CLOSED: CLOSED: Post your list of MOST WANTED seeds

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Have LOTS of things on my want list.
*Hawaiian Baby Woodrose
*String of Hearts Vine (though I dont think they even have seeds)
*Weeping Cherry
*Sacred Incan Sage (yeah, I know, I'll never get it. It's just one of my fantacy plants :)
*Carrion Plant **RECEIVED. Thanks mekos!**
*Queen’s Tears
*Australian Pitcher Plant **RECEIVED**
* Weeping Katsura Tree- Amazing Grace (if they even have seeds)
*Bleeding Heart Vine
* Morning Glory - Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori **RECEIVED. Thanks Joeswife!**
*Crown Imperial Fritillaria
*Golden CHAIN Tree (NOT the rain tree)
*'Sun Parasol Stars & Stripes' Mandevilla
*Fern Leaf Peony
*Peony Poppy- 'Black Paeony' **RECEIVED in unusal seed swap. Thanks Theresa & whoever sent them in!!***

Pretty much, wanting anything that has a big flower, any vine, any thing that is bi or tri-colored, Flowering Bush or ferns. LOL. TOld you I want a lot of things.

This message was edited Nov 7, 2009 10:09 PM

This message was edited Dec 24, 2009 7:04 AM

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Dixie lol we all want lots of things! that's the fun part of being a plant person...LOL Let me double check my seeds, some of these I MIGHT have

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Chrysanthemum carinatum (or coronarium) - Tri color - Painted Daisy
Dianthus - Sugar Plum
Lilium michiganense - Turks Cap Lily - Little bulblets that form on the stems
Lycoris- Surprise Lily - all colors - Red, White, Pink, Golden, or Lavender
Pancratium maritimum - Sea Daffodil
Rhodophiala bifida - Oxblood or Schoolhouse Lily - Red or Pink
Salpiglossis sinuata - 'Kew Blue', 'Royal Mix' or 'Chocolate Royal'
Salvia viridis - Horminum Sage - "Pink Sunday" & "Blue Monday"
Sprekelia formosissima

This message was edited Nov 11, 2009 2:11 PM

This message was edited Nov 11, 2009 5:45 PM

This message was edited Nov 11, 2009 6:45 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

dixie, dmail me for the Morning Glory - Aomurasakizyouhantenshibori

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

I'll have to check my Chrysanthemum carinatum plants to see how close they are getting on their seeds, but they should be finishing up soon.

Most wanted seeds:
Currently I'm looking for tree seeds - nearly any tree seed. I'm especially looking for trees that would be appropriate for bonsai work or that are edibles, but any interesting species, temperate or tropical would be fantastic.

I've especially been looking for:
American Chestnut (Castanea dentata)
Baobab (Adansonia digitata) - went to order this species only to find it was sold out so if anyone knows of a source, please let me know
Birches (Betua sp.) - Interested in seeds for any and all
Cedar (Cedrus sp.) - Any
Dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
Maples (Acer sp.) - I have A. circinatum and A. macrophyllum already but would be interested in any other species
Oak (Quercus sp.) - Any and all, but especially Q. suber since the deer found mine before we installed the deer fencing
Pines (Pinus sp.) - Any
Plums/Cherries (Prunus sp.) - Any wild species of edible plums or cherries
Small Fruited Pawpaw (Asimina parviflora)


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I have a small juniper in the house currently if anyone wants it!

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

trinawitch, Thanks so much!
Joeswife, I am dmailing you now. Thank you.

Langley, WA(Zone 8b)

Trinawitch - I just sent you a d-mail about the veggies, but I'd love to give the juniper a home. I have another juniper that I've been working with and I really enjoy them.


Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

thank you thank you thank you Amanda!

Dixie I have the golden chain (not rain) tree and tricolor daisy for sure!

