Baby clems from the not-a-coop with Evey

Appleton, WI

Kell, Clematis roots can tolerate being dry much better than most people think. They won't bloom well, but they will be fine. Even though clematis like moisture during the growing season, too much water will quickly make the roots rot. When you get the plants, soak the roots in water for an hour. They will be fine.

Baton Rouge, LA

Hi Kell, I looked up the FedEx delivery confirmation and it says the clems were delivered at 1:28 on Friday. They were signed for by M. Santos. Hopefully he/she put them someplace cool; that will help. Are you planning on going Tuesday morning to pick them up at his office? They weren't sent bone dry... they were just sent on the dry side to avoid the potential for fungus forming. Each pot is wrapped in plastic to help retain any moisture that was there before shipping. Hopefully, they will be fine. It's too bad you didn't just have them sent to your house. Then they would have been waiting by your door when you got home on Friday night.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I am thinking Mrs Yuki and Pinky are group 2. Just a hunch and nothing to back up my statement.

I planted Mrs. Yuki with Dr. Ruppel and Pinky with Rebecca. My Rebecca is just about to bloom again and this is a seriously beautiful red.

Edited to add:

I did some hunting and both Pinky and Mrs Yuki are "early large flower group" I am getting a feel for clems Who Hoo


Early large-flowerd variety, very beautiful clematis raised by Tsuneo Ishiguro in Japan.

Clematis name: ‘Mrs Yuki’ ミセス・ユキ
Click icon
Group: Early large-flowered group 大輪早咲き系
Flowering period(s):    
Pruning: Light prune (Group 2) 弱剪定
Raised by: Takeshi Watanabe 渡辺 違さん
Country of origin: Japan 日本
Date raised:    
Flower colour: Reddish purple 赤紫
Size and shape of sepals:    
Colour of stamens:
filaments and anthers Yellow 黄色
Other name(s): None known

This message was edited Sep 7, 2009 8:29 PM

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I looked it up too Evey on Saturday. Tom has just left his office. He has no idea who M Santos is. If he knew I would have gone in Saturday to get them. He closed his office and let everyone go home early for the long weekend. I am hoping they left them in the office next to his.

I never even thought about the holiday when we talked. What will be, will be.

Here is another pic of that handsome guy. I was so taken with him. Such a beautiful animal.

Thumbnail by Kell
Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Kell these were seriously well packed. Yours should be fine. I would be more upset that they were just out of my reach rather than the shape they'd be in.

Knowing me I would have rushed back to my office, set off the alarm (I never get my code right), made up some excuse about forgetting work I intended to do over the weekend and got my hands on them. But that's just me LOL

Appleton, WI

Your handsome guy is gorgeous. I should post my picture of Tammy, a beautiful chimp who was locked in a small cage and was pleading with me to let her out.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Kell, I did receive my clems from Koi Gardens. They got here sometime during the ag fiasco. I didn't even open the box for weeks. No time. Anyway, when finally I opened them, they were dead dry twigs. Then I just took the four little pots and set them on the side on a shelf for another few weeks. When I finally finished ag, I took 4 plastic drinking cups and filled them about 3/4's full with water, allowing space for the little pots to fit in the glass, resting on the top edge. In other words, I submerged the little pots in water up to the top of the rim. After about a week, I started seeing little green leaves. You should see them now. I didn't even remove the dead foliage until I started seeing green leaves coming out. I was so happy. Any way, they are tough little buggers. No matter what they look like when you get them, they will be fine. Believe me, if I didn't kill mine, yours are going to be great.


Baton Rouge, LA

Debbie, that's inspirational. If you can get those results in Denham Springs (not far from me... I know you're boiling over there too!!!), then I'm sure Kell will have success in her temperate climate. Hopefully, they won't have any problems to start with, but if they do, it's nice to know clems can revive so well from dehydration. Thanks for sharing that!

Northern California, United States(Zone 9a)

Kell, Oscar looks fab! I got a few pics of him too. I just so happen to be reading a book right now about Dian Fossey and her work with the great apes. Very interesting read.

Getting a few more clems myself, oh my will we all have beautiful blooms next year to share here! I have a wish list started :-)

Columbus, OH

BlissfulGardens, You have a D-Mail.

Baton Rouge, LA

Confussedlady, I responded. =)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Just wanted all to know that I received my clems today! Dispite FedEx not being able to find Wyoming! Evey sent everything packed wonderfully, which is what I attribute their still looking great! They were a little droopy looking and very thirsty, but I gave them a good soaking and they have revived marveslously! YIPPEE! Was concerned that with them going the l-o-ong way to get here, they may have suffered some, but they are truly hardy plants, and I don't think any are worse for wear. And they got to see a lot of pretty areas on their way to me. So glad they like road trips! Thanks again, Evey! You did a great job!

Baton Rouge, LA

Sandi, I'm SO glad they finally arrived and look good! I had already called the FedEx office this morning to inform them that the package was not delivered last week as promised. If any of yours do not thrive, let me know... they have a record at the FedEx office that the delivery was not on-time and will make good on anything that does not do well for you.

Now we just have to hope that Kell's still look good after being locked in her husband's office all weekend. =P

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Kell, judging by the way mine looked, you will have nothing to worry about! Do let us know how they are tho! We are anxious to find out!

