Late August blooms

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I got these beautiful AV from Doc at the swap.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is the other one.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

While I am posting pic of houseplants I have to show you my Sherry Baby Orchid. This thing has 4 flower spikes and blooms everywhere. Then there is the wonderful scent that makes even my inadequate sense of smell swoon.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

awww, look at the cute baby orchid.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

onewish, the picture reminds me of the line from Toy Sotry (and lots of other westerns) Reach for the sky!!!
like that Black eyed stella- plain stella is not my favorite color.
My Autumn Joy- is not quite blooming yet but very soon. This spring it was getting sooo tall that I pruned it. This year they are shorter with smaller but still plentiful flower heads. I'm not sure if I like it but the taller stems and bigger heads are more prone to flop in that slightly shaded spot.
Holly--I will remember that name when I look at those HD orchids they always clearance.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Remember the small rooted Brug you first gave me? The one that was a CG?
It has grown so beautiful--having survived a couple of Spider Mite attacks earlier in the season.
Of course--it hasn't "Y"'ed yet--so there won't be any blooms until next year. It is just growing straight up with huge leaves--all healthy and green now.

This link is from Kell (the Brug goddess in CA. It is from the Brugmansia Forum. it shows a CG tree covered in bloom. They never have to take their Brugs in--so they grow into trees there.

The picture I am attaching is to show you how nice your little CG has grown.
The plant to the left is my huge Clivia. I have been meaning to divide it--but am a bit intimidated. it is over 30 yrs. old and has never been out of this 12" pot. I hot it from a friend 3 years ago.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is a close-up of the top of the CG (Charles Grimaldi) plant.

Edited to say---Look how the layers of leaf-growths are getting closer together at the top of the plant?
That usually means that it will "Y" soon. Learned that from someone.....some time ago.

This message was edited Sep 5, 2009 9:53 AM

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You all MUST see that Kell link just above. You won't be lieve the blooms.

Gita--maybe see if you can even get the clivia to slide out of the pot at all, first. If so, then it's probably one solid mass, you might just try to get some smaller pieces off the sides and see how they do and refill with some soil in the main pot. But you already knew all that...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And--here is my HUGE "Maya" Brug.
I have decided that I do not want to keep this any more. It has grown too large.
I have a nice cutting (from last Fall) growing and will start with that all over again. I just do not have room for a small tree in my basement. It is already making a pile of buds for it's last flush of bloom. This will be #3. Might take a couple of cuttings like i did last fall.

I wrote an e-mail to Rawlings Conservatory and sent pictures to see if they, ot the Cylburn Arboretum would like to adopt it. I am NOT holding my breath. Beings it is labor Day weekend--I will not hear from them for some time.
MEANWHILE!!!!! If they say "NO"--I may advertise it and see if I can sell it. OR..........

I would like some of you that live in this area to think about adopting this from me. FREE!
You WILL need a Van or a P/U truch to get it home. It is in an 18" pot half-buried in a flower bed.

Here is the cutting that will have to carry on----

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Sally! That is why I have been procrastinating.......I know it will be a monster job!
Probably will do more harm than good--but it really, really needs to be divided!

OK! On to show they (in case you missed it before) the 2nd bloom flush it had in August.....

Since it is already growing buds for the next one--I feel it needs to find a home asap!

Keep your fingers crossed!!!! G.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

OH! meant to show you how big it is right now--NO blooms---it is gathering momentum-----resting a bit!

This picture was supposed to go with the post above--where it said --"and here is my HUGE "Maya".....Don't know what happened----

Here is the "tree"

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Crossing fingers for Rawlings--
I will pass on the mama myself because I have two lovelies from it already. I now have four small Brugs and a similar size Plumeria for winter care, oh and dwarf banana...
Yesterday I noticed my vet's office has some nice big windows and open space..Might just give them a Shefflera, bored with it. The school where I used to volunteer is not even that interested in donated plants. People who like plants will bring their own to work and people who Don't, won't even care for a free sad!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Your tree looks so pretty with all the colorful blooms under it!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just for "entertainment"---

Here is another one of Kell's pictures.....Just to blow you away!
Seems they all can grow like this if you live in CA! I have seen some tree pictures from there that look almost "obscene".....Go to the Brug Forum to see all kinds of wonders....