Ellendale, DE(Zone 7a)

I am an indoor gardener from now 'til March-April.
I'd like anything that could be called a "houseplant" seed:

-succulents/cacti--things that start small and stay small
-Arizona Rainbow cactus (Echinocereus pectinatus rigidissimus)
-Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya)

-etc., etc.

It's all about the windowsill for me [sigh] .... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ....

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I'll fix you up then! I got plenty of "windowsill" stuff I can send ya!

Mount Vernon, OH

This message was edited Dec 24, 2009 8:15 AM

I'm looking for Alstromeria -different colors
If you have any of them to trade please d-mail me.
Especially Country Butterfly.

This message was edited Jan 13, 2010 12:29 PM

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi everyone, I am fairly new here and am getting my feet wet on some of the other boards. I haven't worked on a trading list yet because I am just not that organized. My seeds are in two boxes above my dry sink. After the holidays I plan on tackling them with a vengeance. For now, here is my wish/want list............uhmmm.........if it grows and it does NOT move under it's own motivation, I want it! Ok, seriously, these are the seeds I would love to acquire.

Clematis, any kind
Petunia, again, any kind
Herbs: yeah, you guessed it, any
Money plant
Baby's breath
and last but not least
Hollyhocks, any color

jar617 when you get your have list ready and want a trade, let me know, I have most of what you are wanting. But will have to be after the holidays.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Mekos, you can have some for postage.

Dellroy, OH(Zone 6b)

Thank you Mekos....After the holidays I will send you a d-mail about the have list.

Merry Christmas to all and have a blessed holiday season.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I would love a few Love Lies Bleeding. I have many different tomato and pepper seeds to offer.

Closed. Ya'll are quick on the draw. Thanks.

This message was edited Dec 24, 2009 4:35 PM

Twiggy, I have love lies bleeding and if you will send some vegie seeds you have to CajuninKy, for the people she is trying to help in the phillipines, I'll send you some of mine. It doesn't matter how many you send, I'll send plenty of these to you after the holidays and any others you need, if I have, will also share with you. D-mail me after the first and will get right on it.

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Thank you mekos for your offer and also for helping Cajun. I sent Cajun a pile of seeds already and it was a pleasure to help such a worthy cause. In fact I'm going to make a special effort to save OP seeds just for worthy causes next year and would like to encourage others to do the same.

I already had a dmail offering the Love Lies Bleeding and have responded. Thank you very much for your offer.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I need veggie seeds. Exp zucchini, tomato, and any herb seeds.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Also want: Maximillian sunflower seeds
Chocolate vine, wood poppy, Bleeding heart, Orange Gnome Maltese Cross, Lavender Mist Meadow Rue

This message was edited Dec 26, 2009 10:46 PM

Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

Marti001 dmail me with an idea what you're looking for.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi Folks
I am looking for:

creeping thyme
any orange or yellow gazania
mints (apple, peppermint, etc.) that come true from seed
luffa seed

I'll trade whatever on my have list or postage for these. Thanks! :-)

This message was edited Jan 7, 2010 7:13 PM

Montezuma, IN(Zone 6a)

Our family is earnestly seeking the fruits (seed with hull) of Western Soapberry ! (sapindus drumondii) This is for a school science project. Though we live in Indiana, we have family living in several spots of N.E. Texas who could do local pick-up of some Soapberries. Or, we are more than willing to pay for postage. Thank you !!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hakonechloa grass... Not sure this comes true from seeds...Id love to try it or trade for some rooted pieces if anyone has some thier willing to share..

