find more.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Thanks--but I am not into baking or anything like that. Only me here--and then i would eat it all!
Living alone and having never "let go" of the need to "provide" my freezer is constantly full of food that I had a "need" to cook, buy on an amazing sale, etc.

When I asked what to do with it--I as thinking more as an alternative to just throwing it in the trash--NOT how many ways I can cook it. Like--what critters in my garden would benefit from it?

I know Pumpkin seeds can be roasted--but-- if I remember correctly--it takes a bit of "doing" to rid them of all the pulp before you can roast them.
Basically--I am too LAZY to put out any extra effort for any of this kind of stuff. THERE! I confessed!

I know I asked--and I thank you all for your suggestions......but deep down--I know I will never do it.....

Thanks, Gita


I seem to remember a jar of cranberry sauce which you made. It was really a nice way to put them up. We worked them into muffuns, pancakes, and oatmeal cookies. Not sure but I think we had a fruit bread with a touch of cranberrys too. Oance opened we went nuts figuring ways to use it all. You were not to lazy to make up that delightful gift for which we thank you again.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks doc,

Just made a large batch of my Cranberry sauce again lat week and a week before that--I put up 12 pints of something called "Indian Pickle". Got the recipe from a woman at work. Good way to use up green tomatoes and all kinds of other stuff. It is almost like a relish--very vigegary but sweet at he same time. Has a little 'kick" to it as well--from the dried mustard and a few green jalapeno peppers I diced and added to it. Just seemed like they belonged in it. They were not in the recipe. I tend to "mess" with recipes.....
What kills me is that i have to go to a grocery store and buy the jars. The dozen jars run between $7-$8.

Next week, we are having our big Thanksgiving dinner at work. They provide the turkeys (4) and a couple of hams--we all pot-luck the rest. My contribution will be a large pan of my Sausage Stuffing and a bowl-full of my Cranberry sauce.

I DO like to cook--but can get a bit compulsive about it--have to watch it--as I am out of space where to put it or freeze it. It satisfies some kind of need in me---I guess--a need to feed and provide..except all the people I used to feed and provide are long gone.....it's just lil' ole ME!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That last pumpkin video was really a fitting way
to end the 'series' !

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thought you saw the last of this thread for the year? HA HA Theres some kind of Punkin Chunkin show being shown during next week, maybe TG night.


Pumpkin Chunkin is a hoot. I have not been in contact with this activity for years. As you may know by now I can seldom just look at anything and remain passive long. I messed with the boys so to speak. At that time the first air gun had just been introduced. After a few years of that nonsense my interest faded. I think the general goal was to see who could shoot or throw a twelve pound pumpkin a mile. I believe that the goal has not been reached but may soon be past history.

Around the edges there are all the activities that you could ever dream into a gathering of red necked fun loving Pumpkin Chunkers. At one point someone introduced down hill pumpkin ten pins. It died quickly and I don't know why. What with shooting, throwing and blowing pumkins to smitherines anything less active may not get to much play.

The game is Pumpkin Chunken. The rest looks and plays out like a huge university tail gate party with all kinds of mostly good fellowship.

If you have never seen Pumpkin Chunken locate the upcoming program and enjoy the TV brodcast. If you enjoy the wild crazy thought of being there by all means go. Google can get you there. I could waste a weekend there anytime just to be around something different.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

STOP, the Pumpkin Chunkin.!!!!!
I just read in the paper yesterday there is a shortage of canned pumpkins this year due to crop failure. I went to the store to do my weekly shopping and no canned pumpkin in sight! And I just stocked up my freezer with 4 bags of fresh cranberries to make my Pumpkin-Cranberry Bread.


There are lots of pumpkins at our on the farm markets in this area. The one I purchased is cooking down today. Only ever bought a can of canned pumpkin one time when fresh pumpkins were out of season.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Doc, I knew your replay before you posted it. LOL. I guess I am spoiled with using the can, but it is so fast and easy just to reach for the can whenever the baking bug bites me.
As for pies, yam/sweet potatoe works well for me.


Since I have almost nothing to do and all day to do it I choose to stay away from processed food as much as possible. I agree doing pumpkin is a pain in the a double scribble. The texture and flavor however are worth the tinker time.

The pumpkin I am cooking down today will make enough cooked down pumpkin to make at least three huge pies. We will bake one and freeze two batches for the holidays.

We are also cooking up the pudding for a couple Meyer organic lemon pies. Our tree died. These lemons are the first we have purchased for five or six years. Geese are they ever costing a pretty penny!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Doc, I know where you are coming from. Working takes so much time out of my week but it pays the bills and gives me money to support my gardening habit.
Now with my hand in a cast it is taking me longer to do even the simplest task. I was planing to get some sour dough starter going, but that is on hold for a while. I'm sure kneading bread will be good therapy when that time comes.
Lemon pie sounds good. Sorry about the tree. Nothing like home grown and very fresh.
I am looking forward to plucking some home grown parsnips soon out of my "bag" container. I don't think they will be big but I sure they will be full of flavor. This was an experiment, the bag was meant for growing potatoes.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

someone sent me this joke email

where pumpkin pie comes from

Thumbnail by onewish1
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

That's a good one!!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

OMG How funny is that!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

y'all are funny, if I may get south'n on ya. (Mason dixon line and all) I should say Youns are funny, right PA ers?
ladyg-- next time you break a wrist you won't do it before the holidays right? oh so frustrating it could be. the hang in there kitty on one paw! sure hope your stores get some canned P in this week so you can stock up. And how is hubby not as round AS a pumpkin with all your good baking to date?
Just learned that Australians call butternut squash a butternut pumpkin. Not too surprising if you've heard of neck pumpkins. My Trombocino this year look like neck pumpkins. Same seed pack as the last batch that came out longer and skinnier.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sally, It's not only hubby not getting baked goods but my co-workers and friends. I have a roast in the oven right now with lots of scrubbed but unpeeled veggies. No mashed potatoes unless hubby makes them. I'll try doing anything one handed just to see if I can. LOL

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Lady, Maybe now they will appreciate you more!

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