Baton Rouge, LA

Bookreader, just saw that you had added to your post for Pinky and Mrs. Yuki. How did you get the Japanese page to come up in your search?! Mine keeps filtering out the Japanese returns on search, which is a bit frustrating when I WANT a Japanese page!!!

Here's a photo of Mrs. Yuki in bloom:

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

And here is Pinky:

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

If mine from Wal Mart, earlier this year, and those from Koi, all survived (which they did) and are all happy and healthy plants then I see no reason why Kell's won't thrive when they're planted and cared for as we've all discussed. Even though our irrigation system was accidentally shut off for quite a while the clematis are all fine and in great shape. I'd bet that 90% of their survival is due to good planting habits and good care. Without that most are doomed.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Thank you for the info on 'Pinky' & 'Mrs. Yuki' :) skellogg, glad to hear your clems made it & that they are alright :)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Blissful - has everyone received their clematises from you now?

Baton Rouge, LA

Well, I haven't heard from Kell yet. Hers were delivered on time, but as posted above, were left at her husband's office. I don't know if she's collected them and opened the box yet. Otherwise, yep, they're all at their new homes safe and sound! =)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)


Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I googled clematis Mrs. Yuki and just kept looking until I found what I was looking for.

Here is the link

Pirl I was shocked at my walmart clems too. After reading here I pulled them up to grow out this summer but I forgot one and it bloomed beautifully. Who knew dried up bag junk would do so well. It was begginers luck I think. They were the first clems I bought, ever.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks... I just need to be more tenacious going through my search pages, I guess!

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I had the inlaws here for 5 days google was my saviour. It saved me from baseball and tennis all weekend.

I am more of a food network person myself.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Gosh I hope Pinky is one I ordered. That is so beautiful!

You were all correct, the clematis were no worse for wear! And Evey, as I suspected, wrapped them to the Nth degree!

It was great that you used those chop sticks for the label inadvertently got put on the bottom of the box so it was upside down a lot I suspect from all the dirt falling out. But, the plants were perfect!

I am so beat I am going to bed to watch a movie, I think. It was a long but fantastic day!

THANK YOU, EVEY! You are so great!

Baton Rouge, LA

I'm glad they were still happy after their holiday weekend! Thanks for the update, Kell. =)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

bookreader: I buy clems, just for the fun of it at $5.00 each, from Walmart each year in very early March. I think they're just breaking dormancy then because they generally do have some new green growth. Most I give to my daughter but I keep a few to tuck into special places.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

just an update. I got all 12 clems planted last Monday and they all look good and healthy. Each one has new growth but Candida is going gangbusters. I was really surprised at the growth in a week.

One question though. I mixed in some bone meal and rosetone when I planted. I am thinking I probably shouldn't give them anything else this season since I don't have much time left before it ends. Should I feed them again once more before we get hit with bad weather? If so when? I was thinking maybe late October.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

When does your ground freeze, if it does?

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Did you plant them into bigger containers or into the ground? I put mine into the ground and wasn't sure about fertilizing - just manure and compost. I'm afraid they aren't doing much yet - some aren't moving. I was also wondering about fertilizer.

Looked up our freeze schedule and it says mid-October, but I think that is early.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wish ours was that late, Dathen. We've already had 2 light frosts, the first August 27th. We should be good for a couple weeks, but our 15 day forcast says end of month will be cold at nights again. So I guess you just never know! I plan on protecting mine at night for a little while.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

WOW - that is early!! Aug 27th. That doesn't give you much fall planting time, does it?

I asked husband (he does a lot of planting) and he said Oct.15 is our frost......ground freeze is late Nov., early Dec.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

We can get frost anytime but ground freeze isn't until late Nov or early December. Should I just scratch in some rosetone in October?

dathen- I had to get them into the ground. When I planted I mixed in manure and peat along with rosetone. I put the bone meal in the bottom of the hole.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I wouldn't feed them if you'll have frozen ground within two months. Anything I'm planting now will get bone meal in the bottom of the hole and then just compost and manure with a lot of compost on top. It doesn't usually freeze here until mid January.

Athens, PA

Bookreader -

definitely use the bone meal when planting your clems, however I would wait on the rosetone. I am half a zone warmer than you are and I don't start with the rosetone until April-ish.

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

I already used the rosetone when I planted. I always mix in the appropriate "tone" when planting anything. (love their products) so I guess that I will just leave them alone until spring when I do the roses.

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

I do the same thing but I use bulbtone on everything in the fall, and I water in with a bit of liquid iron and epsom salts because our alkaline soil is bad for uptake of some minerals.

W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Do you think that the epsom salts helps with the plant's use of nutrients?

Grayslake, IL(Zone 5a)

It's for the magnesium in it. I have trouble with leaves lightening between the veins, which is supposed to be either iron or magnesium deficiency, and just giving iron doesn't always help, so I think I need more magnesium too.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Just curious as to how everyone's clems are doing? Mine are still doing good! My Amanda Marie did die back on one of it's stems, and all the leaves fell off, however, it is rebounding nicely and am getting some new growth on that stem now. I planted my Ristimagi in my front yard facing Sundance Mountain, as it has a big cross on the top of it that is lit up at night. Seemed like a perfect place for a clem with a name that means "Cross Mountain" LOL

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