What Are You Willing To Trade For It? *Seed Auction* # 7

ENJOY it have fun. So glad he is celebrating with his parents rather than out somewhere else. That is so nice.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Yeah I love my Michael... although I wanted to murder him today because he dumped the yucky horsee doodoo straw all over my dayliles that I just planted this morninggggggg.... ok, breathe, breathe... It's all better, I fixed it >:-) Good thing my DH noticed it and told me.. they'd been dead by tomorrow.. lol.. I don't want my kids to grow up.. I really don't! Funny when they were little we used to say 'boy I'll be glad when they're older"- I so take that back.. I miss when they were little. I know we probably shouldn't be talking about this here, but yesterday all 3 of my kids (18,16, 14) climbed into my Mustang and went driving off to go to the mall. That was the first time they have ever gone somewhere together without us. I started to kinda cry and they all got out of the car and hugged me.. it was sad but good at the same time.. can't keep them in a bubble forever. Nite all ;-)

That is sweet of them to feel like that and notice your pain AND try to console you. You are blessed.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

You are obviously a wonderful parent. Be proud of yourself as well as of them, as they are learning from you as parents. Nice Job!!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks guys, a little validation always feel good ;-)

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Hey ladies.. auction will be ending shortly.. Any more bids???

Hi Mechelle

They'll wander in eventually. Run them down on the chit chat thread. LOL

Good luck ladies. Thanks for all the bids and help for getting seeds for the newbie cause and when newbies join up, I know they all will thank you as well.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I Added to my bid

Ye-Ha got some good ones, there. I'm glad I'm not picking this week, would be hard for me.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I Added to my bid the bromielad is similar to this http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/103124/

I'm confused about Dave's time I guess. LOL I could be just confused. I could be lost. LOL

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice ILJ! You guys are making it so hard to decide!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

If you scroll up to the top right hand corner, it shows the time (Dave's time) .. which is an hour behind me. I guess depending on where you are... It gets me mixed up too Seray

This message was edited Sep 13, 2009 7:39 PM

Thanks that will save some work!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Just 19 Little minutes to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That time zone thingy is a bummer. It's 9:45 here. This is why arejay was always in a time warp, remember? We are all in different time zones. It is a little confusing.
Are we there Yet???

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

My retarded satellite internet is about ready to take a nose dive because my daughter d/l 5 cd's today.. So I am going to announce the winner a few minutes early..

After careful consideration, I have decided that there will be TWO winners of this auction. I have double of ALL the seeds and ALL the surprises...


ILOVEJESUS99 AND JERODSMOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You both put forth an awesome effort and you both deserve to win!


You may both dmail me to exchange addresses and info. XOXOX Mechelle

Thumbnail by MechelleT

Congratulations Ladies!!!! Really awesome bids from both of you.

CONGRATULATIONS to BOTH of you. Great choices. WOW ! Super nice of Mechelle to do this for you both. LOTS of great seeds and plants here, and surprises. Yooo hoooo!

Spooner, WI

WOW! What a haul! I think everyone wins on this one (well, except for me & the other "non-winners", but it was fun watching the excitement).

We ALL win. It's fun to watch all the new gaedens grow. I may not have won the auction but we are all winners, we're all here on this garden site, having fun and sharing what we have. That is all win win.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

It has been fun. I am very happy to help and excited to win at the same time. Congrats JERODSMOM!!!

Thanks Ladies. It has been raining a few days so I will get these out when safe and they won't mold. :o)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

Oh my gosh ! I wasn't expecting to win anything. I plan to share my newly acquired plant wealth with a family that had moved into their new home just as the housing market hit the skids here in Calif. Then his work slowed down to nothing, I know this because he works for my husband who has been terribly slow this year. I know how discouraging it can be to move into a new home and then have to look at dirt out your back window every time you look out, so I have been dividing all my perennials to share with them, the daylily's and some of the iris's from this win will go to them too.

Thank you Mechelle for making this possible.


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Congratulations to both of you!! It will be so much fun seeing all the new stuff in everyone's yards next year! Patricia, if you need any seeds of things for your new neighbors let us know. If I have anything they want, would love to share!

That is sooooo nice and you will be so greatly blessed for helping them with their gardens. Bless you.
This has been the greatest auction and so looking forward to the vegie auction next week. Everyone get heirloom vegie seeds ready, grab a drink and sit back for a winner on it. Bring on the vegies!!!! Get a start now for the spring gardens to plant. Next week keep watching.
So much fun lined up for it. Great ideas, Mechelle.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

That's very cool, Jerodsmom. I couldn't be happier. Random acts of kindness are good for the soul. ;-)

What a great thing to do Jerodsmom! We'll share things with her too if you tell us what she would like.

Shepherdsville, KY


Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks I have been working on getting my bod together today. I wish I could find my small plastic seed bags :o)

ILJ Sometimes you can find small bags in a pharmacy. They are for individual pills. I got a whole bunch very cheap on a rack in Kroger. Holds lots of seeds. Try there if you can't find yours. :)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

seray I sure will. That is a Great idea. I would have never thought of looking there. I have bought mine in the past at Hobby Lobby. Thanks again. :o)

I got my bags at wal-mart in the craft department for beads. They have several different sizes.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks mekos

If you want paper bags to put seeds in you can go to the home page here and click extras and keep going there and they have beautiful little bags on a printer you can print them out several to a page and just glue or tape them together. I love them, they are free to print out. Lots of designs even some for the holidays.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

I print alot of those out and make them up for Robin to put seed in for the newbies There is really some cute ones on there.

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I got some of those bags in the craft dept at Walmart for like 97 cents. I have my seeds in a big index card box, need to find some alphabetical dividers that fit in it.

Hi ILJ! I am getting your box ready to ship. Just dmail me and we'll swap info. ;-)

Next weeks auction will be fun. Is everyone getting their veggie seeds together?


Monticello, KY(Zone 6b)

Mechelle Robin has all my veggie seeds or will have soon they might not be there yet. So I don't have any to bid with now.

Mindy- go to the store and garden centers and buy some. make trades for vegie seeds. GO find vegie seeds!!!!

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