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Here is my huge 2010 Wish List for seeds:
Amberboa muricata
Aster - Fall blooming such as Wartbur Star and Rice Button,Others, especially dwarfs
Bell Flowers - Peach leafed

Campanula persicifolia - Chettle Charm - esp wanted
Carnation Enfant de Nice
Catchfly – Angel series (dwarf varieties)
Cleome – Dwarfs such as Linde Armstrong or Spirit Series
Dianthus – Especially unusual varieties, what do you have?
Echinacea - Prairie Splendor-Prefer purhased seed to make sure the seed comes true unless this is the only Echinacea you grow
Helianisis-shorter varieties
Heliopsis-shorter varieties
Lupine-Dwarf, but not pink
Monarda Coral Reef
Pansy – Flamenco or Bolaro (new name for Flamemco Pansies), Contessa, Can Can,Flirty Skirts,Rococo, Frizzle Sizzle
Penstemon Electric Blue
Rudbeckia - Prairie Sun
Scabiosa-let me know what you have
Zinnia - Magellan or Dreamland
Verbascum Southern Charm
Viola Freckles or Rebecca
New and Different Varieties of the following:
Perennial Poppy

If you have any of these and are interested in trading, I can send you a link to my Trade List. Thanks for looking,


This message was edited Jan 4, 2010 8:58 PM

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 7:56 PM

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 7:58 PM

This message was edited Jan 25, 2010 11:44 AM

This message was edited Feb 5, 2010 6:41 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Linda, I have the gomprema Strawberry Fields, send an sase to me, I am in the address exchange.

Madison, MS

I would like veggie seeds ( any kind) and lupines.


(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Would love some Marigold Simba!

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Ronnie,
I just D-mailed you about Simba Marigold seeds.

Newport News, VA(Zone 11)

Hi, My most wanted list

Any columbines, Aquilegia---got some
Lupines--got some
Rudbeckia hirta---got some
Azalea "kaempheri "
Hydrangea 'Little Honey'
Large Monkey Flower (Mimulus guttatus)
Winter Savory---got some
Allium---got lots

I have many seeds to trade not shown in my have list.


This message was edited Feb 2, 2010 3:47 PM

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7b)

Linda (Igrowinpa), I have some 'Envy' zinnia that is what they call chartreuse (greenish yellow) in color. I'm not growing them again so if you want them, let me know. Thanks. Stacey

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Would love to have:
Campulana - blue or white
Morning Glory - red or blue
Sweet Pea - any
White Marigold
Anything I don't have on my have list that grows in zone 5

Mount Vernon, OH

seeds wanted:
Campanula glomerata-(re'vd)
african violets
any kind of house plant
heirloom tomato seeds - (recvd)
Red Bell Pepper (sweet)-(recvd)
Ornamental peppers
venus fly trap
ghost plant
any carnivore plants;venus fly trap/pitcher plants
different color four oclocks (than standard yellow and pink)
living stones
birds of paradise

Have LOTS of seeds,these are commerical seed, new packs:
Have List:

This message was edited Jan 25, 2010 6:09 AM

Cumberland Mtns, TN(Zone 6b)

can you grow clematis from seed? i thought you had to have plants. if you can, I'd LOVE to have seeds for any of the large flowering clematis,
Crystal Fountain
Florida Sieboldii

ECHINACEA - I'd like to have coneflowers everywhere.
Mac 'n' cheese
Green Envy
Coral Reef
Tomato Soup
Pink Poodle

White Ball - Dwarf
Orange Sceptre'
Blue CHip

seed and blulb books are coming faster than i can read them...think spring!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

nannie , yes you can grow clematis from seed but it takes several years for them to do anything.

Kurten, TX(Zone 8b)

Ipomena Carnea - Morning glory bush seeds - DARK PURPLE

I have these seeds
Light violet morning glory bush
White datura
'Black Pearl' ornamental pepper

This message was edited Jan 18, 2010 7:59 PM

This message was edited Jan 21, 2010 9:47 AM

This message was edited Jan 23, 2010 10:35 AM

This message was edited Jan 30, 2010 7:29 PM

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

please please, I'm looking for seeds (or cutting) of callistemon citrinus (bottlebrush). Anyone got any?

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

don't think I'm crazy, which I am, but I'm also looking for spearmint seeds or cuttings. I had some I brought from Montana, and it died!

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