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks again--Sally. I took coleus cuttings from these and some others the other day. Hope they root.
You have been here---This is my kitchen-side bed.
The Hydrangia on the left is the Endless Summer one. There is nothing "endless" about it! It put out all these blooms in Spring--and I have seen--maybe--2-3 others since then.

I bought a 3gal Knockout Rose from HD the other day. They are on sale for $16.97 (reg. $19.97).
Look for places that have gotten a fresh shipment in for this sale. I would not buy the ones that have been sitting around there all Summer.

To give this Rose a new home--I will be digging up my old "Carpet Rose" by my shed and planting the "Knockout" one there.
See? Everything new in my beds means something old has to go.....Pathetic!!!!

Here's the New Rose.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And--Here is the Carpet Rose. that will be given away to someone after i dig it up. maybe my Mgr. will take it....
I cut it back last Fall---It grows too sprawly for my taste. It does not like being cut back and takes a couple years to re-grow....

Maybe I will have the same problem with the "knockout" down the road.....Will see....Such is life....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, Guys....

Remember my mystery Flower" no one here ID'd?
I just put it on the Plant ID Forum ans in less than a half hour someone from Germany ID'd it for me.
Ain't DG amazing!!!

Here is my post....and the answer. Click on the link--very informative!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, If I lived closer I'd snatch up your Burg in a heart beat. All your plants look so nice and healthy, you may have a small garden but it is packed full of wonderful looking plants.

Everyone, I took the liberty of leading the September bloom thread, so more space for sharing all our wonderful blooms.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

all the brugs are wonderful!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, You just gotta love that Plant ID Forum!
Beautiful pics. I'd grab that Brug, too. But just don't have space for it this year.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: You probably said somewhere earlier, but when you overwinter your brugs, do you leave them in the dark, or do you give them light? I've been overwintering them in our dark garage, and not watering them. You mention that you water once a month. I'm wondering if I can get away with leaving them in the dark garage, but try watering once a month, or whether I need to find a window somewhere.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The part of the basement I keep them in is the lowest of the 4 levels of my house. It was my Ex's shop. Basically, concrete walls and floor and exposed ceiling. It
Is not heated--but never gets really frigid either. It has a tiny window at the end--maybe 2'x1 1/2'. That is the only light source. Needless to say--no light to speak of.

If your Brugs will have exposed roots--like if you dug it out of a bed--put a plastic bag over the pot so they won't dry out.
I may water much less than once a month. Maybe 3x throughout the whole winter--just maybe a cup of water in the big pots.

Before you put them away for dormancy--treat the soil with some kind of Systemic to kill whatever has crawled in there. Do this about 2 weeks before taking them inside. Also--remove all but the topmost leaves from all the branches of the plant. They will drop off anyway. Less mess to clean up.
If your garage does not get near freezing--it should be OK. 50's would be OK. If it gets too cold--maybe you could run a small heater in there off and on.

How big are your Brugs? What were they growing in all Summer? Pots or a bed?

Don't worry too much. Brugs are really tough plants. VERY resilient!


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Gita. Mine grow in pots. They've overwintered in the garage for some years, but I do have some loss. It is completely dark. It is heated a bit -- doesn't freeze. I'm going to try watering a bit -- I've never done that.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Forgot to mention.....
If you have them in the same pots year after year--you need to root-prune them and add fresh soil all around the sides and the bottom after you do this. I do this almost every other year--and mine are in 20"-22" pots. BIG job--for sure!

They grow so many big roots! I bet your pots are full of them.

Next Spring--get the plants out of the pots they are in--grab a sturdy knife and slice away--ALL around the sides of the root ball (2"-3" off) and same on the bottom. Then add really good potting mix with, maybe, some Dynamite or Osmacote in it to feed them for the season. You should also be feeding established Brugs at least once a week--with whatever you have on hand. Something balanced--like 20-20-20 or 5-10-5 or serious seaweed or Fish Emulsion will be great. Now and then--also add some Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) for over all hardiness and better blooming. According to the people "down South"--you cannot overfeed Brugs! They call them "pigs"...

Mind you--I am good at GIVING advice--NOT so good at doing it myself.....:o)

Best to you---Gita

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Gita. I'm good about the root pruning -- it is the overwintering I don't have a good handle on. I can't keep them inside because of our cats....

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